The electric man


FOTCM Member
A man who has no problem to handle high electric power:
this is the only video I find in English

and here are some videos (not in English):

He say he doesn't sweat and his skin is very dry.
scientist examine his skin, and they say his skin has not two layers as normal people, he has only one.

He can charge his body with electricity. In a other video I saw that he gives electric massages to people(I don't know where I saw that, some time has past by since)
A man who has no problem to handle high electric power:
this is the only video I find in English
and here are some videos (not in English):
He say he doesn't sweat and his skin is very dry.
scientist examine his skin, and they say his skin has not two layers as normal people, he has only one.
He can charge his body with electricity. In a other video I saw that he gives electric massages to people(I don't know where I saw that, some time has past by since)

mod removed links and temporarily disabled links above until I watch them
Hi hrithik,

Welcome to the forum.

Please take note that I've removed the links you posted at the bottom of the three posts you made. In the future when posting, please take care to follow the forum guidelines. In addition to the other information, you will find this paragraph:

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:jawdrop: DNA mutation ?

In a other video I saw that he gives electric massages to people(I don't know where I saw that, some time has past by since)
This is in the second video you posted at 8'10.
Heh useful feature for me :D I did not pass a voltage test last time , like he did :D
Oh, OK ! :lol:

This is what I do not understand with this man. How the hight voltage + hight amperage (he plug his body directly into 220V if I remember well), passing through his body, do not disturb his nerve signals like you and me.
Ellipse said:
Oh, OK ! :lol:

This is what I do not understand with this man. How the hight voltage + hight amperage (he plug his body directly into 220V if I remember well), passing through his body, do not disturb his nerve signals like you and me.
I always wonder when I see people do things like this (well, after I wonder why they would want to do this :) ) is if they just have a really high pain threshold.
really high pain threshold.

IMO it cannot be high pain threshold because there is a partial electrolisis of body fluids while connected. Thats why very often people die few days after shock.
If I remember correctly , body fluids after eletrolisis causes kidney failure but I gotta recheck that info and confirm it.
It might be possible that current does not go through his internal organs but flows on a surface. That would mean that his outer skin layer has lower resistance that internal skin layer - I know they said he has only one layer , but there has to be an insulator somewhere. Otherwise he could die for example of heart arythmia (if it is correct term :))

hmm , on a second thought he showed-off his skill only using AC which can cause very slight elecrolisis . Interesting I gotta read more about that
There's someone else in India with the same ability : _

His body is 10x more resistive than an average body. He must heat when all this amperes go through his body...
Very strange.
Nikola Tesla performed many of these stunts. He said that if the frequency of the current/voltage was very high it did not interact with the human body. Our household current is around 50-60Hz which is low frequency and deadly. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure of the high frequency range which Tesla used.
Hi hrithik

can I ask you why you copy the hole topic I wrote on 27 August: ??? :huh:

I mean you copy the post exactly like I wrote it and didn't even mention it? :mad:

Mod's note: Edited to activate the link.
Hi Pashalis,

hrithik was a spammer. He was duly banned. I'll merge the post with the one that you started. :)

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