The Guardian: Is this the future of fake news?


The Living Force
The Guardian wrote an article and a video last week on the use of technology to manufacture Fake News. It's a short video and demonstrates how the PTB (or anyone able to) may be altering news / officials' statements.
They changed the title so the link went broke, this is the new one:

The future of fake news: don't believe everything you read, see or hear

I think it's an interesting article, that said, the Guardian itself is a fakenews outlet, them trying to warn us of fake photorealistic videos leaves a bad taste. And in fact they are not trying to warn us of fake photorealistic videos. If you read between the lines, what they are really trying to convey is: ''See we protect you from ''fakenews, stick with our propaganda''


What we can expect in the near future is bombardment of fakenews articles, images, videos etc spread by the PTB so that many people will start to believe (or so they might hope) that nobody or anyone can be trusted anymore. What else is their left to do when the majority doesn't believe the MSM anymore. Just tell everyone is crazy!

Ofcourse the PTB can get all Orwellian and instead start arresting people who spread realnews. But that's not a long-term plan to keep your dictatorship afloat. Though, perhaps they will resort to such ways anyhow.
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