The Disbelievers

What a glib piece of unadulterated damage control crap. The disgusting part is that we're forced to pay taxes that ultimately enrich paid shills like the author of this article. However, my belief is that the U.S. public is not as naiive or as stupid as the lying mouthpieces and benefactors of our military industrial complex ("consortium") would like them to be. This type of damage control will help them, but not enough. The truth hurts and they must be hurting to be forced to write this kind of hooey. In the article they say 36% believe the US government was somehow complicit, where more truthful polls have the number around 70%.

I like this part:
WashingtonPost said:
Griffin's book, "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11," never reviewed in a major U.S. newspaper, sold more than 100,000 copies . . .
Wouldn't someone wonder why a book with a topic as vitally important as this, with an author as credible as Griffin, with sales beyond 100,000, would be totally ignored by the mainstream press??? If that isn't evidence that the press is totally controlled, I don't know what is.

In my opinion I think that anybody that's working for a living is starting to figure out that they are and have been getting royally s *****d. The lying lapdog press is still telling us that "core inflation" is 4%. The same liars that write articles like this. I've been doing the simple elementary school math with all the basic expenses that we encounter and REAL inflation is way way beyond the "official" b.s. line. I think that once you point out to people that gas has gone up this much which is What Percent? Yeah, right, I can still figure this out. Milk has gone up this much (what percent is that?), rent this much (what percent is that?) cereal this much, the menu at the cafeteria this much, electricity this much, etc. etc. (I know, "core inflation" is not supposed to include the "volatile" food and energy sectors, but nonsense is nonsense. What good is an inflation statistic if it doesn't measure the actual expenses that real people encounter while trying to actually survive??!) One with eyes to see can see that the "officials" have to be lying, that this type of questioning and simple math might help those that have a vestige of mentality to start to "wake up."
Why is the article written in first person, or is it "second person" i.e. like "You reach Honegger a few nights later." This is not the traditional journalistic style, but there's nothing about this topic that merits such a casual analysis. There's a sarcastic tone that runs through it, and I guess someone's hoping the audience picks up on that and doesn't pay attention to the facts.

MIT gets a lot of government funding, I mean tons of it. I don't care if MIT and all the other most famous labs and institutes said there's no evidence of explosives; obviously there is. I'm somewhat ashamed of MIT for what's Prof. Eager is saying.

The WP article is a limited hangout.

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