The dream of crystals


The Living Force
I want to share with you a strange dream I dreamed tonight.
I want you at the beginning to say that I spent the last month working in Italy, I worked almost all day, I could not properly feed, the job did not allow it, neither can living conditions. What I could do is work EE. :)

So, I dreamed, (finally in my room and in my bed), a strange dream.
I was in the room, which looked like an operating room. I lay on the operating bed, my hands and feet were tied, and also my head.
Together with me in the room were "persons" without faces, they looked like shadows. I could not discern interrogate their features, I could not see their eyes, mouth ... I could only observe their movements.
These "people" are the possessors of my crystals. I do not know how, but I knew that these are crystals that are intended for me.
In addition to the sound of my breathing, no other sound I could not hear, and "people" have not told me a single word.

At one point, one of the people took something like drill, he wanted to punch me in two places at the head, (right in the temples), and installed me in every open hole a crystal.
I could not move my head, I remember that I asked them, why can not carry crystals around the neck, they did not answer anything, continued to punch my head.

I felt no pain, but I felt fear. :(
I do not know, I do not remember whether they managed to end the operation, I woke up.

Thanks for reading, I'm sorry if you did not understand everything, my English is not good :-[
Good to hear from you again casper, and I'm sorry to hear that you have been under such duress of late. The dream you recounted above sounds more like a nightmare or weird abduction scenario! In the dream you mentioned crystals- if you have received your Cassiopaea crystals, have you been carrying your protection crystal with you while working in Italy? Have you had any other strange or scary dreams or high strangeness happenings? Maybe keeping a journal of your dreams and anything untoward, maybe a good idea.

I hope your schedule allows you some time to slow down- being overworked, malnourished and under duress can place all sorts of stress on our body and psyche. Stay vigilant and look after yourself casper!
Arwenn said:
Good to hear from you again casper, and I'm sorry to hear that you have been under such duress of late. The dream you recounted above sounds more like a nightmare or weird abduction scenario! In the dream you mentioned crystals- if you have received your Cassiopaea crystals, have you been carrying your protection crystal with you while working in Italy? Have you had any other strange or scary dreams or high strangeness happenings? Maybe keeping a journal of your dreams and anything untoward, maybe a good idea.

I hope your schedule allows you some time to slow down- being overworked, malnourished and under duress can place all sorts of stress on our body and psyche. Stay vigilant and look after yourself casper!
Thank you for your prompt response. :D
No, I have not ordered crystals, so it seems I am pretty easy target.
Before this dream, I had never such dreams.
Today will order (pray) for my crystal, I could not pray before, my shame would not let me pray for the free gift.

A good idea for keeping a diary of dreams, I sincerely hope that these dreams will no longer be.
It seems tough what you're going through, and you seem indeed scared.
What I know about dream, whatever the purpose they are made for, is that they are made up by your mind/belief/imagery system to convey the message they are for. What you can do, and what's very interesting is to recall it as much detailed as you can and let go of all attachments/reversions/fears to such a point that recalling the dream won't disturb you a bit.
This dream seem much potent because of the powerfulness of the horror inside (I know this kind of dream), so you could be free of a large portion of fear and attachments, if you open to it :).

As Arwenn warned, stay vigilant and don't fear the fear, it teaches you something !
Oh gosh what a dream casper! Hope things improve work / health / living conditions wise for you eventually. Yes EE would be good to do when you have a moment to yourself. I find that belly breathing can work wonders when I am under stress with work etc.
you are pushing yourself too hard recently? Take a time to enjoy Italy. Every experience has a secret joy in itself if you allow yourself to find it.
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