The Alchemist ...


Jedi Master
My latest piece, it is based in Canada with a half-breed Chippewa Indian, an alchemist that was only looking for knowledge. I think it’s my best piece yet and definitely ‘R’ rated in some chapters, this is a forewarning.

I was asked by a family member to write another love story and to make it more sellable they wanted more illustrative sex, I reluctantly agreed. I wrote about love X3, and this book has explicit sex based on love not lust, well maybe a little lust in places.

This story touches American Indian’s and their tales. First let me state that I only hold the highest respect for them, and I am so sorry for what the American and Canadian governments have done to them. So much I found was rewritten.

This area, it is home to several sub-tribes of Cree Indians or was at one time. As I found many Canadians have Cree descent. It hurt me that I only found the cleaned-up version of their tale, the system whitewashed them (the same three paragraphs were everywhere on government web sites). You know how it is, the victor always rewrites the history, if it wasn’t for a few stories hidden and passed down mainly through word, I would have nothing much to work with. So, I kept looking.

I dug up Cherokee from my searching, they had their stories of the Cree, rewritten to make the Cherokee look more powerful. But it led me to the Chippewa, there I found some stories, pieces of stories, glyphs of knowledge of the True Cree, the warriors, it made them out to be something different than what I previously found. As with most American Indian tribes, they were strong and proud, but the introduction of the white man, that changed all of it. It was demoralizing what they did to them and all-American Indians. My thanks for what I could find to all those out trying to save the knowledge, especially the independent’s out there …

A character of the book is the Grandfather that taught our main character wisdom, here are some of his quotes …

‘Dreams are a pathway to another life, or a hole to fall through to those on the other side’

‘There are places to feel the might of this world, from the ground below our feet to the sky’

‘When this world is wicked, it’s the spirit warrior who comes to control the beast.’

‘Many things come those that never search, what did you find?’

“It is real, the spirit world exists, and it is right here with us, we lost the ability to see it.”

’Tears are what brings us together with ourselves, it is the tears of happiness and love that are the strongest.’

’We are all haunted by our past, it’s those we forget that haunt us the most.’

’It is the gift that touches the heart that mean the most.’

‘Gold, it runs like blood in veins, white man’s veins’

’Pain can hide much, healing cannot happen until the pain leaves us.’

‘Observe first, what do you see’

’It’s not what you know, it’s what you don’t know that’s a danger to you’

’Past lives spent, whether good or bad, will come to us in dreams’

‘This life is but a shadow of a complete life, and there are many shadows. It’s where you came from before this life, it’s where you will go after this life, it all about the lessons you learn on the way’

‘When one speaks inside, your spirit is there to hear you, sometimes there is no one better to speak with.’

’A monster is not a monster unless there is a monster inside’

‘One waits for a good woman, he’s ready when she is.’

‘Sometimes you need only step back to see clearly’

‘Omission, even from beyond is still necessary’

‘All souls are the same in the end, some just take a dark path to get there.’

‘Peace is only granted to those that finish, not those that cheat.’

‘A trickle of knowledge still fills the cup … eventually’

‘Knowledge can be learned, but only the pure can fully use it’

’When the white man kills, he hides it behind illusion as it would disgrace one for it to be seen’

‘It’s what you find in love that means the most. There is no greater meaning for a life.’

‘A long time, for some that is tomorrow, for others that is a lifetime, for me, I haven’t got there yet’

’It not the mix you create, it’s the energy you give to it.’

‘Any man can fall to gluttony, it’s the committed man who resists the lust.’

‘There are four stages of love, the first one is to the one you hold dear, the second one is for the children, the third is from the loss of it and the forth is final happiness when that's all there's left.’

'A wise man listens to the words of a woman' ... 'he better or they'll be sleeping under the stars that night.'

‘Once you see it, you’ve changed it, for better or worse.’ Haiku …

Word count: 192,029 - 608 pages ... enjoy ...


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