The Book of Spirits - Allan Kardec


I do not know if you had the chance to read this book. I got the first edition of 1940 (pretty old book) and it look exactly as C's sessions. The author of this book tried to contact spirits in order to answer some questions. I never realized if this book was based on STS contact or STO, but if you want to take a look at it, there's a full legal transcription of this book in the next adress:


It was few years ago, when I was investigating all strange phenomena in this world. In that time, I did not know what was STS or STO beings, so I could not judge if that information was reliable or not. I leave it in your hands, since this book is hard to find, I'm giving you the chance to see it and judge by yourself. Let me remember you that this book was written almost 60 or 50 years ago, so this information could not match with the one exposed in actuality. I didn't take it like an "absolute truth" or something similar, I just saw it like more study material (Like everything I read).

How did I get this book? I was talking with a so-called "medium" wich invite me to their group who "contact spirits from other realms" in order to get "information" from their studies. They did not allow me to get into the room where they channel those spirits since they said that "I am not ready yet". An old woman gave me this book, pretty old and a little ruined but still legible. Do not blame me, I only was looking for knowledge so... any information could be useful for me.

Well, if you think that this post shoul be in COINTELPRO, you're free to move it.

Take care.​
Cyrus Wallace said:

I do not know if you had the chance to read this book. I got the first edition of 1940 (pretty old book) and it look exactly as C's sessions. The author of this book tried to contact spirits in order to answer some questions. I never realized if this book was based on STS contact or STO,

The book was actually published closer to 150 years ago. Laura mentions Kardec and some of his connections in her article on the Da Vinci Code: The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code: Laura Knight-Jadczyk

I've read portions of his Mediums book, and was pretty impressed.
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