The 2012 Scenario by Steve Beckow


The Living Force

According to Mayan, Hopi, Pueblo and other prophecies, one cycle of history is due to come to an end in December of 2012 – and another cycle begin.

Some of you may already be aware of the statements that on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 2009, we apparently saw the sun set on the Age of Pisces and dawn on the Age of Aquarius.

Others will have heard that, on that same day, the Kali Yuga or Age of Darkness reportedly ended and the Sat Yuga or Age of Truth began. Some Hindus call the Sat Yuga the "Golden Age."

The scenario I am following, whether you look at it from the Mayan perspective or from that of several other groups watching the same subject, holds that, in the year 2012, the present cycle of duality or Third-Dimensional (3D) reality will end for the greatest number of Earth residents and, together with the Planet itself, we will migrate back to the Fifth Dimension (5D), heading in the direction whence we originally came.

This event has come to be known generally, in the circles I travel in, as the "Ascension" and the period that it begins as the "Golden Age" (proper).

Some people will not come along. They are the mass murderers among us, the torturers, assassins, war criminals, financial traitors, and so on, who will choose not to go forward into the Light.

Apparently, they will remain in 3D reality. It is, and was, their choice. They will join us in the next cycle.

If one looks from today forward, then you could say I am watching a number of events, generally known as Accountability, NESARA, First Contact, and Ascension. There will be a period of perhaps two to three years between First Contact and Ascension.

"Accountability" refers to a series of events that will see the fall of a group that has held power on the Earth up till this time. This group has concentrated wealth in its own hands and has been responsible for a long list of crimes which most of us remain totally unaware of.

These crimes include 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the London bombings, the Oklahoma City bombing, HAARP-induced earthquakes and hurricanes, assassinations, global regime overthrows, torture, pandemics, poisonous chemtrails, theft of trillions, and many other acts of mass murder, crimes against humanity, and financial treason.

Society has been manipulated by this neoconservative faction and their agents in U.S. Northern Command/NORAD, Naval Intelligence, Blackwater, Whackenhut, and the alphabet agencies (NSA, CIA, MJ12, FBI, MI6, MOSSAD).

They know themselves as the "New World Order" (NWO), the "Illuminati," the military-industrial complex, the secret state, etc. Very soon the full story of what they foisted on us will be known.

You can actually go outside today, drive to the nearest airport, and say "There is no war on terror and there never was," and, provided you don't mind being thrown in jail, you'd be accurate.

"Accountability" means that all of this is now about to come to an end. You can see it around you. One of President Obama's first acts was to issue Executive Orders that restored constitutional freedoms.

Some members of Congress are calling for the prosecution of the NWO's agents, from Bush and Cheney on down. Germany and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture want American officials to stand trial for sanctioning and carrying out torture.

You can conceive of the whole NWO as a political, financial, military, educational, and media structure that is utterly collapsing. Nothing of it is destined to remain. Unfortunately we must watch what we think of as the pillars of our society collapse with them.

At the same time, another structure is rising. Because these two events are happening simultaneously, some have difficulty distinguishing between them. The second event is the building of what some people call a "Wisdom Economy" (see Zeitgeist Addendum).

Good and honest people all over the world are hard at work designing an economy that will work totally differently from the way the present one does. The present one does in fact not work and is too corrupt to ever be made to work.

The term that has come to be a code word for the Wisdom Economy is "NESARA." NESARA stands for the "National Economic Security and Reformation Act."

For years there has been a gag rule against discussing it. Some Washington journalists are trying to get around the restraints by referring to NESARA obliquely as the "Reformation Act."

NESARA was originally an act of the American Congress, signed into law by Bill Clinton in 2000, due to be announced at 10:00 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001. It was never announced because the tragic events of 9/11, which began around an hour earlier on that day, overwhelmed it (as they were designed to do).

Since then, by using fear tactics like declaring a "war on terror" where no "terror" had previously existed, the NWO cabal consolidated its power and tried to see that NESARA would never get announced.

NESARA has come to be a generic term for what is now a worldwide plan to end poverty on this planet. It will also end borders. It will mandate peace on Earth. It will see that all those accountable for the crimes I listed above are removed from power, prosecuted, and sent to jail.

I am certain, from months of researching this material, that we could not have done these things that I've just described on our own.

The people of Earth are not awake or powerful enough to have brought down the NWO cabal by themselves. Left to our own devices, our future would have seen worldwide impoverishment, enslavement, and depopulation (from 6.3 billion to a more manageable 500 million).

The latter would have been brought about by poverty, pandemics, chemtrails, GM-induced famines, artificial weather events, imprisonment in existing FEMA camps, and world wars.

For years and years, we have been told that we were on our own, that we were alone in the universe. But the truth is that we are not alone and we did not manage the fall of the NWO on our own. We had help.

Above us, in the skies, cloaked from our view and sometimes existing in higher dimensions, is a fleet of extraterrestrials of human origin, from places like the Pleiades, Sirius, Lyra, Vega, Arcturus, Andromeda and many other regions of space.

They are our family – our ancestors and, in some cases, our future. These extraterrestrial but human visitors have come to assist us with the 2012 Ascension.

Some of them have taken birth among us as starseeds. Some have walked-in to bodies after birth. Some are able to change shape and walk among us unnoticed.

They come as friends. They follow the commands of the same Heaven and the same God as we do. They are forces of love and light. We have nothing to fear from them and everything to gain from their willing assistance.

We could not have come as far as we have without their help. The people who defeated the NWO are these human space friends along with a large number of terrestrials who are variously known as their "Earth Allies" or "White Knights."

It is they who will bring in NESARA when the time is right. And it is they who will reveal themselves to us when the time for "First Contact" arrives.

We've actually had many contacts with them in the past; in fact they are responsible for seeding this planet with the human species in the first place - their own species. We are their progeny.

What we call "First Contact" is the first time that the whole planet will be aware of their presence. Even before that time but after NESARA is announced, they will begin giving us technologies that will allow us to end our dependence on oil, travel far, communicate quickly, and cure most diseases among us.

They will give us devices that will allow us to see to all our food, clothing and other needs without having to produce them in factories.

Eventually, there will be no such thing as poverty or disease on Planet Earth. There will be no such thing as religions that fight with one another. There will be no such thing as wars.

Our space brothers and sisters will prepare us for our 2012 Ascension. Apparently, what we will see when they arrive defies imagination. Their simple presence in the sky will have such an uplifting effect on us that we will not be the same from that moment on.

The governments of the world have ridiculed the idea that there are extraterrestrial craft in our skies.

But one by one France, Great Britain, Denmark, Brazil, and Canada have opened their files and shown that they have known for decades about the ET presence.

In fact, the U.S. military has benefited for years from technology transfers (anti-gravity technology, the computer chip, fibreoptics, Teflon, the "Looking Glass" [google], stealth technology).

I have told the story as if we terrestrials played the major part in it and as if our own power and knowledge are what have driven events. But I am pretty sure that it would be safer to say that the extraterrestrial influence has driven events. I don't believe that the overthrow of the NWO and the crafting of the Wisdom Economy could have been done without their efforts.

It is only now, in my estimation, that we are reaching a point where we are awake enough and enough in possession of a sense of power that we can do our share of the work needed to remove the remaining cabalists from power and usher in the Reformation Act.

If you wish to know more about 2012 and the Mayan Calendar, look for any videos by Ian Xel Lungold, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Barbara Hand Clow, or Andi Mac and Jag Steward. If you wish to know about the ET presence, go to my website, "First Contact," _ .

If you want the best intelligence available on day-to-day matters, go to Galactic Round Table-News, at _

If you want to view a range of videos by terrestrials on these topics, go to Project Camelot or Conscious Media Network. Youtube and Google Video are also full of videos on these topics, including UFOs: The Greatest Story Ever Denied.

For written channelings on the subject, go to Mike Quinsey's site, _, Sheldan Nidle's, _ (see page bottom), or Matthew's Messages, _ . These are three out of an ever-expanding number of people writing on these matters as we draw closer to these events.

Because one structure is falling while a second emerges, our world looks somewhat chaotic at the moment. But, if these reports are to be believed, in fact we are headed for a Golden Age in which our future is assured.

The more we step out and read the signs of the times, recognizing what is happening around us, the quicker will Terra Nova arise.

This just looks to be an amalgamation of several sources, although I see the influence of Suzanne Ward in particular here. There have already been critical notes regarding her material here and elsewhere on these forums:

Me thinks the author should have taken his own advise regarding what he says in the emphasized quote towards the end ;D
That looks like a good call to me, RyanX.
Me thinks the author should also have turned this 'article' over to a professional writer to help hide its' severe weaknesses if the subject matter is so important that it needs to be published to the world.

Here is the only attempt to create rapport/credibility with the reader:

According to...
Some of you may already be aware of...
Others will have heard that...

The rest is little more than assertion alternating with one of the following:

The scenario I am following
several other groups watching
...has come to be known generally, in the circles I travel in,
...I am watching a number of events, generally known as...
You can conceive of...
the building of what some people call...
Some Washington journalists...
I am certain,
terrestrials who are variously known as...
I have told the story...
I am pretty sure...
I don't believe... my estimation...

The last part of the 'article' seems to be little more than an attempt to overwhelm the reader with name-dropping and 'sources' as if to imply that his thesis is backed up by them all.

Even if everything he says is/were true, it doesn't seem to matter, as the reader is still left to do all the work of uncovering any documented facts. :D
Certainly this is an amalgamation of info from many sources. Anyone who has absorbed the articles in this forum could have written it quite handily! I don't see any special Suzanne Ward influence, as she is one of many, many that outline the same basic scenarios. The whole piece is a very round and general summation of the probable disinformation that the New Age community has absorbed and generally agreed upon by now, though the details given by the various sources may differ. Though, one bit sticks out as an exception to being round and general, and I think there's a reason.

The NESARA detail is more than I expected, so maybe worthy of note. I've noticed that NESARA seems to be under rehabilitation, reinterpretion, and reintroduction to mean something a little different than before. The description given in this article indeed matches Suzanne Ward's in that NESARA is now alleged to be a general plan, being covertly advanced, to dispel poverty worldwide -- but gone is the idea that it will be "announced" or otherwise be openly known, or that it will result in cash payments to everyone, etc. My guess is that the disinformants had to re-work NESARA to keep it alive for two main reasons: (1) there's just no way to pull this one off, and (2) too many people are invested in believing in it to let it fall away. Giving needless details such as the alleged signing into law by Clinton, etc., I think, works against greater acceptance of the notion among those have any independent-thinking capabilities and/or the will to do some research, OSIT.

If you think the story is disinformation, you problem have your biggest problem believing that there is a worldwide brotherhood of "white hats" working somehow together, but within many different existing institutions (which are all dominated by psychopaths) to design an entirely new, worldwide system of, well, everything, to replace the old and the corrupt. For that, I'm not aware of any strong evidence. From what is suspected of the PTB, it is just too strong and pervasive to allow such a thing. The New Age story says it's possible because the PTB really isn't so strong, that it is collapsing, that its support from dark ETs is long gone, and that the only ones left are darkly inclined people with no special powers, whose influence is in rapid decline. But is there evidence? There is definitely evidence that darkly inclined people have a dark agenda that is advancing, not retreating -- could that be the reason for the suggestion from channelers that what we see as dark advance is actually retreat? That would the old up is down, black is white, God works in mysterious ways, just relax and watch, etc. tactic. Confusion and inaction being thrust upon the positively inclined and the fence sitters to keep them out of the way. Just my opinion.

If we take a step back from all this and view a bigger picture, it's possible to consider that the whole story is aimed at those who can't let go of 3D reality. Most of the promised changes are material/environmental, suggesting that we're all "good enough" already, we just deserve a nicer place to live in all our goodness. Ending "suffering" is equated to things like ending poverty. Bringing "justice" is equated to things like throwing the crooks out. Cleaning the environment and introducing helpful hidden technologies is part of the mix. I mean, what about the idea that 3D duality is designed to have negative stuff as well as positive, to teach lessons? Why remove the instructive conditions? And why change it all at the last minute before "ascension" into some new environment? And the real kicker is the idea that none of this good stuff is happening because of us alone -- it is really the support and action of unseen saviors, which suggests that we haven't learned our lessons -- that we haven't learned to harness our own strength. Alright, I guess that's enough.
Yeah, this is typical disinformation, mixing some truth with absurd untruths and half-truths, but in the distinctly New Age mode.

PopHistorian said:
The NESARA detail is more than I expected, so maybe worthy of note. I've noticed that NESARA seems to be under rehabilitation, reinterpretion, and reintroduction to mean something a little different than before. The description given in this article indeed matches Suzanne Ward's in that NESARA is now alleged to be a general plan, being covertly advanced, to dispel poverty worldwide -- but gone is the idea that it will be "announced" or otherwise be openly known, or that it will result in cash payments to everyone, etc. My guess is that the disinformants had to re-work NESARA to keep it alive for two main reasons: (1) there's just no way to pull this one off, and (2) too many people are invested in believing in it to let it fall away. Giving needless details such as the alleged signing into law by Clinton, etc., I think, works against greater acceptance of the notion among those have any independent-thinking capabilities and/or the will to do some research, OSIT.

Good points. It also leaves out what’s becoming more and more evident that the whole collapse was designed to usher in overt totalitarian dictatorship.

article by Steve Beckow said:
NESARA was originally an act of the American Congress, signed into law by Bill Clinton in 2000, due to be announced at 10:00 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001. It was never announced because the tragic events of 9/11, which began around an hour earlier on that day, overwhelmed it (as they were designed to do).

The whole NESARA being an act of Congress, signed into law by Bill Clinton in 2000 due to be announced at 10:00 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001 seems to be an obvious piece of disinformation, as how would an act of Congress have passed both houses and been signed into law by the previous president and not be announced until 9 months into the term of the next president? It also implies that Congress and the government are part of the "good guys" working secretly to reform the system. Yeah, right.

The article is full of mainstream propaganda and absurd New Age nonsense such as the following:

"Accountability" means that all of this is now about to come to an end. You can see it around you. One of President Obama's first acts was to issue Executive Orders that restored constitutional freedoms.

They come as friends. They follow the commands of the same Heaven and the same God as we do. They are forces of love and light. We have nothing to fear from them and everything to gain from their willing assistance. ... Our space brothers and sisters will prepare us for our 2012 Ascension. Apparently, what we will see when they arrive defies imagination. Their simple presence in the sky will have such an uplifting effect on us that we will not be the same from that moment on.

Etc. The same muddle we’ve seen over and over again.
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