The Psychopath-Corporation


Padawan Learner

I´m sorry for my bad english, I´m from Germany.

Here in our country we also awake and look to the sign of time.

Now, I find this by google.

This story about Corporation show me very hardly that Psychopth is everywhere.
Hi nofretete, welcome to the forum. You might want to check out this thread about this film: (the english version)
It's also worth noting that if corporations are given psychopathic freedom of action then actual psychopaths will climb to the top.

Just notice that wherever the US finds "friends," it generally means they are pushing "American style capitalism" which is equivalent to psychopathic corporations taking over.

Warn your friends.
Laura said:
Just notice that wherever the US finds "friends," it generally means they are pushing "American style capitalism" which is equivalent to psychopathic corporations taking over.

Warn your friends.
So are you saying that the government is the larger concern and that the corporations support its efforts?

SAO also said something about the video along these lines in another topic: "...Some potential problems - to take attention away from governments as the poor "victims" of corporations, and from people who are the ones who create and constitute those corporations...". I am trying to form a better "big picture" and it is all a bit overwhelming. I don't like this picture very much.
mb said:
Laura said:
Just notice that wherever the US finds "friends," it generally means they are pushing "American style capitalism" which is equivalent to psychopathic corporations taking over.

Warn your friends.
So are you saying that the government is the larger concern and that the corporations support its efforts?
At some level they are one and the same.
mb said:
SAO also said something about the video along these lines in another topic: "...Some potential problems - to take attention away from governments as the poor "victims" of corporations, and from people who are the ones who create and constitute those corporations...". I am trying to form a better "big picture" and it is all a bit overwhelming. I don't like this picture very much.
Just to clarify though, that comment was about the potential problems with that specific film. But in general, I think it would be just as wrong to focus on governments as the "evil" of this world and ignore corporations, or religions, or any other organization or group that is a result of the pathocracy. All these groups/organizations are just a reflection/symptoms of what the real problem is - psychopaths, and although each has a significant role to play, pointing out their evils is only beneficial when it is used as a stepping stone to understand the global pathocracy as a whole. It wouldn't be good to focus on any symptom as the disease itself - god knows humanity has been doing just that for thousands of years to no avail.

But this jump is not so hard to do logically - you just ask, why are corporations evil? Why are governments evil? Why are religions evil? The answer is pretty straight forward - because people who run them are "evil" and have created and are utilizing these organized structures for those "evil" purposes. Then you just ask again - why are those people "evil"? Psychopathy is the inevitable conclusion if you look into it and do some research. But a lot of people don't use that simple logic, because of programs and sacred cows that prevent them from "going there". So they get stuck having a "pet peeve". They can spend their lives attacking "evil corporations" or "government" or "religion" or any other symptom, and in an almost desperate way, try to convince others and themselves that this single target of their hate IS the root of our problems, and it is "evil" just arbitrarily. Of course, this is illogical, you cannot separate a system from those who run it. And therefore, for thousands of years all such "pet peeves" have failed to liberate humanity from its suffering since they never dared to make the logical jump go from the symptom to the true source.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Just to clarify though, that comment was about the potential problems with that specific film. But in general, I think it would be just as wrong to focus on governments as the "evil" of this world and ignore corporations, or religions, or any other organization or group that is a result of the pathocracy. All these groups/organizations are just a reflection/symptoms of what the real problem is - psychopaths, and although each has a significant role to play, pointing out their evils is only beneficial when it is used as a stepping stone to understand the global pathocracy as a whole. It wouldn't be good to focus on any symptom as the disease itself - god knows humanity has been doing just that for thousands of years to no avail.
I see: the key word in the Laura's comment was "equivalent." Or, they work together. Religions, I tend to think of as a particular kind of corporation, with additional privileges.

I guess the "global pathocracy" is what I am really having trouble with. It's hard to see something that other people don't see. I have been noticing a greater awareness about corporate psychopathy among people I know (without seeing the source), but there is still an unaccountable trust in government, even among people that say they don't trust it, and little belief in the existence of psychopaths. Certain things are OK to see; certain things aren't.

SAO said:
But this jump is not so hard to do logically - you just ask, why are corporations evil? Why are governments evil? Why are religions evil? The answer is pretty straight forward - because people who run them are "evil" and have created and are utilizing these organized structures for those "evil" purposes. Then you just ask again - why are those people "evil"? Psychopathy is the inevitable conclusion if you look into it and do some research. But a lot of people don't use that simple logic, because of programs and sacred cows that prevent them from "going there". So they get stuck having a "pet peeve". They can spend their lives attacking "evil corporations" or "government" or "religion" or any other symptom, and in an almost desperate way, try to convince others and themselves that this single target of their hate IS the root of our problems, and it is "evil" just arbitrarily. Of course, this is illogical, you cannot separate a system from those who run it. And therefore, for thousands of years all such "pet peeves" have failed to liberate humanity from its suffering since they never dared to make the logical jump go from the symptom to the true source.
This is what I am slowly coming to see, though it doesn't set very well just yet. I don't deny what I am seeing, but it is rather different from the world I thought I was living in. But now it becomes possible to understand many things that didn't make sense before. I see some people with their "peeves" and I see other people that want to not just complain but to do battle with the forces of evil but have no real idea what they are battling, and they are stuck too, in a slightly different way.

It is not too hard to see things up to a certain point, but to go beyond that seems to involve going against everything we ever learned. "Seems." It's really only going against certain things that we learned, but it feels like more. And no, it's not really so hard to do, but there is a cost to not going along with the prevailing views.

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