The holocaust and me as Hittler


The Living Force
I began, again, to have weird dreams.

The first ones was about like little images and like a commercial of a movie about a war on the world. But yesterday I had a really weird dream.

First in the dream, I wake up and I turn on the TV, and one man in the news was saying "today is the last day of the humanity, is the last day that we have, the destruction is coming" after that so quickly I went to my window and I saw a lot of ash or gray dust, you know, like the one created by an explosion. And that dust its like made by the impact of a comet.

A big tale that fallows the road to the big cloud of ash. Then another things happen like, talking with my family about the event, and about how we are going to deal with that. Then again in the TV a reporter (supposedly) record a draconian white with two horns and two big wings and his face believe me, was to real with his two little and torn yellow eyes watching directly to me, and I know that this could sound as fiction but was a dream and I know that has its significant.

Then Another things quickly happen again and the I enter to one room with other kids, those kids had flags from different countries, and when I saw me on the mirror I saw me being a little child but with the appearance of Hitler.

I don't know what this dream could try to tell me...

An opinion about my dream??
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