The People’s Campaign: The Real Hastert Case- All in One Place

Hi friends, I did a little searching and was surprised to not find this covered on SoTT or the forum.

The link provided has many more links on that page. I really resonate with Sibel Edmond's passion. In those links is a video round table discussion with James Corbett, Sibel, Wayne Masden and Peter Collins, titled, "BFP Roundtable: Pedophiles Run the Government & No One Gives a Damn! " that IMO, is well worth a listen.

The subject is not about anything that we don't already know about here, but the thing that really sticks out is what appears to be a total MSM "blackout" of this story. The level of complicity between the, politicians, courts, and the press is epic...even though i am already aware of this kind of thing, this is one of those stories that just drive it home, the same way that Jim and Joanne Moriarty's Libya story amplified a narrative we were already aware of.

This rabbit hole is quite deep. Though there is not a direct connection, there are people and threads involved with Hassert that go all the way back to the Franklin scandal.

BTW, have the SoTT radio folks ever considered having Sibel on?...( i think the most interesting thing to discuss with her would be the bigger picture and peoples apathy , psychopathy, and how to create a lager platform for disseminating the truth, IMHO)

Thanks, Dave
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