The great George Lakoff

Thanks for posting this link. Pottersville. This has to be the best analysis of the conservative/authoritarian mindset I have yet to read. What Lakeoff writes applies equally well to the Conservative government (as well as conservatives in general) currently in power here in Canada.
I have a sister who obsessively believes literally all of the lies spun by the Zionist media about the "muslim threat" ad nauseum. And yes, she is overtly hostile towards universal health care, unions, workers' rights, government workers and so forth.
This article gave me a lot of insight into how the conservative/authoritarian mind works.
Again, thanks for posting this link.
Thanks for the Lakoff link PottersvilleUSA and here were a few remembered links on Sott that may or may not add to these mindset predispositions of the Right/Left. There was another excellent article about testing of Right/Left belief systems whereby people of both like were given contradictory information; it was on Sott but cannot seem to locate, perhaps someone will remembers this.

PS Redrock12; Equally well to Canadian gov indeed :nuts:
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