The Mysterious Cart Tracks of Phrygia Valley, Turkey


FOTCM Member
I stumbled upon this topic and realised that it wasn't mentioned yet on the forum or SOTT. Maybe it was, but it wasn't possible to find it using search.

Anyways, in this session it's possible to read a lengthy discussion about "cart tracks" in Malta, but apparently there is something similar in Turkey as well.


In the Phrygian Valley of Turkey, in the west central part of Anatolia, are numerous so called “cart tracks” that crisscross across the landscape. These tracks are cut into the bedrock and are evenly spaced, as if made by the wheels of a cart or a vehicle, but much deeper than typical cart ruts. The deepest ruts are three feet deep. These tracks are somewhat similar to those found on the island of Malta.

The lack of precise dating has led some people to believe that these tracks are petrified ruts made millions of years ago by an ancient alien civilization driving heavy vehicles over the terrain that was still covered with volcanic ashes. Over the centuries, the tuffaceous deposits solidified into hard rock preserving the ruts, the same way dinosaur footprints are preserved in rocks...


More pictures in the article.
The tracks look like they were ‘grooved’ to host a supporting structure for an activity of industrial scale. Looking at the rounded eges there is a resemblance to claydough or some sort of geopolymer that could have even been prepared in-situ and used as foundation with specific indentations as needed.

It seems that the know how for geopolymer materials was known during the roman empire, and could be used for the rapid construction of fora, basreliefs etc. I found an interesting video about the roman geopolymers, see below.

I stumbled upon this topic and realised that it wasn't mentioned yet on the forum or SOTT. Maybe it was, but it wasn't possible to find it using search.

Anyways, in this session it's possible to read a lengthy discussion about "cart tracks" in Malta, but apparently there is something similar in Turkey as well.

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More pictures in the article.
I'm going to be daring and jump into the pool.

Perhaps in a past time there was a super-technological civilization, which through its actions and natural cataclysms was destroyed.

So there are some things that "scientists" don't know how to understand.:-D

Jokes aside, surely the explanation for Malta will be consistent for this case as well.
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