The Living Force
I'll be in attendence.
Inspiring words, a good cause, still missing the point - but that's okay, everyone's gotta learn @ their own pace right? I think it'd be a fun time and a good opportunity for networking. They have a website up, it's here: _ BILOKONSKY said:Who Will Answer?
Ron Paul has asked us to march on Washington. One final exuberant death throe to the birth of this campaign. A last laugh at the casket before the noose-man imagines his victory. A final march, a demonstration that whatever happens Liberty can never truly be taken away. The horn has sounded and who answers the call?
The same Patriots who answered on December 16, 2007. The same patriots who hang signs and fill street corners and parks with their works and chants. Those who hear the chimes of freedom will answer them with fervor. When the bells of liberty ring they are heard by boys and girls who don't know better and follow, old men and women who should know better yet lead, and the young adults who can find nothing better and fight.
On June 28, 2008 every major city along the West Coast will hold a rally Seattle, Olympia, Salem, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego. They'll compete to outdo one another in their celebration of the day that the constitution was instituted. How many supporters will they bring out? How many can they bring out? How many buses can they fill? What city really epitomizes the spirit of the R3VO_|UTION? What can happen when we pull out all the stops? We will play our music and fill the air with our spirit, putting away for a time our business in the world. We will eat. We will drink. We will be merry. We will celebrate the fact that we are still free to celebrate.
Then when the day has ended we will decorate the buses we have chartered and we will fill them with ourselves, we will fill our cars and we will begin driving, the whole night through until we reach the next major city on that long road to Washington, the Capital which lies on the far coast from us. These cities will put us up for the night in their hotels and houses and the next day its inhabitants will show us how their city celebrates the changing of the guards. They will play their music and we will listen and then together we will drive on. To the next major city before the night is through to see it and feel it, how our neighbors play their music, prepare their food, and drive their cars.
And in Miami they will gather together, and do the same and in Augusta. And in July thousands of cars and buses will descend upon Washington DC, having drawn out every proponent of peace and self-rule in these United States to stand before the titans and dance. To laugh into the face of the gods high in Capital Hill, to show that there is no distance that cannot be traveled to celebrate life.
The Blimp will fly over the city, and the people celebrating the founding of a country will meet those who come to celebrate a revolution, who on the mall play music and sing songs and dance through the day and into the night as the bombs burst in air. And all will know, this land is still your land, as this land is still my land.
And after the Day of Independence we will free ourselves of that place and return to our homes, the buses and cars will stop in the cities and the people will bid farewell to one another knowing that we are One People with the right to govern ourselves. And life will go on. The world will roll along as it always has. There will be no more demonstrations for there will be nothing more to demonstrate, a butterfly does not crawl. There will be only work, the work which must set us free.
And this will not be about Ron Paul, though we will speak of him often and fondly. This will not be about the War in Iraq, though we will no doubt decry it emphatically and constantly. This will not be about the War in Afghanistan, the War on Drugs, or the War on Terror, though we will scoff at them as much as we can bring ourselves to scoff at anything so silly and so damaging. This will not be about the government, though we run to the center of its web. This will not even be about America, though it is the one thing that has brought all of us together. This will be a Declaration of Independence signed on a scale too large for any paper parchment, and too deep for any one nation, however indivisible. We are not independent because we are Americans, we are not free because the government allows us to be. We are free and independent because that is the defining characteristic of being human. We do not march in Washington because we are compelled by the government to do so. We march because we choose to.
I'll be in attendence.