The ominous mercury with sulfuric vapors- dream


The Force is Strong With This One
Sept 4 2009
I was with my family and my wife heather pointed to a fog cloud that was thick and brown at the top of a massive cliff overlooking the city (i have never seen it before). it was swirling from the center bottom back into the middle almost like a heavy smoke , i told her to stay inside and i would check it out. it was 5 miles or so as the crow flies and the cliff face was several thousand feet high and even wider, extremely ominous. started following rail road track to cliff face and there was a construction crew who had been digging an open cavern and it had pillars in it to hold the rest of the mountain up, so i continued on and then a brown mercury ( metallic but semi clear) started to flow from the cliff out of the clouds and a lot of it to (like a tidal wave), so i ran and when i got to the construction site they were all getting into something that resembled a bank vault door for safety, i asked them what the liquid was and they said you don’t know? its "berth" they said then invited me in and i refused, i had to get back to my family, so i ran as hard as i could but the metallic liquid was catching up. so i tried to break into a house but couldn't get in fast enough and was overwhelmed by the mercury. i woke up and was pissed that i couldn't get back to my family in time, so i tried to go back to sleep to fix it but couldn't get it to work.

I am working on an alchemy experiment that involves making the philosophical mercury. made from salt and philosophical sulfur.

any thoughts on this?
Hi goatz

I use to have 'running' dreams all the time (get them now and then still). My understanding is that in most cases they represent a running from the self. More specifically a running from past emotions/pain.
The reference to it being mercury, and you stating your working on philosophical mercury is no coincidence. I think it is your subconscious trying to tell you that, the substance you seek for inner transformation is within, and you are running from it in fear. Not getting back to the safety of your house/family and being overwhelmed suggests that the avoidance of past emotional pain is cutting you off from the parts of yourself you love, and is overwhelming you physically (may be manifesting as disease).
The symbolism of new tracks being built, and work crews in these areas suggests that part of you is working towards these things, although you may not know it is.
The liquid being 'berth' could be 'breath' and 'birth', a new beginning through breath work perhaps? This would fit with the E-E breathing/meditation program.

goatz said:
I am working on an alchemy experiment that involves making the philosophical mercury. made from salt and philosophical sulfur.

You may want to check out the cassiopedia entry for Alchemy.
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