T.C. said:I think this vid is handy disinfo for NASA, to divert people away from the fact that we've never even been to the moon.
dannybananny said:I think that it is half true because there are bases on the other side of the Moon that isn't visible, if I remember correctly Swan saw towers and cities there, and green fog and some people doing work there which means there is also some kind of atmosphere. C's said that Apollo landed on Moon and that there are Gray bases there and on Mars there are Gray and reptilian bases, but this video is a clip from movie secret space that is cointelpro. And they could be going there but with the secret space program and their advanced crafts, but in other hand there's no need to go there(if they already know they are on the Moon) if they can get all they need in the underground bases because it's only waste of money!
Pashalis said:you say that it is a fact that we never even been to the moon?
is that the case ? do you have data to support this ?
Slow Motion Mary said:Nice video. I had a question at sott.net which remained unanswered: The asteroid that made a close flyby to Earth on 3/4/11: Was this the reason why the moon (as seen from the U.S.) on 3/5/11 was hanging low on the Northern horizon with a crescent to the bottom of the moon? I've been watching the sun/moon rise and sun/moon set in odd places for years, but this was a new position. I thought, severe wobble? But then the sun came up the next day where it should, I thought maybe the moon had propelled itself (or was propelled) into that odd position to escape the asteroid?
Slow Motion Mary said:Also, why is it we only see one face of the moon no matter where on Earth we are? Gives me a new meaning for "food for the moon"!
Pashalis said:I think the reason you see only on face of the moon is pure physics ! nothing oddSlow Motion Mary said:Also, why is it we only see one face of the moon no matter where on Earth we are? Gives me a new meaning for "food for the moon"!
You may have heard references made to the "dark side" of the Moon. This popular, although somewhat inaccurate term refers to the fact that only one face of the Moon, the "near side", is visible to us. The dark side or far side is permanently rotated away from our planet.
Why is this the case? We all know that the Earth rotates on its own axis, so theoretically, the Moon should also do the same, allowing us to get a full picture of the planetoid. Why are we limited to seeing only 50 percent? It turns out that the speed at which the Moon rotates has lead to this particular phenomenon. Millions of years ago, the Moon spun at a much faster pace than it does now. However, the gravitational influence of the Earth has gradually acted upon the Moon to slow its rotation down, in the same way that the much smaller gravitational influence of the Moon acts upon the Earth to create tides. This influence slowed the rotational period of the Moon to match that of its orbit – about 29.5 days – and it is now "locked in" to this period.
Slow Motion Mary said:Is there an explanation for this phenomenon other than Pashalis's inference that I am an idiot?
Slow Motion Mary said:SAO, thanks for the info on the face of the moon. I had looked and never found this explanation. Probably putting the wrong keywords into the search engine. I'm not a higher math/physics type person, so I don't always know the terminology. Pashalis, the fact that I saw the moon on the NORTHERN horizon indicates I know the phases of the moon and where the moon rises and sets in my locale. It rises generally EASTWARD and sets generally WESTWARD. IT DOESN'T RIDE THE NORTHERN HORIZON, which raised the question: Why is it there? If it was the effect of a wobble, then why did the sun the next morning rise where it should? Did the Earth whip one way to place the moon in the North, then whip back by the next morning to allow the sun to rise in a "normal", i.e. Eastern position?
Pashalis said:Slow Motion Mary said:Nice video. I had a question at sott.net which remained unanswered: The asteroid that made a close flyby to Earth on 3/4/11: Was this the reason why the moon (as seen from the U.S.) on 3/5/11 was hanging low on the Northern horizon with a crescent to the bottom of the moon? I've been watching the sun/moon rise and sun/moon set in odd places for years, but this was a new position. I thought, severe wobble? But then the sun came up the next day where it should, I thought maybe the moon had propelled itself (or was propelled) into that odd position to escape the asteroid?
you watch the moon without knowing the moon cycle ? lack of knowledge about what's going on in the sky from your side ?