The Law of Analogy and the sleep of life and death


Dagobah Resident
I was reading Mouravieff, and I came across the term"Law of analogy". After looking it up in the Cassiopedia glossary and finding nothing, I researched this concept on the web, and this is what I found:

The Law of Analogy
By G. de Purucker
p:// Purucker said:
Nature moves in cycles, and as these cycles run their rounds, nations and men rise, reach their maturity, give forth the flowers of their civilizations; and then, as the wheel of time whirls on in its unceasing course, they in turn fall, to give place to men of newer blood who in turn develop their own systems of thought -- originating them, as they falsely think, but in reality only stating again, albeit in the manner of their own racial genius, the same old truths that had been known in former ages. Yet it is true enough that if we take the larger view of destiny and time, we find that there is a gradual enlargement of what was known in the past: what was the child of the mind and spirit and heart of those who lived in ages long gone by.

Thus we see that the human intelligence operating through the ages, because based fundamentally on cosmic factors, must function or operate analogically. What was regarded as a truth in former ages as based on natural fact, will be recognized on analogical or similar principles in a later age; because the fact remains that while human intelligence advances progressively to higher levels of understanding, such development is always on analogical lines based on the cosmic structure. For the universal organism operates as a consistent whole, and therefore one general pattern of action is discernible in all its parts throughout the entire cycle of manifested life.

Analogy, the much-abused but powerful instrument of human thinking, is now recognized as one of the master keys opening nature's portals. One general law and one common system of manifestation rule throughout the universe, and in this fact lies the meaning of that wonderful Hermetic axiom: "As it is above, so is it below; as it is below, so is it above." Or, expressed more fully: As things are above so are they in all intermediate spheres, and below. And as they are here below, or underneath us in planes still more material than ours, so are they above us in planes vastly more spiritual.] This does not imply identities in any collection of cases, but states the operation of uniform action in what we call nature; and any such uniform action, consistent always and continuous, having a beginning and proceeding to its cyclic end, we call a "law of nature."

I have been wondering for quite some time, even before I knew that there was a Law of Analogy, if the success or failure of remembering our dreams after we wake up is analogous to the unified I remembering the dream of life after the body has died.

Although I find myself "bookmarking" events in a dream as I dream, and then remembering them immediately after waking, before very long, they dissipate in the light of day like sugar crystals dissolve on the tongue. This is disconcerting because the dream seems so firmly lodged in my consciousness at the time I am recalling it that I am certain that I will have no trouble recalling it later, but I do.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this, or on any other examples that may fall under The Law of Analogy?
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