The Garden of Eden Dream


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Saturday night I had a really super cool and vivid dream, like one of those dreams you get and never forget as it leaves quite an impact, it also made me wake up sweaty and tears running down my cheek (they didn’t feel like tears of sadness but happiness).

There was a very beautiful place, nature filled forests, animals, it had a pure feel of bliss and peace like a garden of Eden. It was filled with lots of forum members and had a huge wall surrounding the area. A lot of people outside the wall could not enter it, they could see the door but unable to go through it. You would either be there or you would not. This place was also created by Laura, but the interesting thing was that she was not a physical presence in this place but more like an ethereal being such as the wind that brings comfort in very sunny weather, meanwhile every other forum member had physical presences in this place.

After having fully seen this beautiful place a certain kind of ‘’test’’ started to take place, it appeared that it took a lot more for a person to be able to stay within these walls, one of them being intentions. Every person residing within this ark was going through something quite ‘’painful’’, everyone was according to their own issues now faced with their fears/ego in order to draw out their true intentions of why they are here. In this place I too went through this process (I won’t discuss the details as it was quite private and emotional) I felt like everything inside my mind and heart was drawn out in the open where I had to look at it and confront it(when this happened I had a thought going through my head in that dream if the wave would be intense in that way that it draws out everything and that according to ones true intentions one would overcome that hurdle or not). After it was over I was and felt exhausted and out of breath, in front of me stood Joe who grabbed my hand and smiled and said something (I forgot what when I woke up) and helped me stand up. At that moment that I stood up I saw behind Joe silhouettes of other members(it looked really cool, like a bunch of superheroes) and I felt a warm feeling and happiness of having a true family.

After I recovered from having that vivid dream, I contemplated on the message it was trying to send me, and I came to the conclusion that every member has a part to play everyone is like a certain piece of a watch, without the smallest rotator working the other rotators will slow down or stop working. We are all in this land together and we have to work together to keep it working if one falls down on his knees the others will help you raise once again. If your intentions are sincere and if you keep helping and working on doing your part then perhaps one day that beautiful place will become a reality.
Very nice dream Bo. The analogy of the clock is very interesting, in the principle of the mechanism, where everything influences everything. However, personally I would remain cautious. For in trying to interpret your dream, it reminded me of the great watchmaker (the great architect). Chronos or Kronos (time illusion). Chronos also means crown, and also refers to the Greek god Saturn. Also, the world's most famous clock "Big Ben", it is located in London, the Palace of Westminster, in the biggest crown of the world. It seems to me that this God of illusion, Chronos (Saturn) is in connection with the moon. The moon through Saturn, imprison us in the illusion of time, and take our énérgie. So if God is that of the British crown, can we trust him? I know we talked about the Saturnalia on the forum ... But when we read the mythology, we see that Saturn (Chronos / time / delusion) and Jupiter (Olympus) returned in conflict. Terminology Olympus word comes from the ancient Greek words: ollumi ( "destroy"), oloos ( "destructive", "fatal") or orthe ( "cut", "nick") used to be a theme olu- meaning: "cut," "cut," "mow", "shave". As for the final -mpos, this suffix is ​​attested in several Indo-European languages ​​in adjectives indicating a situation, a position or orientation. This could mean that Jupiter returned in conflict with Saturn, to cut, mow or shave the "illusion of time." However, it seems that Saturn and the Titans are still the masters, since the term Olympiad refers to a time unit, consisting of the four-year period elapsing between two Olympic Games. It is the basis of the chronology of the Greek world from Alexander the Great. Maybe the great watchmaker STS (reset) back the clock every four years (At the Olympics games)? So the battle must always continue ... Also, it is perhaps no coincidence, if you have not seen Laura, it means perhaps that she is not subject to the illusion of time. But this is only a dream, and has all its distortions.
Wow, what an amazingly rich and insightful dream! There's a lot of very good food for thought there, and your thoughts about how we can all fit and work together were spot on I thought. Thanks for sharing!
Kisito said:
Very nice dream Bo. The analogy of the clock is very interesting, in the principle of the mechanism, where everything influences everything. However, personally I would remain cautious. For in trying to interpret your dream, it reminded me of the great watchmaker (the great architect). Chronos or Kronos (time illusion). Chronos also means crown, and also refers to the Greek god Saturn. Also, the world's most famous clock "Big Ben", it is located in London, the Palace of Westminster, in the biggest crown of the world. It seems to me that this God of illusion, Chronos (Saturn) is in connection with the moon. The moon through Saturn, imprison us in the illusion of time, and take our énérgie. So if God is that of the British crown, can we trust him? I know we talked about the Saturnalia on the forum ... But when we read the mythology, we see that Saturn (Chronos / time / delusion) and Jupiter (Olympus) returned in conflict. Terminology Olympus word comes from the ancient Greek words: ollumi ( "destroy"), oloos ( "destructive", "fatal") or orthe ( "cut", "nick") used to be a theme olu- meaning: "cut," "cut," "mow", "shave". As for the final -mpos, this suffix is ​​attested in several Indo-European languages ​​in adjectives indicating a situation, a position or orientation. This could mean that Jupiter returned in conflict with Saturn, to cut, mow or shave the "illusion of time." However, it seems that Saturn and the Titans are still the masters, since the term Olympiad refers to a time unit, consisting of the four-year period elapsing between two Olympic Games. It is the basis of the chronology of the Greek world from Alexander the Great. Maybe the great watchmaker STS (reset) back the clock every four years (At the Olympics games)? So the battle must always continue ... Also, it is perhaps no coincidence, if you have not seen Laura, it means perhaps that she is not subject to the illusion of time. But this is only a dream, and has all its distortions.
Bo Hi, I reread your dream, and I noticed that I forgot to take into consideration the fact that you said that this place (Eden) was created by Laura and that this garden, also an examination, learning. It would seem then, that you perceive Laura as having passed the examination of physicality (3D). And if we want to also pass this examination, we must face the demiurge (STS), the God of illusion. You must definitely consider Jo, as the one who made the transition, and that helps to pass. In your dream, Jo may have an etheric part and a physical part.
So we have to pay our passage. The illusion of time we seem mired in anguish and suffering. Personally, I almost suffocate, sometimes I debate myself like a madman, and I feel I exhaust myself, sometimes I do not move, and I can not go alone to the surface. Perhaps it is true that the transition can be made with several human beings, such as a school Is this perhaps the reason that many of us often dream of being in school. Our freedom, my freedom has become "an obsession". :)
What a beautiful dream Bo! And your thoughts about working together too! :love:

I always understand this idea when thinking of it as our body. When we realise how every tiny bit of our body seems to be doing something that contributes to the whole, we can realise that this also works in a forest, on Earth, and why not on the universe itself? Then... over here as well.

A tiny community of microbes can have an important role in our health and a tiny protein can have an important role in our genetic expression even, so as tiny as we are as individuals, or as a community, our activity might create ripples of influence in the whole. I a way, is important to keep in mind how small we are, but also how every action can have an impact that maybe we can't fully understand.

Thanks for sharing!

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