The Road


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Recently I had a series of dreams over a period of approx one month that I call “the road” series. There were about a half dozon dreams. Here’s the first one.

It was my job to inspect the house. Nothing was right. Example; electrical outlets wired with pneumatic lines which had water not air plumbed to them. I took a quick survey and said; this place looks ok, but nothing has been built correctly we’ll have to demolish it. As I said the word demolish, the house broke to pieces and flew apart. Nothing was left but the foundation and the garden.

In the garden was a person holding the switch to a machine attached to a clear glass water tank. The idea was to submerge myself in the water, have them pull the machine switch and I would transfer out of that dimension to a better place. I had given up on trying to make my present situation work. When the switch was pulled the sensation was a cross between being suffocated, and electrified at the same time. Stop, I can’t take it let me out! I tried it a second let me out. I stood there shaking my head, and thought of Gurdjieff’s statement; if a person was to have all his buffers removed he would go insane (paraphrased). I said to the machine attendant it looks like I will have to start all over again, step by step out on the road.

We walked through the demolished house to the road in front, where we had several vehicles, vans, trucks etc. I said to the group that was with me, we’re just going to have to go out on the road and take this thing a piece at a time. Dream ended.
The Road 2

This was all in black and white, no colour at all. I was just off the road, down on a beach area; it had at one time been a pavilion of sorts for beach picnics and music. Now it was a site of vicious murdering. I was flat on my belly hiding in the shadow of the steps. Bald-headed young males were killing groups of people at random. I could see the action by their silhouettes reflecting on a tidal wave that was coming in from the sea. At one point light flashed and I could see a line of young boys/men line up on their knees and being shot and stab randomly. I focused on a blond Caucasian boy about 16. He was first to fall. The shadows of this mayhem were growing larger against the wave as it made its approach.

I thought .. I got to get out of here, there is nothing I can do, and I will be killed if I’m seen. The only path was up the stairs and out to the road. I remained crawling on my belly, and hoping for the best. I was seen by one of the murderers. He came over to me and used my first name and said..”Hey (my name) we don’t want you, just get out of here” I did, as fast as I could. The road was full of gray shadows of people running. Some were running for safety others were the predators. I ran into the street of gray shadows. I was a shadow myself. As I ran I saw a large gate open to what at one time had been a home, but now was a school. Inside that gate everything was in colour. Students of all ages, a bright yellow school bus, green garden. They were preparing to leave the school, the session was over. In ones and twos, they looked tentatively, and then ran into the street. As they did they became grey shadows like everyone else. I took the best bearing I could, as it was dark and gray, and followed after the group I had seen come out of the school. Dream ended.
Hi Adobe,

I merged both of your dreams for ease of reading (since they are a series) and deciphering if one has to do with the other.

Houses can be representative of different aspects of a person. I think that the part where you wrote that you would have to take this thing one piece at a time is the clue.

As for the second dream, I believe I've read about some members dreams that sound similar. Basically where someone says something like "We don't want you." Perhaps this is representative of STS in your dream - where they're not interested in you because you're a candidate for STO? Maybe the school is representative of the online forum and you're interaction with it. We do often refer to it as a house/home. You also said it was bright and colorful as opposed to the rest of the dream. Going out could represent your going out into the darkness/real world? Just my thoughts.
Truth Seeker:

Your synopsis is pretty much how I see it also. I still question the significant of the wave and silhouettes, and why an Arian boy stood out with clarity. I’ll write two more for observation as to relatedness, but I will shorten them as I’m not sure how important these are to the group.

Road 3: We came into a town in a van. The town dark and gray as the last one, nothing functioned there anymore, the survivors were huddled in 10s and 20s in the shadowy areas of what had been the town square. We were concerned for our lives, and didn’t want to get out of the van, but were there to somehow help. We needed to put on a skit or a play with a message, trusting that those who could get it would, and the others...nothing could be done for them. Finally we pulled the van up, open the sliding door and performed from the van (inside) our driver kept the van running so we could get out if necessary. Some, not all came to the area to watch our skit. Dream end.

Road 4:
In colour :) driving on an old government road, the terrain was like south CA or Arizona, dry and arid. Far back in the wilderness. We can upon the sott. group living in camping conditions. (This dream was long with lots of details so I’m going to hit the high spots) They were camped by a dry river bed. I went around saying hello to the different groups camped there and....hey! that guy if full of crapola what’s he doing here? The next group of campers were simple like hillbillies, a family, and benign enough, but they were like trekies caught up in the sott group, they knew nothing of the spiritual side of the group, just wanted to be part a of a really cool happening with and “alien” group. My thoughts were...oh well any movement is bound attract “all kinds”. I had some dealings with Laura and Ark in reference to some people who had infiltrated and were working at upsetting the work. Not everybody could recognize them, but I could see them easily. They were egg shaped, and had horrible tumours on there throats. Ark was doing his best to rout them out, but the forward side of the work kept him busy also.

Suddenly the river bed was full of beautiful water flowing strong through the valley, I jumped in and floated on the top yelling back to go tell the others everything is going to change now, the river is here and life is going to came back to this desert. Dream end.

And thanks for merging the two...that’s above my present skill level :)

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