'The Jumping Jack Flash Hypothesis'


The Living Force
The Jumping Jack Flash Hypothesis.

I came across this unusual site, while furthering my exploration of the Methane situation assocciated with Gas Fracking in the US Northeast.

Looking over the site, his main theme is focused on Hydrogen Sulfide and Methane and it's effects on the environment and living species. His categories include current listings for fires and explosions, animal and fish die offs, multible person deaths and corpses found in low-lying areas, unusual vehicular accidents, animal attacks, land subsidence events and other stories of interest. His updates seem to be logged, every few days, with the site started in January 2012.

In his hypothesis summary he states:
The seas, lakes and oceans are now pluming deadly hydrogen sulfide and suffocating methane. Hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic water-soluble heavier-than-air gas and will accumulate in low-lying areas. Methane is slightly more buoyant than normal air and so will be all around, but will tend to contaminate our atmosphere from the top down. These gases are sickening and killing oxygen-using life all around the world, including human life, as our atmosphere is increasingly poisoned. Because both gases are highly flammable and because our entire civilization is built around fire and flammable fuels, this is leading to more fires and explosions.

In predictions:
A. More fires and more explosions, especially along the coasts, but everywhere generally.
B. Many more animal die-offs, of all kinds, and especially oceanic species.
C. More multiples of people will be found dead in their homes, as if they'd dropped dead.
D. More corpses found in low-lying areas, all over the world.
E. More unusual vehicular accidents.
F. Improved unemployment numbers as people die off.

Some of his notes include:
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas and it will seek out low-lying areas like underground facilities, basements, bodies of water, valleys, canyons, ravines, ditches, etc. It's also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that found in vehicles and underground electrical facilities. It's also reactive with rusty iron/steel, like many gas lines. Biogenic sulfide corrosion will also eat away at steel and concrete, making gas leaks more common, resulting in more gas explosions and fires...

Note: There've been numerous major explosions in Louisiana in recent times. That's not too surprising considering the proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and its horrible dead zones, which are surely pluming deadly and highly flammable hydrogen sulfide now. There are also methane hydrate deposits in the Gulf of Mexico and I would be very surprised if they haven't begun to dissociate just as have those in the Arctic and off the US East Coast...

Note: Hardware stores have many vulnerabiities to the atmnospheric hydrogen sulfide and methane problem. They have copper wiring (electrified and not), they often store lumber, they have batteries and battery cables and combustion engines (chainsaws, lawnmowers, etc), they probably have some rusty iron/steel around, air-conditioners, cardboard, pallets, and on and on. An iconic hardware store was just destroyed by fire in coastal Washington DC recently too, as mentioned in the 2013-06-06 update...

Note: Another day, another mysterious death in Florida. Florida is downwind of the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico, which are surely pluming deadly hydrogen sulfide now. It's also a water-soluble gas and is probably contaminating water here and there, like, for example, the water in pools and canals and ponds...

2013-06-18 - Possibly the largest methane seep in the world found off the US East Coast:

Quote: "An even larger, previously unknown vent was found off the coast of Virginia, in research by Steve Ross, a scientist at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and Sandra Brooke, a scientist at Florida State University. Discovered near the Norfolk submarine canyon, the vent is the largest in the Atlantic, and possibly in all of the world's oceans, Ross told LiveScience."

2013-06-18 - Toxic blue-green (cyanobacteria) outbreak at Willow Creek Reservoir (Oregon):

2013-06-18 - Mysterious dark slick substance forces swimmers off Lake Michigan beach near Porter (Indiana):

2013-06-17 - Reclining chair bursts into flame at home in coastal Quincy Point (Massachusetts), 2 injured:

Note: The residents tossed the chair out the window and it then caught the porch roof on fire. This area is the part of Quincy (Massachusetts) closest to the ocean and this home is about 1000 feet from the ocean. Quincy is where a 'rotten egg' smell is rolling in off the ocean, as mentioned in the 2013-05-09 update. A mysterious plane has been buzzing the city at night too, as mentioned in the 2013-05-10 update...

Quote: "Debra Slaybaugh was on her couch reading early Monday afternoon when she heard a loud pop on her front porch."

Note: There's that popping sound again, heard right before many fires this past year or so. That's probably the sound of a smallish hydrogen sulfide and/or methane plume finding an ignition source and igniting. This was her porch so there may have been numerous possible ignition sources: copper wiring to porch light or doorbell, rusted iron/steel in nails or screws or hinges or BBQ grill, the heat from a porch light, a rusty railing, etc. Asotin lies along the banks of the Snake River...

2013-06-16 - Underground explosions triple year-over-year from 2011 to 2012 in coastal London (Britain):

Quote: "As if living in London did not carry enough daily peril, residents of the capital now have one more bizarre danger to add to the list – exploding pavements. Figures obtained by the BBC show that underground explosions, such as the one filmed in Pimlico in April this year, tripled between 2011 and 2012. The blasts can be caused by water leaking onto underground cables or gas leaks ignited by underground sparks. There were 29 incidents in 2012 and 12 so far this year. This is a surge from just eight in 2011."

Note: That's more than a 200% increase year-over-year, from 8 in 2011 to 29 in 2012. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like subways and underground infrastructure. It is also highly flammable and reactive with rusty iron/steel (pipes) and copper, especially electrified copper (electrical stuff). This same problem is almost certainly the reason that both New York City and London are performing tests to see where poison gas would go once inside their respective subway systems. (London subway gas test mentioned in the 2013-06-14 update. NYC subway gas test mentioned in the 2013-04-26 update.)

Note: The wee hours are when the atmosphere cools and contracts, which will push any hydrogen sulfide or methane floating in the atmosphere above closer to the ground, making explosions, fires and hydrogen sulfide poisoning events more common during those hours...

Note: Tires and brake pads are absorbing hydrogen sulfide. Then when brakes are applied, an abnormal amount of heat is generated, because hydrogen sulfide burns very hot. Then bad things can happen: tires explode or ignite, brakes burn out or ignite, fluid lines rupture, the entire vehicle goes up in flames, or all of the above. This affects massive vehicles the most, but no vehicle is immune. Buses have been overturning, running out of control, plunging off cliffs, crashing into gorges and ravines, veering across lanes and hitting other vehicles, etc.

In the glossary section, he states this:
Neuro-Zombie - Hydrogen sulfide is a broad-spectrum poison but has powerful neurotoxic effects. In other words, it causes brain damage. It appears that the higher-level functions are damaged: speech/language, memory, conscience/morals, logic, reason. As a result, increasing numbers of people have begun doing simply insane things, frequently violent, like stabbing people to death, eating another man's face, that sort of thing. Stripping off clothes and nudity is common with neuro-zombies, as is cannibalistic behavior. I'm not sure why so many incidents involve nudity, but it may simply be that they no longer comprehend what clothes are for, or they just don't care anymore. I call people affected in this way neuro-zombies because the person, the 'self', that once resided in the body is basically dead, wiped away by neurological damage, but the body lives on for a while.

Since his main focus is on Hydrogen Sulfide and Methane, he doesn't take into consideration that some of his listings may involve fireballs or meteorites. But, I still found the site interesting, especially the large number of listings in each category.

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