The role of the Shaman and modern-day Shamans


Padawan Learner
Something that's on my mind.

What is the role of the Shaman? To help with entity problems for good or bad. Remove entities, conjuring and sending entities, recovering lost soul pieces or dissociated parts of a person's psyche.

Shamanism and psychology are intricately intertwined, the native Shaman 'See's entities and deals with them using his/her medicine.

The Modern-day Shamans would be psychologists/psychotherapists - the competent ones. Examples would be Milton Erickson, Stephan Gilligan, Igor etc.

A competent psychotherapist essentially talks to entities and does whatever needs to be done- Through counseling. Asking them to leave, change etc. For good or bad depending on their orientation: STS/STO

What's your opinion?
Hi Tjijandjewa,

Shamanism, their roles in society and more have been discussed in The Wave books. You mention in another post that you've read Laura's books. Did that include The Wave?

Tjijandjewa said:
Ok, I've already introduced myself in the newbies section- I found the forum through
watching some of Laura's videos on Youtube- The ones on Information Theory.
Also found her Barcelona videos enlightening- Yes, I've read and re-read Laura's
books- Secret History, Alien Abduction and a few- Very very deep stuff- unique writing
style. Read them before and after my Awakening.
Menrva said:
Hi Tjijandjewa,

Shamanism, their roles in society and more have been discussed in The Wave books. You mention in another post that you've read Laura's books. Did that include The Wave?

Tjijandjewa said:
Ok, I've already introduced myself in the newbies section- I found the forum through
watching some of Laura's videos on Youtube- The ones on Information Theory.
Also found her Barcelona videos enlightening- Yes, I've read and re-read Laura's
books- Secret History, Alien Abduction and a few- Very very deep stuff- unique writing
style. Read them before and after my Awakening.

I didn't read The Wave - it's just something that was on my mind from the bits and pieces assembled. Is it too long to respond here? Or talk about.
Tjijandjewa said:
A competent psychotherapist essentially talks to entities and does whatever needs to be done- Through counseling. Asking them to leave, change etc. For good or bad depending on their orientation: STS/STO

What's your opinion?

Well i think it is a bit hard to state the difference between an entity and the person from what i know, there you have aspects of a person that are negative and others positive.

The negative aspects of a person, how i see it, is like the environment for certian things to grow.

Like potatoes grow in mountains, and coconuts on beaches, the environment required for a negative entity would be negative, because it provides the food it needs or drains on to keep the loop in itself and the host.

So i think the psychologist deals mainly with one aspect of the the environment in which the entity can thrive.
Maybe accidentally removing the entity as a result of elimination the environment .

That if the psychologist is conpetent that is.

Just some thoughts.
Tjijandjewa said:
Menrva said:
Hi Tjijandjewa,

Shamanism, their roles in society and more have been discussed in The Wave books. You mention in another post that you've read Laura's books. Did that include The Wave?

Tjijandjewa said:
Ok, I've already introduced myself in the newbies section- I found the forum through
watching some of Laura's videos on Youtube- The ones on Information Theory.
Also found her Barcelona videos enlightening- Yes, I've read and re-read Laura's
books- Secret History, Alien Abduction and a few- Very very deep stuff- unique writing
style. Read them before and after my Awakening.

I didn't read The Wave - it's just something that was on my mind from the bits and pieces assembled. Is it too long to respond here? Or talk about.

Hi Tjijandjewa, as was suggested by Menrva it is a desirable requirement have read The Wave because there you will find no just about shamanism, but many others topics interrelated that are very important to put this particular topic in suitable context. So I suggest you read before and then if you have doubts or think that there is something that worth be discussed bring it here.

Simply put your question on the forum it is not the better way to start your "adventure". To answer here complex question without suitable base knowledge for your part can be a draining task. So IMO like a signal of consideration to the Network, you need to walk and roam for some paths before, and then to came here with your questions, not just to get, but also to give.

In case that you are researching about Shamanism and want to jump directly to there maybe you can start reading Chapter 27 and 28 from The Wave .
Well i think it is a bit hard to state the difference between an entity and the person from what i know, there you have aspects of a person that are negative and others positive.

The negative aspects of a person, how i see it, is like the environment for certian things to grow.

Like potatoes grow in mountains, and coconuts on beaches, the environment required for a negative entity would be negative, because it provides the food it needs or drains on to keep the loop in itself and the host.

So i think the psychologist deals mainly with one aspect of the the environment in which the entity can thrive.
Maybe accidentally removing the entity as a result of elimination the environment .

That if the psychologist is conpetent that is.

Just some thoughts.

Really like your post, have not looked at it from that angle.

Will read The Wave chapter on Shamanism to expand the view.

Thank you both.

mod: fixed quote box
Tjijandjewa said:
Really like your post, have not looked at it from that angle.

Will read The Wave chapter on Shamanism to expand the view.

Thank you both.

The Wave chapters on Shamanism are packed with information that will do just that. While reading, if you have any questions, you can post them in a related thread here on the Forum. A search for 'shaman' will yield some results and some more interesting reading. Enjoy :)
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