The Deeper Talk, Let’s talk Densities … (many web finds)


Jedi Master
Two men at a discussion table, let’s join in …

Dr. Halfaminda, a greying man in his mid-sixties, horned rim glasses, part of a paper clip in the hinge and tape on the nose, with Haiku.

Haiku, “Good morning, we are here with Dr. Halfaminda to discuss what we know of densities. Dr. where would you like to begin.”

Dr. Halfaminda, “First I would like to thank you for having me today, the subject of density and densities is a far-reaching subject and I’m excited to be here to talk about it. As for where we should start … I would say that we should all have a common understanding of what density is today, we have several environments that currently use this term and may apply it differently.”

Haiku, “Let me throw out the most basic understanding of the term, according to the dictionary the definition of density is, ‘The degree of compactness of a substance’, something to relate to is the reduction of bone density, this is something that we all see in our older age. And here are a few synonyms that were listed for density, they are solidity, solidness, denseness, thickness, substance, bulk, weight, mass … we can use these in our discussion.”

Dr. Halfaminda, “That’s a good start, but I want to take it further … as in all the ways we use density today. We’ll start with computing and computers as that is something we all see every day.”


Density in computing is a measure of the amount of information on a storage medium (tape or disk). For magnetic tape it is the amount of information recorded per unit length of tape (bits per inch or millimeter), for a disk, a fixed number of bits per sector, sectors per track, and tracks per disk. It is said that actual chip density doubles every eighteen months, I tend to think that this accelerated in the past ten or more years to today where it’s almost static.


This is a good one, it is the density in physics. A basic definition of that is ‘the degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume’. Now that’s a mouthful for most, it gets more technical from here.

Density is a characteristic property of a substance, that means that the density of a substance is the relationship between the mass of the substance and how much space it takes up (represented by its volume).

As we get smaller density becomes the mass of atoms, their size, and how they are arranged, this determines the density of a substance.

Mathematically density equals the mass of the substance divided by its volume, shown in its formula ‘D = m/v’. And of course, objects with the same volume but different mass have different densities. Kind of helps this explanation, the rest here is more in the details.

In some cases (for instance, in the United States oil and gas industry), density is loosely defined as its weight per unit volume, although this is scientifically inaccurate – this quantity is more specifically called specific weight.

For a pure substance the density has the same numerical value as its mass concentration. Different materials usually have different densities, and density may be relevant to buoyancy, purity and packaging. Osmium and iridium are the densest known elements at standard conditions for temperature and pressure, but certain chemical compounds may be denser.

To simplify comparisons of density across different systems of units, it is sometimes replaced by the dimensionless quantity "relative density" or "specific gravity", i.e. the ratio of the density of the material to that of a standard material, usually water. Thus, a relative density less than one means that the substance floats in water.

The density of a material varies with temperature and pressure. This variation is typically small for solids and liquids but much greater for gases. Increasing the pressure on an object decreases the volume of the object and thus increases its density. Increasing the temperature of a substance (with a few exceptions) decreases its density by increasing its volume. In most materials, heating the bottom of a fluid results in convection of the heat from the bottom to the top, due to the decrease in the density of the heated fluid. This causes it to rise relative to more dense unheated material.

The reciprocal of the density of a substance is occasionally called its specific volume, a term sometimes used in thermodynamics. Density is an intensive property in that increasing the amount of a substance does not increase its density; rather it increases its mass. That’s for those Techny’s.

Here are some examples of relative density, or different densities in different substances, occur throughout everyday life.

‘In an oil spill in the ocean, the oil rises to the top because it is less dense than water, creating an oil slick on the surface of the ocean.’

‘A Styrofoam cup is less dense than a ceramic cup, so the Styrofoam cup will float in water and the ceramic cup will sink.’

‘Wood generally floats on water because it is less dense than water. Rocks, generally being denser than water, usually sink. This obvious example illustrates the power of science in real life. Many widely used hardwoods, such as ebony, mahogany and lignum vitae, are dense enough to sink in water, and a few rocks, such as pumice, are light enough to float. Scientifically, what counts isn’t the fact that one is wood and the other stone. All that matters is the relative densities of the substances.’

‘Helium balloons rise because helium is less dense than the surrounding air. Over time, the helium escapes the balloon and is replaced by air, causing it to sink.’

Dr. Halfaminda, “Did you know that at the refinery the molecule of helium is so small that it actually escapes the pipes it is transferred through.”

‘Oil floats on vinegar because its density is lower.’

In science, density is one of the fundamental scientific principles of life. It can describe any everyday object. Despite its significance, those that delve into densities often struggle to understand what it really is.

Density is a measurement of how much space or volume is packed in an object or substance.

So, how does density impact every aspect of our lives? Density is the basis for gold mining, blood separation, strawberry DNA extraction and even layered towers or separation tubes.

Here is a fun item to show the kids, you can demonstrate density by creating a liquid tower in a test tube with layers of different substances like syrup, vegetable oil, water or dish soap. What causes the different layers to form? It’s the difference in the density of the substances. Another example is using corn syrup and rubbing alcohol. When put together, the corn syrup will sink to the bottom of a cylinder.

To apply this phenomenon to the real world, ask about how density impacts our bodies. Think about the difference between muscles and fat. Muscle tissue needs to be denser to accommodate muscle fibers, while fat needs to be less dense to accomplish energy storage. Since there are different functions for fat and muscle, the cells have different densities suited for their particular jobs.

Dr. Halfaminda, “You see, density is a weighty subject,” he snickered at the comment, “That’s a joke … “

Haiku, “Not a very good one … Okay, let’s move onto some history of density.”

Dr. Halfaminda, “My favorite, and this tale is one of mine …”

In a well-known but probably apocryphal tale, Archimedes was given the task of determining whether King Hiero's goldsmith was embezzling gold during the manufacture of a golden wreath dedicated to the gods and replacing it with another, cheaper alloy. Archimedes knew that the irregularly shaped wreath could be crushed into a cube whose volume could be calculated easily and compared with the mass; but the king did not approve of this. Baffled, Archimedes is said to have taken an immersion bath and observed from the rise of the water upon entering that he could calculate the volume of the gold wreath through the displacement of the water. Upon this discovery, he leapt from his bath and ran naked through the streets shouting, "Eureka! Eureka!" (Which is Greek for ‘I have found it’). As a result, the term "eureka" entered common parlance and is used today to indicate a moment of enlightenment.

The story first appeared in written form in Vitruvius' books of architecture, two centuries after it supposedly took place. Some scholars have doubted the accuracy of this tale, saying among other things that the method would have required precise measurements that would have been difficult to make at the time.

Dr. Halfaminda, “I think they’re too open minded, makes their brains fall out. Ha-Ha.”

Haiku, “Dr. no more jokes … please. Now how does one measure density … is that term proper?”

Dr. Halfaminda, “Yes, it is although it does sound like bad English …”

A number of techniques as well as standards exist for the measurement of density of materials. Such techniques include the use of a hydrometer (a buoyancy method for liquids), Hydrostatic balance (a buoyancy method for liquids and solids), immersed body method (a buoyancy method for liquids), pycnometer (liquids and solids), air comparison pycnometer (solids), oscillating densitometer (liquids), as well as pour and tap (solids). However, each individual method or technique measures different types of density (e.g. bulk density, skeletal density, etc.), and therefore it is necessary to have an understanding of the type of density being measured as well as the type of material in question.

Homogeneous materials

The density at all points of a homogeneous object equals its total mass divided by its total volume. The mass is normally measured with a scale or balance; the volume may be measured directly (from the geometry of the object) or by the displacement of a fluid. To determine the density of a liquid or a gas, a hydrometer, a dasymeter or a Coriolis flow meter may be used, respectively. Similarly, hydrostatic weighing uses the displacement of water due to a submerged object to determine the density of the object.

Heterogeneous materials

If the body is not homogeneous, then its density varies between different regions of the object. In that case the density around any given location is determined by calculating the density of a small volume around that location.

Non-compact materials

In practice, bulk materials such as sugar, sand, or snow contain voids. Many materials exist in nature as flakes, pellets, or granules.

Voids are regions which contain something other than the considered material. Commonly the void is air, but it could also be vacuum, liquid, solid, or a different gas or gaseous mixture.

The bulk volume of a material—inclusive of the void fraction—is often obtained by a simple measurement (e.g. with a calibrated measuring cup) or geometrically from known dimensions.

Mass divided by bulk volume determines bulk density. This is not the same thing as volumetric mass density.

To determine volumetric mass density, one must first discount the volume of the void fraction. Sometimes this can be determined by geometrical reasoning. For the close-packing of equal spheres the non-void fraction can be at most about 74%. It can also be determined empirically. Some bulk materials, however, such as sand, have a variable void fraction which depends on how the material is agitated or poured. It might be loose or compact, with more or less air space depending on handling.

In practice, the void fraction is not necessarily air, or even gaseous. In the case of sand, it could be water, which can be advantageous for measurement as the void fraction for sand saturated in water—once any air bubbles are thoroughly driven out—is potentially more consistent than dry sand measured with an air void.

In the case of non-compact materials, one must also take care in determining the mass of the material sample. If the material is under pressure (commonly ambient air pressure at the earth's surface) the determination of mass from a measured sample weight might need to account for buoyancy effects due to the density of the void constituent, depending on how the measurement was conducted. In the case of dry sand, sand is so much denser than air that the buoyancy effect is commonly neglected (less than one part in one thousand).

Mass change upon displacing one void material with another while maintaining constant volume can be used to estimate the void fraction, if the difference in density of the two voids materials is reliably known.

Dr. Halfaminda, “Wow, that was a mouthful.”

Haiku, “Yes that was, now how about changes in and around density, what do you have on that?”

Compressibility and Thermal expansivity as it related to density, in general, density can be changed by changing either the pressure or the temperature. Increasing the pressure always increases the density of a material. Increasing the temperature generally decreases the density, but there are notable exceptions to this generalization. For example, the density of water increases between its melting point at 0 °C and 4 °C; similar behavior is observed in silicon at low temperatures.

The effect of pressure and temperature on the densities of liquids and solids is small. The compressibility for a typical liquid or solid is 10−6 bar−1 (1 bar = 0.1 MPa) and a typical thermal expansivity is 10−5 K−1. This roughly translates into needing around ten thousand times atmospheric pressure to reduce the volume of a substance by one percent. (Although the pressures needed may be around a thousand times smaller for sandy soil and some clays.) A one percent expansion of volume typically requires a temperature increase on the order of thousands of degrees Celsius.

In contrast, the density of gases is strongly affected by pressure. The density of an ideal gas is where M is the molar mass, P is the pressure, R is the universal gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature. This means that the density of an ideal gas can be doubled by doubling the pressure, or by halving the absolute temperature.

Haiku, “I’m sure we lost some of you out there on those, sorry but these technical definitions may be needed later.”

Dr. Halfaminda, “They will be, ’It’s not what you know, it’s what you don’t know that’s a danger to you’, I’ve made my point.”

Haiku, “Yea, somehow … do you have any more or can we move on?”

Dr. Halfaminda, “That’s enough fundamentals for now.”

Haiku, “Good then we can get to the next stage of density.”

Dr. Halfaminda, “Are you sure you want to talk about this … I’m sure someone is listening to us by now … and this is not just something you talk about in the open.”

Haiku, “But it must be done … Folks we are shifting gears here and looking at how density affects us in other realms or specifically in forth density.”

Dr. Halfaminda, “I still think you pushing it here, but here it goes … for those in the know, I’m not going over 1st through 3rd densities, this focuses on the next ladder step.”

4th Density, this is the Cassiopaean/Ra concept for a mode of existence between physical and ethereal.

The concept is important for the present work since such a state may very well be the result of the Great Work of the alchemist, Ascension, Graduation with the Wave etc., however the concept is named. Furthermore, such a level appears to be the level at which the higher echelons of the 'matrix' function, thus one cannot ignore the possible existence of such a level of reality when studying the deeper nature of the world.

Usually in esoteric literature nothing corresponding to an intermediate level between human-type life and a purely disincarnate existence is described. The Gurdjieffian cosmology comes close to the idea of different density beings with the diagram of everything living.

The category of angels/planetary beings could well correspond to 4th density and the category of archangels/solar beings to 6th. The names are highly allegoric, though.

We do not have a mathematical description of whatever laws might govern time and space at such a level.

We do not even know with certainty whether such a level is real. People may have experienced states and perceptions which are typical of such a level, but these experiences are inherently ambiguous in the way of mystical experiences. We recognize that we are grasping at a concept of which we cannot make any complete or contradiction-free description.

The existence of such a level is indirectly supported by the high strangeness related to the UFO phenomenon. Also, stories of myth speak of creatures somewhere between matter and spirit. The strangeness involves anomalies of time, passing through solid objects, places larger on the inside than outside etc.

In the Cassiopaea/Ra view of evolution of consciousness, individuals graduate from 3rd density, which corresponds to the human-like existence as we know it, to 4th density when they have completed the evolution possible in 3rddensity. The chief criterion is having achieved a consistent self which is stably dedicated to either service to others or service to self.

This naturally involves a certain level of knowledge and intelligence, since the two polarities cannot be discerned without.

This glossary generally only summarizes channeled material when referring to such. We will make an exception here since there is very little else to go on concerning this theme.

From Ra:

QUESTIONER: Thank you. Is it possible for you to give a short description of the conditions in the fourth density?

RA: I am Ra. We ask you to consider as we speak that there are not words for positively describing fourth density. We can only explain what is not and approximate what is.

Beyond fourth density our ability grows more limited until we become without words.

That which fourth density is not: It is not of words, unless chosen. It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities. It is not of disharmony within self. It is not of disharmony within peoples. It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way.

Approximations of positive statements: It is a plane of type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life; it is a plane wherein one is aware of the thought of other-selves; it is a plane wherein one is aware of vibrations of other-selves; it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density; it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light; it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.

Answers from the Cassiopaean’s:

A: Not that simple... Picture driving to reach New Mexico by car and "skipping" over and arriving in San Diego instead, or... driving to the grocery store in Santa Fe, and winding up in Moscow, instead.

A: Now, pay attention! What if: one on 2nd density perceives objects due to their similarity. One on 3rd density perceives objects due to their difference, and one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them.

Both Cassiopaea and Ra data discuss densities throughout the text. Within the scope of this article, we can only say that we are dealing with a fundamentally different world. Alice through the looking glass, said the Cassiopaean’s. The density to which one is native depends on development of consciousness.

That brings us to 4th Density STS Beings, this term is used in this work to refer to beings existing at a level superior to the human level and manipulating humanity and other similar life-forms for their own ends. These are the architects and ultimate controllers of the 'Matrix,' the 'Moon' of Gurdjieff, the Archons of darkness of the Gnostics. Most of the UFO phenomenon originates with these forces.

We are not talking about strictly ethereal entities. They can appear as solid physical bodies, as exemplified by many UFO reports. These are however not native to physicality as experienced by humans. They occupy a realm with variable physicality and can project themselves into physicality as experienced by humans through use of technology or psychic power.

The idea of these beings as a human-like life-form from some other planet is misleading. The various strange anomalies such as variations in the rate of passage of time, spaces being larger on the inside than outside, and such effects suggest that these beings experience different laws of physics from what we are used to.

Accounts retrieved from people having interacted with such entities suggest that people can be transported into this different level of reality and temporarily exist there in physical form. Thus, that level does not appear as a fluid idea world and has a certain solidity. Also based on these observations there are living entities as well as inanimate pieces of technology as evidence.

We cannot construct an exact representation of this level based on human sensory experience. Accounts of high strangeness in conjunction of the UFO phenomenon and psychic experiences of humans however suggest that such a mode of being and perceiving is real. Otherwise, we are limited to descriptions contained in various channeled material.

Different biological types of beings have been reported in this context. Most reports concern the so-called gray alien, a somewhat humanoid 4-foot-tall creature with large black eyes and a bulb shaped head.

Another form is an 8-foot-tall upright alligator, sometimes called a lizzie. Yet another is a Nordic looking human form.

Still other forms such as insects are sometimes reported. To what degree these are physical forms and to what degree these are interpretations of the observers from something else is unclear. There appears to be consistency between reports describing these as solid beings. On the other hand, similar beings are seen walking through walls and materializing from thin air also.

This suggests an inherent mastery of physicality, whether through technology or as an intrinsic feature of these beings.

Haiku, “Well that got a little deeper than even I expected.”

Dr. Halfaminda, “It just goes to show you that, ‘This life is but a shadow of a complete life, and there are many shadows. It’s where you came from before this life, it’s where you will go after this life, it all about the lessons you learn on the way’”

Haiku, “Okay … I don’t know where that came from … let's get back on track … how will density change our everyday life? Take gasses, will they still work the same?”

Dr. Halfaminda, “You know what I saw the other day, I was heating my kettle on the same old gas stove I’ve been using for at least ten years now, it was for my afternoon tea, and I sat there for nineteen minutes waiting for it.”

Haiku, “Nineteen minutes, you probably needed to turn up the heat higher.”

Dr. Halfaminda, “I tried, it was at maximum output and the flame was as big as it was normally. This time it took 72% longer to heat the same amount of water.”

Haiku, “So … where are you going with this?”

Dr. Halfaminda, “I know this sounds far-fetched and all … but I think I was in one of these transition bubbles … ones where you are in both third and fourth densities at the same time and I was getting bleed-through. I’m not positive but I think my gas changed in this zone to something that produced less heat, like in the fourth, natural gas burns but no longer heats … that is possible.”

Haiku, “So you're saying that you noticed a possible change in the gas, and you suspect that it was the caused by this transition bubble. If that is true, then it will affect all gasses that we use every day in some way … do you have any other observations?”

Dr. Halfaminda, “You could say that … temperature … I’ve noticed something with temperature, again I’m not positive this is what everyone is seeing … for your knowledge, I am a fanatic with a weather station, it does everything that those Antarctic models do without taking the severe weather. I keep track of everything but this anomaly, I like to call it. I go outside, it feels warm, almost warm enough to take off my shirt.”

Haiku, “Hold it, we’ll have none of that, this is a family show.”

Dr. Halfaminda did a double take to the interviewer and said, “No … you're getting me confused … Yes, I go outside and it’s warmer than expected. I look at the weather station and it says 52°, but it didn’t feel that way. It wasn’t the humidity as I track this, it was constant.”

Haiku, “So, you're saying that one of these bubbles caused a temperature differential that was not expected … have you seen others?”

Dr. Halfaminda, “Several … hot and cold situations … it is like when you’re in these zones, temperature may be different, but the body doesn’t feel it like it should. Again, these are just theories, I have no proof of them. But it didn’t matter what temperature it was, hot or cold, in the bubble it felt like it was 70°”

Haiku, “Can you take this any further?”

Dr. Halfaminda, “Sure, in the physical world, what if density, as we understand it, increased. Let us set a value of this physical increase at 1.5X current numbers. Take a gallon of water @ 3.8 KG would now be almost 6 KG. A rock that you could previously move was now beyond capability, or exactly the opposite. Then we can examine other items like music. How would it sound if you could increase your creation of music to the next level. Multiple rhythms, like several songs overlapping but maintaining coordination. And with denser hearing, capable of hearing more wavelengths, we would be able to comprehend all of it. Sight would also increase, allowing you to see farther and closer. Then you would be able to see through this reality to all that is really around you. Like looking at the matrix through Neo’s eyes. To see through all of the layers.

Then you have to take in another side of Density. What if thought becomes denser? Parallel processing of massive thoughts, working knowledge backwards and forward, postulating and solving, simultaneously. Right now … it is unfathomable … but I don’t believe that it will stay that way for long.

In the fourth, liquids may separate differently, gasses may not work, clouds are walked on, music may sound like an orchestra, but it only comes from one, temperature becomes irrelevant, food may not taste all like chicken … and the chicken may get to vote next time.”

Haiku, “Anymore?”

Dr. Halfaminda, “Haven’t I said enough, I’m probably going to get a visit from one of those grey guys from this interview … do you have any tinfoil, how about some popcorn … never mind, I’ll get some at the store … Got to go, I’ll call you when I get home … if I get home, bye now.”

Haiku, “Dr. … are we done … I guess we are folks, he just ran out of the studio … well that was an enterprising talk, hopefully we can get him on-air again, I’ll see you all next time on the deeper talk … cut.”

Haiku …
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