The Abundance Paradigm Foundational Writings

Amaterasu Solar

The Force is Strong With This One
Below are a few of My pieces with analysis, thoughts, and conclusions, relatve to removing the very dangerous tool of money. There are more at My forum...

The End of Entropy:

A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This

by Amaterasu Solar

Entropy… That measure of disorder that increases as energy is dissipated into unusable forms effects many aspects of our present human condition. It is easy to grasp the principle as it pertains directly to heat. We see the energy of a fire heat our food, but we also can see a great deal of heat going out unused and unusable. This extra heat can be seen as increasing the disorder, as the molecules affected move more rapidly and more disorderedly. A more difficult aspect to see is the entropy inherent in our social structure.

In Jeremy Rifkin’s seminal work Entropy, published in 1980, he does an excellent job of demonstrating that, because energy is at the base of life, itself, entropy can ripple through society, creating disorder even as we try to clamp down and control the order of things. In fact, he paints a very grim picture of what we can expect as we consume more and more energy, explaining that fascist tendencies are most likely to crop up in the efforts to overcome entropy in our society. Today we see more and more signs of encroaching fascism.

The reason why energy and its entropy are tied in to our social structures is made clear by Rifkin in his work (p. 89):

… Every time we add our labor to a product or perform a service we expend energy and increase the overall entropy of the environment. Every time we exchange money for a product or a service, the legal tender we use represents payment for previous energy that we expend. Money, after all, is nothing more than stored energy credits.

If money is merely the accounting of the available energy, it becomes clear that should an energy source come along that has the properties of being effectively infinite, available from anywhere, and negentropic (from “negative entropy”), the need for money dissipates. “Infinite money” has no social application.

In fact, because of our limited available energy and the money system developed to account for it, it is clear why we have a “power” elite, as well as poverty and exploitation. Rifkin explains (p. 57):

Energy is the basis of human culture, just as it is the basis of life. Therefore, power in every society ultimately belongs to whoever controls the exosomatic [external] instruments that are used to transform, exchange, and discard energy. Class divisions, exploitations, privilege, and poverty are all determined by how a society’s energy flow line is set up. Those who control the exosomatic instruments control the energy flow line. They determine how the work in society will be divided up and how the economic rewards will be allocated among various groups and constituencies.

Given this, it becomes clear that if such an infinite, available, negentropic source of energy were to be introduced, power over others would give way to individual autonomous power over self but no others. This can be seen as a major shift in Consciousness on this planet.

This all sounds hypothetical, a waste of time to contemplate even, to the average individual who has been told that we are stuck with the many entropic sources of energy we presently use (which also are sources we have to pay for). “Where is this miracle source?” they might ask.

And here is where I bring up the “Dark” Energy that is now heralded all over science shows about physics and cosmology. This energy, which has been called “radiant energy” and “cosmic rays” (Tesla), “orgone” (Wilhelm Reich), “Zero Point Energy,” and many others, is pervading space. It is within you and within me, around all of us, and is present anywhere we go. Interestingly, though we are told of this energy (usually as “Dark” Energy), no mainstream media (MSM) outlet has asked the most logical question: Can we extract this energy in usable form?

In fact, back in the 1950’s, the science of electrogravitics was being discussed openly in the aerospace literature, an industry that was studying electrogravitics at all the major players: Lockheed, Convair, Lear, and many others. The discussion vanished, it just wasn’t discussed anymore, despite the fact that so many companies had been drawn into the electrogravitics arena. Reports were that, “They want it secret for now.” Electrogravitics could draw on this energy and create overunity – free energy, in other words. So why was this a threat?

The reasons for these occurrences – that the media never ask if we can draw on the Dark Energy, that electrogravitics became highly classified – become clear when we look at the fact that those presently in power would have to give up their power over others (having already power over themselves). From the perspective of those few, they would “lose.”

Such an energy source would represent, at least, a virtually infinite source that is available to all. Any attribution of a negentropic aspect comes from reports from a number of sources suggesting that cold, not heat, is the defining characteristic of drawing on this source. These reports and the surrounding research and data have surely been suppressed – at least to the extent of not reporting on it and never, ever asking whether we can get something usable from “Dark” Energy. It would be a naïve position at best to expect the present power elite to ignore and NOT suppress and disparage any efforts to develop this source in usable form.

And so, it would appear that we have had methods of extracting usable forms of energy from the “Dark” Energy pool, called the plenum (opposite of “vacuum,” from a root which means “empty” – “plenum” means “full”) for at least 100 years (Tesla seems to have developed such methods). And we might conclude that the power elite wish to remain in their place of power over others, else they would have released the means to extract usable energy to the public. (There is strong evidence of suppression of many “free” energy devices, from hydrogen-from-water devices through magnetic devices, as well as the Plenum Energy methods.)

The question now becomes, what would happen if we had this energy available to all of us? The answer depends on how we, as a planetary society, approach the matter.

Since we’re examining society, it helps to understand that it moves and emerges in fractal expressions from a relatively small seed set of parameters. Up until now, the fractal seeds of all societies in history have included scarcity of energy (which is reflected in the scarcity of goods and money), and thus we see emerging greed, conspiracy, poverty, power elite, wage slavery and many other ills. If we look for a seed that gives an overarching structure for a society’s development in the advent of having such a source of energy available, and take advantage of what media we can to raise awareness to the tipping point of the goals and precepts we define, the society that fractalizes out of that seed will be strong, healthy, and unrestrictive – provided the seed is geared to that end.

The key things that must be addressed are:

1. A code of conduct
2. Our approach to the Earth and how we bring forth the abundance she has to give
3. How open we will be on code and programs for our machines
4. How necessary work gets done
5. How we communicate and identify the primary issues
6. What focus in life should be stressed

If we seed our society with a code of conduct, calling to the fore the three Laws of Ethics – which are:

1. Do not willfully harm or kill another Being
2. Do not willfully take or damage another Being’s property
3. Do not willfully defraud another Being

this sets one parameter of the seed to ethics.

If we insist that all farming be organic – in its true sense, and not some trumped up legal definition – our food will grow ever better. If we insist that mining is done with a conscious awareness for retaining beauty and structure, our impact will be small and repairable. If we insist that manufacturing be done such that it is free of pollutants, our planet will remain healthy and abundant. If we are using the Plenum Energy, the energy we use will be clean (and fracture drilling, oil pumping, coal mining, rain forest clearing and other nasty behaviors and consequences associated with petrofuels will be eliminated). If we set this parameter of the seed with the drive to be thoughtful of our planet, our planet will thrive.

If we demand open-source in all technology, we remove fears of machines “taking over.” Code can be looked at, published on the web – and better code will be worked out by those whose bliss it is to program things. A distrust of proprietary code (or any other hidden thing) should be promoted. Such a setting in this parameter of the seed will bring forth the best we can create.

By creating robots to do all the necessary work no one (or not enough people) wants to, we release ourselves to do what we enjoy – we are released from slavery, having cast it off onto our machines. This seed parameter is one only now available to humanity. Never before in our history have we had the option to create mechanical slaves for every “dirty job.” Therefore, it, along with the addition of a negentropic energy source, will provide a frame for unique emergence, a new societal framework, a new consciousness.

With a central website, in forum style, to address major issues – divided into local sections, regional sections and global sections, with “votes” at a certain level elevating the problems and solutions to the next level to be voted on by a greater number – we can collectively and stigmergically coordinate to solve the issues of this planet. Social responsibility will be seen as spending 15 minutes a day (or more) reviewing the issues on this site. This seed parameter will see an emergence of human unity as a race and as a planet. (For a definition of stigmergy, please see )

Setting a focus of fulfilling one’s own bliss, exchanging the “work ethic” for a Betterment Ethic, will see very much happier people, and far better results of efforts made – a job is done far better by someone who loves to do it than by one who feels compelled against their main desire. No job will be required to live well, but any job one wants to do is open to be done. I quote again from Rifkin’s Entropy (p. 210) to illustrate the differences between the scarcity paradigm and the new abundance paradigm, as it relates to work:

… [T]he authoritarian structure of the workplace robs the individual worker of a chance to join in a community with his fellows to make decisions and develop his talents. Unable to join with others to explore his potential and creativity, the individual is forced to retreat into a shell in which he has neither meaningful rights nor responsibilities at his work. All he is left with is a job, a place to make money, and a degrading environment to which he must submit, eight hours of every day.

Thus we can see how a seed parameter of encouraging one to follow one’s bliss – since in this new paradigm one can – uplifts each one of us and increases the value of consciousness in society.

Having described the seed, how might it be expected to manifest? One of the first products that is likely to be seen are “power boxes,” which will be sold, initially. These would be units that had a mechanism to draw on the Plenum Energy and outlets to plug in our air conditioners, stoves, heaters, refrigerators, freezers, and so forth. This would allow us to move anywhere and bring our comfort items with us. We could “go camping” and still have our amenities, and many will. Eventually these items will each have their own units within.

As the cost of energy is removed from the production line at every stage, things will become less and less expensive, and at some point, will be given freely.

Other observables will include:

° Money falling into disuse

° Motivation from the heart as opposed to profit

° “Greed” becomes meaningless

° Peace

° Abundance for everyone

° Elimination of corruption

° Power over others supplanted by power over self

° Elimination of GMO’s

° Great reduction in violence

° Creative pursuits increased greatly

° A healed planet

° Reduced or eliminated hoarding

° Value placed on human-created art, textiles and products

° Focus on cures, not patentable chemicals that sicken for profit motive

° Human interaction with only those whose company is enjoyable (reduced social friction)

° Robotic stewardship of the planet

° Increased love and compassion

° Greatly reduced stress

° Wondrous works

° “Live and let live” behavior

° Most “laws” become unnecessary

° Corporate power eliminated

° Products made to last – no “planned obsolescence”

° Waste reduced to virtually nil

° Food nutrition increased for all

° One’s reputation becomes the “coin” one uses

° Personal responsibility for one’s own behavior

° Spiritual growth

° Slavery (outright or wage-slavery) abolished

° Human dignity encouraged

° Increase in charitable behavior

° Self autonomy

° Things are done because someone cares – from raising children to caring for others

From this list, it is clear that many issues we now face will be solved. Wealth will be measured in richness of character, rather than in deposits to a bank account. And we will spend our time doing what we like to do, being with the people we like and share interests with. Inventions, rather than being suppressed, will burgeon, and the “Star Trek universe” may be within our grasp, with things like transporters and replicators emerging.

Spiritual growth and communication will be encouraged as we find a greater amount of our time available to pursue the exploration of our inner dimension.

Though this is not a solution to every issue arising from human interaction – we will always have our personal disagreements – the overall health of society will skyrocket. Yes, we may still argue with others over the smaller issues in our lives, and some may choose to behave violently, but the numbers of occurrences will drop to a level we would consider statistically insignificant. Definitely a vast improvement over what we see today.

When you consider what I present here, ask yourself these questions:

Does this threaten a pet vision – passing laws, say, to solve a problem you see, or a view of striking it rich – that you have of your future? Does this scare you? Do you look for reasons that it won’t work? (All you envision as barrier issues – are scarcity paradigm views…)

Then ask yourself why working towards what I present here won’t solve the issue you want to solve, why you wouldn’t be rich in what I show to you, why it wouldn’t fulfill your idea of heaven, why you are afraid, and/or why you look for reasons it won’t work – rather than apply the proactive will to make this happen.

If we each choose to create this, since we have all it would take, consciously co-creating towards this goal, what I present would happen. It would take enough of us reaching a tipping point before it would all be downhill, and you may choose your future behavior. Speak for abundance, or reduce the chances that this will ever happen by keeping silent.

In closing, I recommend any who work for someone else and also are privy to information (such as methods of extracting usable energy from the plenum) give strong consideration to coming forth with what is known. In the end, you and all of us will be better off – and even today’s power elite, the useless eliters, will retain their life style, if not their power over us.


Foundations of Economics

Let Me take You down to the foundations of why We exchange to survive (economics). When We first began acquiring and creating things with Our meaningful energy expended, the product of that expenditure was valued (and represented that energy, with the meaning setting the value) because We did not have the time/energy to acquire and/or create all We might want. We bartered and traded and work exchanged to fill all the gaps.

Eventually, these modes of exchange became cumbersome, and We began to agree on tokens to represent Our meaningful energy expended. Shells, beads, sticks notched and split. These also included coins of precious metals, and then bills when hauling metals around in large quantities became cumbersome too. Then the debt system, creating tokens through loans, eventually emerging and enhanced by a shift from paper entries to electronic bits.

The foundation of all of it still rests on the effectively scarce amounts of energy to be meaningfully expended.

The question becomes, do We really NEED to exchange to survive? What if We added free energy (and I personally know We have such deep in black projects)? What if We added robots in necessary work no One WANTS to do? We Humans will do things We WANT to do for merely the social currency We receive – thanks, appreciation, love, respect, reputation, lauds, name recognition, fame, Self satisfaction – IF We are not concerned about how We will meet the basics in life.

So Let’s look at adding free energy. Suppose We spent taxes to build and retrofit everything with free energy. The costs of energy would be removed – all down the line. Products become cheaper and cheaper – initially in any markets with high amounts of competition, but eventually in all aspects as pressure comes to bear.

So now, We can spend taxes on filling positions We NEED with Those who love the work, and robots to take up slack. At this point, the need to exchange is extinguished because, since 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy, and We have removed the cost of both external and Human energy, everything becomes free. The amount We spend is irrelevant, for with the removal of money, all financial debt becomes moot.

Many of the industries We see today will vanish, being unnecessary: banking, insurance, Wall Street, advertising, accounting, sales, and cashiering (and what percentage of These that hold such jobs LOVE what They do and would not prefer to be doing something else?).

Along with these We will see also no more poverty, oppression, wage/debt and outright slavery, and biggest: profiteering. War profiteering (no war: “If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war.”), prison profiteering, pharma profiteering (and thus the suppressed cures will emerge), medical profiteering, chemical profiteering, food profiteering, water profiteering, air profiteering.

It also pulls the money rug out from under the psychopaths that have matriculated to the top of the money/power heap (ALL money systems promote the most ruthless and psychopathic; They are the Ones who are willing to do ANYTHING to get, and keep, money/power over Others). They become equals with all the rest of Us, accountable as Individuals, as are the rest of Us.

I offer a 10 minute nutshell here, wherein to focus on the ideas, I remain anonymous:

For Us to choose to eliminate the need to exchange to survive, the ideas need to hit the tipping point – about 10% – and then it will seem everyOne is talking about it and 90+% will know about it. And THEN…

We WILL create better on this planet.

Stigmergic Governance Via the Web

In My piece, The End of Entropy (above), I propose the following:

With a central website, in forum style, to address major issues – divided into local sections, regional sections and global sections, with “votes” at a certain level elevating the problems and solutions to the next level to be voted on by a greater number – we can collectively coordinate to solve the issues of this planet. Social responsibility will be seen as spending 15 minutes a day (or more) reviewing the issues on this site. This seed parameter will see an emergence of human unity as a race and as a planet.

What is there proposed is a stigmergic governance - a way to govern society without a governMENT (controlMIND). In a system with no money or need for exchange, stigmergic governance will work - as long as there are money interests, it is unlikely to, with votes bought, up or down, and other disruptive aspects. This is what I propose in a free energy/robot system where no money is needed (read The End of Entropy for a picture of how this works). If You are unfamiliar with the term, stigmergy, a good place to get a handle on the term is

A very good illustration of stigmergy is Linux. In this case, one Individual created a basic program and offered it freely in open source. Others came along and began to improve upon it, create software to run on it, and so on. There was no "leader" in this group - those who wanted to get involved did so - and from the initial basic program, a whole creative "empire" came to be...all entirely free and freely.

And so, from this aspect of Our nature to do work on things We care about, whether We are paid or not, I developed a system of governance. The basic idea is a central website divided into local, regional, continental and global sections. Much like a forum, People could post problems They see to Their local section (or any other local section where the problem may exhibit itself). Others, reviewing the site, may "vote" to say They think the subject is a problem too, with "stars" or "thumbs up" or whatever. Votes down are also allowed. Apathy can be demonstrated by not voting at all.

Solutions can be posted and be "cheered" or "booed." In the event a solution is seen to be a good one, leaders of the moment will act to implement the solution. It can be the original poster or any Other concerned individual - the leaders will emerge to solve the problem.

When enough votes up occur without a solution that is seen as particularly good, the issue is elevated to the next level, the regional level, where more minds can work on the problem, offering help and/or solutions. More People can vote the problem up or down.

And so on up to the global level. If a problem is so severe and/or important that it reaches the global level and STILL no solution is found, I guess the Human race is SOL. But few problems will reach that level, and virtually never will they go unsolved.

The difference between a forum and the site will be that problems will be listed not in terms of date added but in terms of the net number of votes up (votes up minus votes down). Also, there will be a section of issues unread.

The original poster will have the ability to remove a problem once it is solved or is no longer a problem, at which point it will be archived. Problems with no activity for three months (or six, or some number as deemed reasonable) will drop off and be archived.

There will be a special section for emergencies - and Those whose bliss it is to help in any given emergency will be able to monitor this section and take action. Those who care will be enabled to help.

Here is a breakdown of how it will work:

Sue has a problem - any problem at all. She goes to the website and posts it. Her neighbors (and anyOne else) can vote relative to Her problem. They can offer solutions. Discussion of the problem and its solutions can take place in the problem thread, just as in a forum, and from that, Her problem will likely be solved or will not be seen as a problem by Others. If no One else sees a problem, no votes up will be received - and Sue will have to make do with what She sees as a problem, finding Her own solution. This will be rare. If no One else sees a problem...chances are it really isn't a problem to begin with.

As an example, Let's say Sue has a problem with noisy neighbors. She posts the problem. Others ask if She has talked to the neighbors. Yes, Sure replies, She has. SomeOne suggests that She move. Another suggests ordering and installing soundproofing. Sue considers Her options and decides the move is better than the soundproofing. She thanks the People for the suggestion and indicates the problem has been solved.

Instead, Let's say the problem is more difficult. A dam above Her house is showing signs of giving way and She reports this. Many others see that They are threatened too. They vote the problem up. Some also start making suggestions: get robots out there to shore the dam up. Drain the water behind the dam. So on and so forth. Discussion ensues, and meanwhile more People, though not immediately affected, see that it IS a problem and vote it up.

Soon, it reaches the regional level, and someOne who has experience dealing with such problems chimes in with His solution. Many cheer it and that One begins the process of solving the problem. Those who care join to help. He directs them and the problem is solved.

Maybe it's an asteroid heading for the earth - this will likely reach the global level swiftly, and those who have the know-how and wherewithal to go into space and plant charges to blow it up or divert it come to the fore as the leaders...

In this way, We Humans can be directly involved in running Our planet, allowing the BEST solutions to be implemented (and not the most profitable or cheapest).

As I mentioned, this is not a system for use where moneyed interests are involved. In fact... No governing system works well as long as money is involved. This is one more reason to eliminate money as a necessity.


On Human Nature
by Amaterasu Solar​

Many have told Me that there is no way We Humans could possibly live and create in harmony because, well… Human nature. What I think They don’t understand is that “Human nature” emerges in response to what is going on in the world around Us. Though there are skews from the norm, as a rule most of Us will respond to the same forces in similar ways.

For example, it is Human nature to run away from a toppling building heading One’s way. Only a very, very few would make different choices. In the realm of societal pressures, a good percentage of Us can be expected behave poorly if We are desperate and offered money to do, or suspect enough money can be gotten from doing, some unEthical deed…if the amount of money is large enough.

Most of Us have Our tempers shortened by pressures from money issues, time issues, and frustration at being unable to do what We really love to do. We tend to be unhappier when We are constantly under pressure to make ends meet.

On the other hand, We are far more cheerful and charitable when We are comfortable, knowing We have no fear of running out of food, losing Our home, being forced to do things.

Given this, it becomes clear that in a world that provides for the needs We have, that allows Us to live as richly as We choose, that forces nothing upon Us, with the tools and materials We need to create as We might love to do, the expected “Human nature” would surely be, overall, cheerful and charitable.

For this reason, I propose a way to provide for ALL of Us Humans on this planet such that there is no poverty, oppression, wage/debt slavery, intrusion, and profiteering (war profiteering, prison profiteering, pharma profiteering, medical profiteering, chemical profiteering, food, water, air profiteering). The expected “Human nature” to emerge will be one of coexistence, with the solving of problems being done the best way – not the cheapest/most profitable. And only real, and not manufactured, problems will be of concern.

One key is in foundational economics, the WHY of Our exchange to survive. Though money was arguably introduced as a control mechanism, with technology We have today, We can eliminate the need for this dangerous tool. It is dangerous because, though its function as an accounting tool for the energy We input into the system and its facilitating exchange of the products of Our meaningful energy expended are not bad things in and of themselves, the fact that all money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap is ghastly.

Most don’t want to look at the evidence for psychopathy being in control here on this planet and Now. I could give a long list, but the very fact that We are not all aghast and refusing the “services” of Monsanto gives Me measure of the awareness, or lack thereof – whether willful or not, that Most carry on this planet of the depth of psychopathy We’re looking at…or not.

Things like sodium fluoride – an industrial toxic waste – being sold to cities to add to Our water supply, Agenda 21, the rampant pedophilia in high offices, Aspartame, vaccines that maim and kill (and likely chip Us against Our will), GMO, “geoengineering” (chemtrails), money manipulation, fake news (Sandy Hook, etc.), gun “control,” the “Patriot” Act, the NDAA, the TSA, the NSA, the “Federal” “Reserve,” the IMF (International Money Fund), the UN, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), Codex Alimentarius, “sustainability,” planned obsolescence (most waste would be removed if We eliminated this!), rigid “official” education, militarization of police forces, FEMA, satanic rituals (and yes, They DO sacrifice Humans – I am witness), MK-ULTRA and its new labels, large-scale Human experimentation without consent, nuclear power polluting the planet when We had at least one way to extract energy cleanly from the aether all the while the nuke plants were being built – on fault lines, fracking, fomenting war and then supplying both sides (war too is Human sacrifice to Them), bioweapons, divide and conquer, and the list could go on and on of evidence of psychopathy in control on this planet.

In fact, I knew We were in trouble when I saw two things happen. The “law” in the US making it a crime for the government to use propaganda was overturned, and the networks fought and won against a “law” that news stories had to be true (ask WHY that was important to Them… Ask whether the “news” You see is truth…). Between those two happenings, I could easily see psychopathy working against Us Humans, and expected BS to start spewing forth.

I was not disappointed.

Without the power to pay toadies – be They armies or strong-arms – any evil Human would have to perpetrate the evil Themselves personally. This makes Them very vulnerable to justice and ethical views.

In fact, if We removed this need to exchange to survive and, instead of a slave’s work “ethic,” We promoted the Betterment Ethic, Humans would work towards better ways to do things. Psychopathy would have no foothold. The few who would make it worse for some to Their benefit would have no handle on Us to do so. Not on any large scale. This is another key to creating better on this planet.

They say Humans are “warlike,” but this is not true. To get Us to war, the psychopaths run false flags, psyops, propaganda, spread false rumor, use yellow journalism, tell outright lies, and plant agents provocateurs. No soldier, statistically speaking, joins military forces to go kill or be killed. It’s the pay and/or a principle They think needs “defense.” Usually the threat that is offered is manufactured for Us, and all determined to “set things right” – for the betterment (Human nature is to look for better ways) – We join these forces.

How many would join a force without need for payment (being comfortable) or false “realities” being manufactured by the psychopaths’ money? Few indeed, unless there was a clear and present danger.

For that matter, why would anyOne steal if They had free access to all They need? Why would anyOne defraud (lie, cheat) on any level but perhaps in personal relationships – the problems of which are scant in society compared to the problem of rampant psychopathy? Why would anyOne hurt or kill anOther? Though deviant behavior of some Individuals could be pointed to, statistically speaking, We Humans would NOT do any of these things.

Society – in any natural system – is cooperative. It has to be, else a society would not exist. Human nature is to cooperate. That We are yoked to a system that promotes competition is against the grain of Human nature. It forces Us to compete in ways that are not friendly, that do not promote betterment, but personal survival and taught behaviors of “Me first.” Greed emerges from, and is a function of, the scarcity – manufactured on this abundant planet now by the psychopaths via the control money can buy – that We are being kept in. And the power over Others this system affords feeds the psychopaths. And still, We have managed, under this onus, to get cooperative, positive things done. That ability is more and more being pulled out of Our reach, through the power of money psychopathically applied.

Another key is the interweb. We now communicate globally and can input into the “idea-sphere” (memesphere) as never before; We can now report problems that cannot be solved locally to a global awareness – and without the need to exchange to get what We need to survive, We can travel freely to help with any problems We care about personally.

Imagine that. Rather than being tied, timewise and financially to where We presently are, We can gather supplies and show up at an earthquake to offer Our help. Rather than, as We are encouraged to do to quell that unease when We ache for anOther’s plight, donating money to a “charity,” which, it has been shown, most of the money donated around the globe is used to pay handsome salaries at the top, and statistically speaking, nothing trickles down to the problem We want to solve… Rather than that, if We care, We can directly contribute. Given the amounts of money that flow to the elites through “charities,” I expect high turnouts of Humans to help.

With the web, We can communicate when a problem has been solved or when enough People are present. We can look at any crime and offer all testimony and evidence for review.

Which brings Me to the question of “law.” We are taught from birth that We must “obey the law.” When One looks into what this “law” idea is, it becomes clear that the psychopaths are just as busy here as many elsewheres. Any “law” in the admiralty law – which is virtually all “law” that is used against Us – is a “law,” not a Law. They are statutes, bills, acts, codes, regulations, constitutions, ordinances, etc., and are in place to control Humanity, to treat Us all as if guilty until proven innocent. Also, they are all based in contract. They use “implied consent” if We don’t object (whether We are informed or not) as opposed to the Ethical fully informed consent. If We look, it is clear We are Their enemy. In the US, We are specifically declared so. And, being psychopathic, They toy with Us, experiment on Us, use Us, tax Us and sacrifice Us.

The good news is that if We choose not to contract, We are no longer under the “rules.”

Given that what defines a Being from a being – someOne worthy of carrying a banner of being above animals and other life manifestations – is Ethics, then there are only three Laws. Those are the three Laws of Ethics. As You read them, ask Yourself how much breaking of these Laws We would see compared to Now if We had no need to compete but could cooperate locally on up to globally on this amazingly abundant planet that the psychopaths are destroying with nuclear death, GMOs, “insecticides” like RoundUp (are We the “insects…?”), nanoparticulates (“chaff”) of aluminum, strontium, barium poured into Our skies…

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent, hurt or kill another Being
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage another Being’s property
3. Do not willfully defraud another Being (which can only occur without fully informed consent)

I think Human nature, that which makes Us Beings, readily accepts these Laws. Kids may go through stages, some Individuals may skew far away, but most of Us are inclined to behave Ethically, if some may not be very nice about it. The vast motive for behaving unEthically has everything to do with competing for Our survival and the false goal the psychopaths hype, material “status.” We break all three if desperate enough and many, many break some for personal gain in clawing Their way up the heap of Others to get to the top of that “status” pyramid, the money structure.

So expectations of Human nature when diverted from competition to stigmergic, cooperative emergence with betterment as the goal, as opposed to finding some way to plug Our energy in for enough tokens out to cover the bills in the psychopaths’ construct, is most likely to shine.

Nothing at all wrong with Human nature. The problem lies in the yoke We are confined to.
Another of My articles:

The Three Ancient Laws of Ethics

I receive many questions about what the three Laws of Ethics are. First, what are the three Laws?

° Do not willfully hurt or kill anOther against Their fully informed consent*
° Do not willfully take or damage anOther's property
° Do not willfully defraud anOther

*The part about "against Their fully informed consent" is missing in some of My articles above. Though, as a rule, this is unnecessary, when One WANTS to be hurt and anOther WANTS to do the hurting, there is no ethical conflict in doing the hurting. It is only when such hurting/killing is done without such consent that a breach of ethics is seen.

In a society that upholds these Laws, We can expect very few issues - unless there is the lure of a system of money promoting ignoring them . In fact, it is money and the power over Others it affords that prompt, statistically speaking, ALL the breaking of the Ethical Laws.

Few indeed break these Laws even with money, but enough do, and because money systems promote the most psychopathic, these Laws are broken on grand scale through the governments and corporations the psychopaths control. Thus We see GMO, RoundUp, poisons in "food," fluoride, Aspartame, "geoengineering," Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius, deforestation, pollution, hidden tech that would better Our lives, profiteering (war profiteering, prison profiteering, pharma profiteering, medical profiteering, chemical profiteering, food, water, air profiteering), propaganda, false flags, psyops, mind control, false rumors, yellow journalism, spin, and outright lies in the media. The psychopathy in the world runs rampant.

For this reason, I am advocating the removal of any system of money - since We just now on this planet have the means to do so. Visit the link above for more details.

As for all the "laws" on Our books, when One looks, One discovers that they are not laws at all, but statutes, codes, declarations, acts, regulations, edicts, mandates, constitutions, bills, ordinances, and so on. There are two classes of "laws," one which deals with issues pertaining to the three Laws (penalties for hurting, killing, stealing, defrauding) and commerce. The latter group is, statistically, all of the "laws" on the books. Even such "laws" as those against "loitering," for example, are motivated, not because there is anything unethical about "loitering," but because businesses don't want People hanging out around Their businesses.

If We all can access the abundance of this planet (yes, "scarcity" is one of the many lies the psychopaths tell), the only Laws We need are the Laws of Ethics. We do not judge anOther on anything but ethics, which is, I contend, as it should be.

This will make Admiralty "law" moot. It will give sovereignty of Self back to all of Us.

I do hope You, the reader, choose to read what I propose, as well as sharing awareness of it widely. Enough of Us have be aware that We CAN do this before We will do it.
For the most part, all good ideals to which to aspire, with the knowledge that such a system is not for this world. Maybe a different one.

Btw, it would have been more considerate to introduce this topic more briefly, in your own words, and then provide links for those interesting in further reading.

In fact, can you change these posts to that effect? Thanks.
Perceval said:
For the most part, all good ideals to which to aspire, with the knowledge that such a system is not for this world. Maybe a different one.

Why not this one?

Btw, it would have been more considerate to introduce this topic more briefly, in your own words, and then provide links for those interesting in further reading.

Sorry... I thought it was being very considerate, given My links in My other thread were "castrated," and I had promised People there I would post My work today. Merely making good on that promise.

In fact, can you change these posts to that effect? Thanks.

If I get more such requests I will consider it... Though right now I seem to have no ability to edit My posts. I looked for a way - perhaps I missed it - but I seem to recall reading that until I had 50 posts here, I would not be allowed to make edits.

Thanks for Your input.
Amaterasu Solar said:
Perceval said:
For the most part, all good ideals to which to aspire, with the knowledge that such a system is not for this world. Maybe a different one.

Why not this one?

Btw, it would have been more considerate to introduce this topic more briefly, in your own words, and then provide links for those interesting in further reading.

Sorry... I thought it was being very considerate, given My links in My other thread were "castrated," and I had promised People there I would post My work today. Merely making good on that promise.

In fact, can you change these posts to that effect? Thanks.

If I get more such requests I will consider it... Though right now I seem to have no ability to edit My posts. I looked for a way - perhaps I missed it - but I seem to recall reading that until I had 50 posts here, I would not be allowed to make edits.

Thanks for Your input.

Sounds interesting. I agree with Perceval, I'd really appreciate brief overview of the above, maybe starting with why its important in ways that directly apply to day to day life?
Amaterasu Solar said:
Most of Us have Our tempers shortened by pressures from money issues, time issues, and frustration at being unable to do what We really love to do. We tend to be unhappier when We are constantly under pressure to make ends meet.

On the other hand, We are far more cheerful and charitable when We are comfortable, knowing We have no fear of running out of food, losing Our home, being forced to do things.

Given this, it becomes clear that in a world that provides for the needs We have, that allows Us to live as richly as We choose, that forces nothing upon Us, with the tools and materials We need to create as We might love to do, the expected “Human nature” would surely be, overall, cheerful and charitable.

So you are proposing a form of technological utopia based on discovering a new source of "free" energy, such as from "dark" energy. Quantum physicists say that all the matter/energy we can possibly observe, even using supercolliders, only makes up a small part of the universe. So there is certainly plenty of "dark" energy available if we could work out how to access it.

I wonder though if we would be better humans in a world where everyone's material needs are fully met, with little need for effortful work. If we are here as humans to learn, being cheerful all the time may make it harder to learn lessons. We might become lazy, hedonistic, or more superficial in some way? We might learn more by having to get on with each other in a world of limited resources?

I think the present scarcity of energy resources is in some ways due to humans being out of balance with nature. The earth receives plenty of energy in the form of sunlight, which is converted into stored chemical energy by plants through photosynthesis, and then on up the food chain. Maybe we should question why there seems to be an imbalance between humans and the rest of nature at present (e.g. the human-caused "Sixth Great Extinction"), before seeking even more sources of energy?

The human population has grown rapidly to about 7 billion since the advent of industrial agriculture based on fossil fuels. Are we wise enough as a species to deal with a new and more abundant source of energy? Or would we end up increasing even further in population and putting even more pressure on other non-human species in the earth's ecosystems?

Also perhaps the USA could be looked at as a case study as to whether more material wealth and greater access to cheap energy ultimately is necessarily beneficial to the population, since the USA has OSIT been advantaged over most other countries in these regards for most of the 20th century.
Mal7 said:
Amaterasu Solar said:
Most of Us have Our tempers shortened by pressures from money issues, time issues, and frustration at being unable to do what We really love to do. We tend to be unhappier when We are constantly under pressure to make ends meet.

On the other hand, We are far more cheerful and charitable when We are comfortable, knowing We have no fear of running out of food, losing Our home, being forced to do things.

Given this, it becomes clear that in a world that provides for the needs We have, that allows Us to live as richly as We choose, that forces nothing upon Us, with the tools and materials We need to create as We might love to do, the expected “Human nature” would surely be, overall, cheerful and charitable.

So you are proposing a form of technological utopia based on discovering a new source of "free" energy, such as from "dark" energy. Quantum physicists say that all the matter/energy we can possibly observe, even using supercolliders, only makes up a small part of the universe. So there is certainly plenty of "dark" energy available if we could work out how to access it.

I wonder though if we would be better humans in a world where everyone's material needs are fully met, with little need for effortful work. If we are here as humans to learn, being cheerful all the time may make it harder to learn lessons. We might become lazy, hedonistic, or more superficial in some way? We might learn more by having to get on with each other in a world of limited resources?

I think the present scarcity of energy resources is in some ways due to humans being out of balance with nature. The earth receives plenty of energy in the form of sunlight, which is converted into stored chemical energy by plants through photosynthesis, and then on up the food chain. Maybe we should question why there seems to be an imbalance between humans and the rest of nature at present (e.g. the human-caused "Sixth Great Extinction"), before seeking even more sources of energy?

The human population has grown rapidly to about 7 billion since the advent of industrial agriculture based on fossil fuels. Are we wise enough as a species to deal with a new and more abundant source of energy? Or would we end up increasing even further in population and putting even more pressure on other non-human species in the earth's ecosystems?

Also perhaps the USA could be looked at as a case study as to whether more material wealth and greater access to cheap energy ultimately is necessarily beneficial to the population, since the USA has OSIT been advantaged over most other countries in these regards for most of the 20th century.

There's plenty of smart ways people can make use of a small amount of land to produce food. There's an abundance of knowledge, land and people to make an abundance of our primary resource. All in all, we don't choose to live that way but instead we go for scarcity. I reckon rightly that scarcity just reflects our current condition, so it follows if our condition changes as a whole, wed stop creating systems based on a scarcity of resources. I suppose a strong enough wave / momentum of people really learning life's lessons would be a catalyst enough for change we'd easily notice. As would be the point we are all here I gather.
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