"Terrorism" Hysteria


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I was reading an article on news.com.au about the recent situation at Heathrow airport, and was saddened to see the following reader comment to the article:

John C said:
Anyone here lose some they know to a "terrorist attack"? Maybe if you had you would understand why alerts like this and laws like this are important and needed. It is easy to sit back and say that this is all a scare tactic and governments seeking attention, until it hits home and someone close to you is affected by the gutless wonders! These people are thugs and I am more then happy to lose some of our freedoms, if as a result my family is safer!

Posted by: John C of Sydney 5:11pm today
Two possibilities sprang immediately to mind.

1) This is what this sad excuse for a human being actually thought.
2) The comment was simply "hired clapping" posted by an agent of some description.

The former possibility was the stronger impression, leading me to then wonder just HOW is it possible that someone could write something like this in all seriousness? Well, the obvious answer is simply that they are afraid.

Fear is the number one tool for psychopaths and the pathocracy (via their media proxies of course), and responses like the above sadly demonstrate how effective it is. I cannot help but want to ask this person, "How much freedom for how much safety? Where does it end? Where do you, personally, draw the line and say 'this far, but no more' ? Will your children thank you for bequeathing them a prison and shackles as their inheritance?"

Such a person could never be a Martin Luther King, an Einstein, a Gurdjieff, or a Ghandi. What can such a person offer the world? What a sad reality they must inhabit - the reality of sheep quietly awaiting the truck to the abbatoir, thinking that their charmed existence is somehow different from the rest of the flock.

Where is human dignity in John's comment? Where is courage, strength, and hope? Where is conscience?

I may not accomplish much before I die, but I will not go quietly into the night like John C.
I have been thinking about the timing of this latest terror scare story. I find it interesting it has happened just a day after Blair was in all the headlines saying he had gone on holiday as he thought there would be a resolution and ceasefire proposal from the UN reayd to go today. Maybe Im a bit too suspicious, but this timing would take the heat away from stories of Blair's failed diplomacy, and also give a neat cover to let out the stories relating to the problems the US is having with the wording of the resolution regarding Lebanon.

I read many articles yesterday saying that this UN resolution was make or brake time for Blair, and all of a sudden the next day (when his hopes for a have been dashed by his counterpart in the US) an attention grabing media story to take the focus away form stories of Blairs failed vision of a UN resolution.

Ryan it seems from this comment you picked up that the fear machine is working for some sheeple flawlessly, notice the malicous tone of the writing, and the sense of hatred the writer gives off. I don't think he's just simply afraid, but also very angry towards the "fabricated terrorists" he belives are out there. The real terrorist in the UK is holidaying with his family out of the country while Lebanon continues to burn.

I agree that this mindset is pretty scary, and thankfully there are at least a few of us who can see through the veil.
There was a lot of criticizm of Israel on the internet and other places, since it is very difficult at this point for Israel to continue to justify clearly disproportionate and brutal mass murders that people even with half a neuron are beginning to see. Many people who were stark supporters of Israel are having difficulty justifying what is happening as far as I've seen and a LOT more people are angry with Israel than there have ever been upto this point. So I think maybe these terrorist scares are also a way to distract from Israel's current mass slaughters? But if so I don't think it was a big enough distraction - it might've been if the attacks "succeeded" though. So if the Mossad wanted this as a distraction, and for some reason England interfered, I might ask why?

Here's my thought process on that. Israel's current "conflict" is a great distraction from Iraq which benefits US/UK for the time being. But too much attention on Israel also starts bringing out the really psychopathic/negative/unjustifiable actions it has already been doing for a long time and escalating to an extreme degree now. One way they had to escape criticizm (among other pathocratic ways) was simply to focus world's attention away from them the best they can. So maybe it's like a tennis game - Israel tries to put attention back to Al Qaeda/Iraq/US/UK, but US/UK circumvent this move because they too like the heat/attention to be taken off of them and their illegal wars and mass slaughters etc.

It also has all the usual consequences - convince people that war on terror is working and necessary, that terror threat is real, and curbing their freedoms is a must. And due to all the criticizm of Israel right now, it may be another way to justify Israel's actions because Israel uses the pretext that they are fighting terrorists, and maybe this is a way to "remind" the rest of us just how real and bad terrorists are, and why Israel is the good guy for fighting them.

But it's ironic that since US/UK are really controlled to a very large extent by Zionists, even if they deflect attention from themselves to Israel, in the end it will go back to them so the relief would be very temporary. It's like if your hand is on fire and you transfer the fire from your hand to your head. Great so your hand experiences relief but your head is on fire. But when your head burns out, your hand, by extension, will too even if at the time you didn't think of it and just wanted brief relief for your hand.

So it just seems like what they are doing is transfering fire back and forth between their limbs and their head. While their hands are on fire (UK/US) they try their best to apply ice and treat their head. Then when they can't take any more fire on their hands they transfer it to the head and desperately try to treat their hands, and so on. How long can they keep up this "world's attention/heat juggling act" before treatment will no longer be effective? I mean you can only burn/treat/burn/treat so many times before permanent damage or total destruction occurs no matter how much ice you apply.
I ran for my official SOTT Sick Bag (TM) after I heard the police spokesman in London talk about disrupting a plan of "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" and "untold death and destruction". http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4778575.stm

Contrary to what authorities are supposed to do, these guys are actually encouraging panic and hysteria! They obviously watched "V" and learned a couple of tricks. This also reminds me of that episode from the Simpsons where an expert is on TV and the journalist asks him: "Would you say that we have now a good reason to panic and despair?", and the expert calmly replies "Yes, I would say so."

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
There was a lot of criticizm of Israel on the internet and other places, since it is very difficult at this point for Israel to continue to justify clearly disproportionate and brutal mass murders that people even with half a neuron are beginning to see. Many people who were stark supporters of Israel are having difficulty justifying what is happening as far as I've seen and a LOT more people are angry with Israel than there have ever been upto this point. So I think maybe these terrorist scares are also a way to distract from Israel's current mass slaughters?
You know, when the Lebanon offensive began, 11/12th of July, there were a series of bombings in India. And right now that Israel is enlarging its ground invasion this 'scare' happens. Funny coincidences, aren't they?

Ryan said:
Two possibilities sprang immediately to mind.

1) This is what this sad excuse for a human being actually thought.
2) The comment was simply "hired clapping" posted by an agent of some description.
There have been several comments I've seen in the media from 'normal citizens' that have also given me the impression of being paid clappers. Sometimes they call to radio talk-shows. They are very articulate, eloquent and more pro-war-on-terror than Bush himself. And right now I even get the impression that they are always called 'John C'!! The man must be busy!! But of course I'm wrong. Surely agents have more imagination than that. Surely some comments are signed by 'John B'...
Ryan said:
Two possibilities sprang immediately to mind.

1) This is what this sad excuse for a human being actually thought.
2) The comment was simply "hired clapping" posted by an agent of some description.
This is the one that sprang to mind for me:

Lobaczewski said:
Schizoidia, or schizoidal psychopathy, was isolated by the very first of the famous creators of modern psychiatry. [...]

Literature provides us with descriptions of several varieties of this anomaly, whose existence can be attributed either to changes in the genetic factor or to differences in other individual characteristics of a non-pathological nature. Let us thus sketch these sub-species' common features.

Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people's intentions. They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: "Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea." Let us call this typical expression the "schizoid declaration".

Human nature does in fact tend to be naughty, especially when the schizoids embitter other people's lives. When they become wrapped up in situations of serious stress, however, the schizoid's failings cause them to collapse easily. The capacity for thought is thereupon characteristically stifled, and frequently the schizoids fall into reactive psychotic states so similar in appearance to schizophrenia that they lead to misdiagnoses. [...]

A schizoid's ponerological activity should be evaluated in two aspects. On the small scale, such people cause their families trouble, easily turn into tools of intrigue in the hands of clever and unscrupulous individuals, and generally do a poor job of raising children. Their tendency to see human reality in the doctrinaire and simplistic manner they consider "proper" - i.e. "black or white" - transforms their frequently good intentions into bad results.
God i love this picture....

Ryan said:
The former possibility was the stronger impression, leading me to then wonder just HOW is it possible that someone could write something like this in all seriousness? Well, the obvious answer is simply that they are afraid.

Fear is the number one tool for psychopaths and the pathocracy (via their media proxies of course), and responses like the above sadly demonstrate how effective it is. I cannot help but want to ask this person, "How much freedom for how much safety? Where does it end? Where do you, personally, draw the line and say 'this far, but no more' ? Will your children thank you for bequeathing them a prison and shackles as their inheritance?"
Ryan I think you've hit the nail on the head here. I was talking with a co-worker this morning about the melieu at US airports today. Her boss and another co-worker were returning from San Francisco on a business trip. She called him very early in the a.m. his time to tell him to get to the airport early, as she had been watching the news. He called at 10:30 PST to say that, even though he had gotten to the airport early, he was waiting in line behind about 500 people, whose carry-on luggage was all being hand-checked -- his flight was at 12:30 p.m. Fortunately, he and our other co-worker made it onto their flight. But, my word, what about all the many others that may not have gotten an early morning phone call from their secretaries.

All right, so then I mention how ludicrous this whole situation is and that I felt this was just another ploy by the governments of the US and Britain to get us to willingly give up more of our civil rights. She replied, "Well, I'm flying to the UK later this month, and I really feel safer for all of this." I just shook my head and said nothing. What can you say to someone who is so brainwashed to believe that our governments are "protecting" us, rather than "imprisoning" us? She feared for her safety. She believes the lie.

It's "V" coming to life before our very eyes. Quite an appropriate graphic used on today's Signs page.
It seems to have 'done the job' if the news on Yahoo is any indication



Hand luggage is now off limits, with airline passengers told to empty their pockets. Essential items were only allowed on board in clear plastic bags....

The security crackdown has already triggered long delays for passengers.

The UK's Transport Secretary, Douglas Alexander, said the restrictions were temporary but would remain in place for as long as needed.

"This heightened level of security will last only as long as the situation demands," Mr Alexander said.
Yes, we know that. That was like, really surprising (not).



Israel may be gearing up for escalation

IBL EL-SAQI, Lebanon - Israel took control of the strategic southern hub of Marjayoun on Thursday and warned that its fight against Hezbollah could grow wider and more severe if diplomacy fails. Israeli leaders have authorized a major new ground offensive going deeper into Lebanon but have held off to give international negotiators more time.
Yes, we know that too. The problem is, these so called 'terrorist' attacks can sometimes 'fail'. But I suppose if they put the rest of the worlds population into extreem panic, clog the airports and distract from what's really going on, they have to some extent, 'worked'.

Now, I suppose airports will become the next 'targets' as that's where all the people have been 'corralled'. You don't have to have a terribly good imagination to run 'false flag' operations, just an infinite capacity to fool people. According to the Pakistanis they were 'instrumental' in cracking the case. Can anyone say CIA?

Oh, and also CBS's retired reporter, Mike Wallace has (finally) managed to get an interview with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I wonder what the media are going to make of that? Apparently it hasn't aired yet, (in the US) so watch out for it.

I found these particularly pathetic 'comments' from Lone Star Times

"Liberal Fossil Questions Nut Case" Its sad when this is the best that some people can do. It might be a good idea to publish the interview, though.
Cyre2067 said:
God i love this picture....

Double-crossing pathetic little creatures.

People in the USA and Britain cannot think. If they could, they'd wonder why oh why would an alleged terrorist want to blow up an airplane when it's far easier to blow up nearly anything else where people might gather? How do more restrictions on what can be carried on to an airplane protect anybody when an alleged terrorist could more readily blow the airport itself?

This crap scare is so transparent that it's a true testiment to the fact that people truly cannot think.

Robotic nations, indeed.
re "that photo/picture". Not to diminish the import of the "terror attack" - is the photo for real? It surely recalls memories for those of us who grew up during the 30s & 40s!

[I haven't seen that pic. on Kiwi TV - but if I had, I'd have needed a sick bag close to hand too.]
It would be interesting to know who created this picture and why he chose those specific symbols. The cross a the top is a patriarchal one and the cross at the bottom is a cross of Lorraine . For more information about these crosses that carry a lot of symbolic and historic meanings :
Yes indeed, Lobaczewski really called it. It is plain and simple deliberate "hysterization" of society.

The traditional interpretation of these great historical diseases [of Pathocracy] has already taught historians to distinguish two phases. The first is represented by a period of spiritual crisis in a society, which historiography associates with exhausting of the ideational, moral, and religious values heretofore nourishing the society in question. Egoism among individuals and social groups increases, and the links of moral duty and social networks are felt to be loosening. Trifling matters thereupon dominate human minds to such an extent that there is no room left for thinking about public matters or a feeling of commitment to the future. An atrophy of the hierarchy of values within the thinking of individuals and societies is an indication thereof; it has been described both in historiographic monographs and in psychiatric papers. The country's government is finally paralyzed, helpless in the face of problems which could be solved without great difficulty under other circumstances. Let us associate such periods of crisis with the familiar phase in social hysterization. [...]

States of Societal Hysterization

When perusing scientific or literary descriptions of hysterical phenomena, such as those dating from the last great increase in hysteria in Europe encompassing the quarter-century preceding World War I, a non-specialist may gain the impression that this was endemic to individual cases, particularly among woman. The contagious nature of hysterical states, however, had already been discovered and described by Jean-Martin Charcot .

It is practically impossible for hysteria to manifest itself as a mere individual phenomenon, since it is contagious by means of psychological resonance, identification, and imitation. Each human being has a predisposition for this malformation of the personality, albeit to varying degrees, although it is normally overcome by rearing and self-rearing, which are amenable to correct thinking and emotional self-discipline.

During "happy times" of peace dependent upon social injustice, children of the privileged classes learn to repress from their field of consciousness the uncomfortable ideas suggesting that they and their parents are benefitting from injustice against others. Such young people learn to disqualify disparage the moral and mental values of anyone whose work they are using to over-advantage. Young minds thus ingest habits of subconscious selection and substitution of data, which leads to a hysterical conversion economy of reasoning. They grow up to be somewhat hysterical adults who, by means of the ways adduced above, thereupon transmit their hysteria to the next generation, which then develops these characteristics to an even greater degree.

The hysterical patterns for experience and behavior grow and spread downwards from the privileged classes until crossing the boundary of the first criterion of ponerology: the atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals.

When the habits of subconscious selection and substitution of thought-data spread to the macrosocial level, a society tends to develop contempt for factual criticism and to humiliate anyone sounding an alarm. Contempt is also shown for other nations which have maintained normal thought-patterns and for their opinions. Egotistic thought-terrorization is accomplished by the society itself and its processes of conversive thinking. This obviates the need for censorship of the press, theater, or broadcasting, as a pathologically hypersensitive censor lives within the citizens themselves.

When three "egos" govern, egoism, egotism, and egocentrism, the feeling of social links and responsibility toward others disappear, and the society in question splinters into groups ever more hostile to each other.

When a hysterical environment stops differentiating the opinions of limited, not-quite-normal people from those of normal, reasonable persons, this opens the door for activation of the pathological factors of a various nature to enter in.

Individuals we have already met [psychological deviants such as psychopaths, schizoids, characteropaths, etc] who are governed by a pathological view of reality and abnormal goals caused by their different nature are able to develop their activities in such conditions. If a given society does not manage to overcome the state of hysterization under its ethnological and political circumstances, a huge bloody tragedy can be the result.

One variation of such a tragedy can be pathocracy. Thus, minor setbacks in terms of political failure or military defeat can be a warning in such a situation and may turn out to be a blessing in disguise if properly understood and allowed to become a factor in the regeneration of a society's normal thought patterns and customs. The most valuable advice a ponerologist can offer under such circumstances is for a society to avail itself of the assistance of modern science, taking particular advantage of data remaining from the last great increase of hysteria in Europe.

A greater resistance to hysterization characterizes those social groups which earn their daily bread by daily effort, and where the practicalities of everyday life force the mind to think soberly and reflect on generalities. As an example: peasants continue to view the hysterical customs of the well-to-do classes through their own earthy perception of psychological reality and their sense of humor. Similar customs on the part of the bourgeoisie incline workers to bitter criticism and revolutionary anger. Whether couched in economic, ideological, or political terms, the criticism and demands of these social groups always contain a component of psychological, moral, and anti-hysterical motivation. For this reason, it is most appropriate to consider these demands with deliberation and take these classes' feelings into account. On the other hand, tragic results can derive from thoughtless action paving the way for spellbinders to make themselves heard.
I had the pleasure of flying today in the U.S.
I was awakened at 5:30 a.m. by my mother saying, "honey, get up, something happened at an airport and it's on the news, there are huge delays". We had watched V for Vendetta the night before, and even my mother, for all her love of sleep, said, "this is just like the movie, it all fits" - all I could really do as I watched the morning news was shake my head and repeat, much like the little coke-bottle glasses girl in the movie, "bollucks".

About the monetary loss suffered by the people literally having to throw away hundreds of dollars of make up and perfume since they could not take it with them on the plane, one local newscaster actually said, and I'm not making this up, she said, "this is the price of freedom".

Due to the already enormous lines at both the check in and the security areas, I chose to ship my luggage UPS, and just fly with no carry on, no checked luggage - this meant I only had to wait for an hour and a half in the security line.

So, I got into the security line at the airport (at least 300 people in front of me) and they had several TSA personnel walking the lines announcing what could not be taken on board -- water, drinks, toothpaste, hair gel, make-up, lip stick, chap-stick, clorox bleach pens, shampoo, sun screen, deodorant of any kind, any type of liquid, paste or, from what I could tell, moist cookie or donut.

A lot of people were rolling their eyes and making jokes about it, but there were those who resented the joking and took it very seriously. One TSA employee (Transportation Security Agency, a department of Homeland Security) was on a walkie talkie arguing about whether or not lip-stick was allowed or was a 'no go' - since the information coming down was sketchy. Another TSA crew of three was lining up at each flight gate to 'pull and inspect' passengers in case, as they put it, "we missed anything".

As I walked toward the main security check point, with my shoes in my hand and my pocket contents in a clear plastic bag, the man who appeared to be in charge of the TSA team there was barking out directions - reminding us of what we could not have on our person or in our carry on bag. He said, "don't think we won't find it, just get rid of it, because we WILL find it".

I thought, oh, yeah, the 68 year old lady in front of me traveling by herself, completely confused and concerned about losing her lipstick and make-up really needs to hear that right now, mister. We - all of us here, following all your rules are obviously public enemy number one. Of course, these comments were only spoken in my mind since I didn't really feel like being pulled aside, detained and god knows what else.

All in all, it was fascinating, and scary, and sad.

We, as a nation, are one breath away from a concentration camp in my opinion. No citizen can or would question this kind of thing - the programming is complete - and, quite frankly, as I followed the line, with all the objects I had on my person in a clear plastic bag and my shoes in my hand, I thought about how much fun it was to travel by air only ten or fifteen years ago - and how far and fast we've fallen - and how little is left of the country that I used to think was my home.
Axel_Dunor said:
It would be interesting to know who created this picture and why he chose those specific symbols. The cross a the top is a patriarchal one and the cross at the bottom is a cross of Lorraine . For more information about these crosses that carry a lot of symbolic and historic meanings :
Hi Axel, it's actually a visual reference to the movie 'V for Vendetta' - if you get a chance, you might want to see the film since its plot is a rather timely representation of our current situation. =)
Hi Anart, and thank you for the tip. I will watch V for Vendetta this week end.
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