The Five Pillars of Intuition


The Living Force
The Five Pillars of Intuition
The Five Pillars of Intuition
May 24, 2018

Trust - Intuition is such a natural part of our makeup, it is more a case of unlearning what prevents us from being intuitive, then learning how to be intuitive. One of the keys to awakening your intuition, is trust. Absolute trust in your impressions and a grounding of this trust, through taking action based on your intuitive impressions. The more you trust, and take action (before you doubt yourself), the more your intuition will grow.

Connection - to your self, especially your heart, to others and to nature, enhances your intuition. So the more you can be in solitude, get to know your inner world, the more your intuition will flower. You have the opportunity to heal any pain blocking your heart, through opening to all your feelings, especially your Inner child. Connection to yourself can also happen in another way: when the mind is distracted by something, and kept busy – for example, by ambient noise, an activity that keeps the hands busy, or low level background noise – it can often be easier to access creativity. There are several famous writers who use this technique to access a kind of stream of consciousness. Other artists use it to create music.

This “zone,” that comes when the mind is distracted is helpful with intuition. I discovered this technique with intuition, through working with oracle cards. At first the cards were the message, then the cards became the “distraction” and the message was something beyond the cards. I came to trust the inner knowing, feelings, words and visual fragments that were seemingly unrelated to the cards. As the mind focussed on the cards, something else was freed and it was like the cards became a gateway.

Acceptance - We spend so much of life pushing away, rejecting, fighting. Battling ourselves, our past, our bodies, our beliefs, our conditioning. Then we take this inner war out into our daily life, and engage in conflicts with others. Self acceptance leads to greater trust and helps you awaken your intuitive capacity. Acceptance is about accepting all aspects of ourselves. Not just the good aspects. When we accept that we have negative character aspects, then we stop hiding them and fighting with ourselves. A daily practice of sitting still for five minutes, with your hands on the heart, and somatically connecting with your body, firstly the physical sensations, and then your thoughts, and your emotions, simply observing, without trying to change anything, will help you to develop greater acceptance.

Integrity - Being real and authentic, most of all with yourself, releases the chokehold of our ego on intuition. Integrity is doing the right thing, saying what you mean, and keeping your word, most of all to yourself. It is about being authentically you. Too often people think they need to behave a certain way in order to be wise, or “spiritual.” In fact, it is the reverse. Expressing more of what is truly within you, showing yourself, shadow and all, is the way to free yourself

Innocence - When you start the journey of forming a deeper, more authentic connection with yourself, you open the doorway to innocence. Much of intuitive functioning is held in the childlike spontaneity we all have. Connecting to, and nurturing, this aspect of yourself helps to enhance intuition.
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