The frightening parallels of the Argentinian collapse


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Yesterday I found a link to a very well done, English subtitled documentary of the Argentinian economic collapse. All of the usual suspects are there doing what they do. The C's statement that the 3rd Reich was a dress rehearsal for what is coning down today really resonated with me as I watched this documentary. It is almost like Argentina was the model for today's economic debacle. Watching the spread of corporate/government ponorology in Argentina is scary.

This is inconveniently broken into 12 segments. There is a 59 minute version that is claimed to be complete, but it only goes about half way through the documentary. To see what Argentina went through a few years ago is certainly an eye opener, given today's circumstances. It bodes not well for the future. If you want to get a taste of our probable future, I suggest giving this a viewing:

Part one

This is also available at for those who might have problems with youtube. Search "Argentina collapse"
Yesterday I found a link to a very well done, English subtitled documentary of the Argentinian economic collapse. All of the usual suspects are there doing what they do.

Thanks for this link.

Rabelais said:
It is almost like Argentina was the model for today's economic debacle. Watching the spread of corporate/government ponorology in Argentina is scary.

In addition this time the crisis won't impact one single country. Contrary to the Argentine crisis, it won't be possible to move to healthy country, to store capital in a foreign bank, to get massive loans or funding from other governments, to compensate weak domestic demand with exports or weak domestic production with imports...
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