I think it's massively important to pay attention to the smaller details and clues that are all around us. It may be nonsense, but it is indicative of important trends in society. Just look at all the adverts that are aired during prime time - it's all consumer products, processed foods, electronic gadgets - and cash for gold companies and high interest loans. What does that tell you about the majority of society now?
A couple of weeks ago, I went to a mall *shudder* and there was a television screen hung from the ceiling half way down an escalator. At the time, I found this amusingly pathetic - people don't know what to do with themselves without a screen to stare at. Actually, when I think about it, it's sad and sinister. The reason why people are being depicted as zombie-like is because they ARE zombie like. Next time you're on a bus, count how many people are tapping away on a mobile phone or listening to an ipod. In my town, a lot of the buses have huge ads pasted down the sides over the windows - hey, who looks out of a window anyway, right?!
Meanwhile, people in China working for the companies that make ipods and mobile phones and televisions are commiting suicide because their working conditions are so terrible. It's enough to make me want to cry. Some factories have installed "anti-suicide" netting to catch people when they jump, this is their solution isnstead of allowing people to develop enough of a sense of self-worth to not want to die.
This is why we need to pay attention - a stupid banal advert for a stupid banal always has more sinister implications for ourselves and everybody involved in making it.
We may choose not to buy into pop culture trends, but it won't just go away if we all ignore it...