The Occupy/Indignés movement connected with Revolution events?

MK Scarlett

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
By considering: "that the man dies in his bed or aboard an interplanetary frigate, the human condition does not remain changed there.
The Happiness? But we teach us that the happiness lasts only as much as hard the Illusion … And what the Illusion? Nobody knows it. But it submerges us. If
we knew that is the Illusion, we would know by opposition that is the Truth. And the Truth would free us
." B. Mouravieff Gnosis, Tome I.

Trying to apply this research for the Truth within the framework of the Annoyed/Occupy and by following the Law of Seven of B. Mouravieff, returned to me in
memory this article "Aux larmes citoyens" here: http: // be - Citoyens-

... As well as this extract of the book "The secret History of the World" of Lady L. K.Jadczyk:
"How can we KNOW when an action(share) will lead to the happiness or to the poverty? How many times did people do their best (at least they thought of it)
so that everything finishes by a disaster? Why let us say ourselves that "the common sense afterward is of 20/20?" Why is it always having chosen an action
(share) which seemed, on surface and by all the indications, to be SO JUST, that we discover that it was SO BAD? It is because we have no PERSPICACITY. We
did not learn to read correctly the system of symbols of our reality

Comparing the Annoyed/Occupy with the fact that was able to be the revolt of the Parisian middle-class persons in 1789 and considering that these last ones
were manipulated to give the illusion to the people - state to go to the way that it chose, how not to move closer to this Historic event of what is taking
place all around the world, of what is being growing, the movement of the Annoyed/Occupy?

By giving us the illusion that, by our demonstrations, we have the possibility of making fold the capitalism and to drive peoples around of the world in a
better way, do not we delude ourselves about the intentions hidden from those who pull the strings, almost silently? Are not we victims of a temporal buckle
which would have purpose only to make us go to the sense/direction of a New World Order which we would consider ours, quite as the people grew (and still
believes for the greater part) his the French Revolution?

Our descendants, if the memory reaches until those who will still be there, will know the Truth, one day?

Sorry about the translations which surely are not as the original (books I do not have, even if I get ready to read my first book in English: The Greek Myths) ;)

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