The Living Force
The scientist who scanned his brain - and saw the 'mark' of a psychopath
I'm not sure of Yahoo!'s reliability as a source. The article mentions "Snakes in Suits" & that rates of psychopathy are triple those of psychopathy at large among business leaders but downplays the phenomenon in accordance with mainstream beliefs of psychopaths.
Psychopathy is largely restricted to those who kill, or at least that association is built, said to occur in 1% of society.
I'm not sure of Yahoo!'s reliability as a source. The article mentions "Snakes in Suits" & that rates of psychopathy are triple those of psychopathy at large among business leaders but downplays the phenomenon in accordance with mainstream beliefs of psychopaths.
A pattern of damage to certain parts of the brain emerged, as Fallon leafed through 70 EEG scans of convicted criminals. A particular gene also seemed to be closely associated with violent, psychopathic behaviour.
Fallon says that the ‘danger’ gene is passed on from mother to son - but now doubts whether psychopaths are simply born.
“It completely blindsided me,” he says. “When I asked people the question, ‘What do you really think of me?’, all hell broke loose.”
Fallon has has tested his own family for signs. In his book, The Psychopath Inside, he talks about episodes in his own life where his behaviour might tally with that of psychopaths - including cheating at Scrabble with his children.
Fallon continues to work with psychopaths - both “in society” and in maximum security prisons. He refuses to be drawn on whether he ever feels “fellowship” with them.
Books such as Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths go to Work by Robert Hare have claimed that among business leaders, rates of psychopathy are triple those in society at large.
In society, around one per cent of people are psychopaths - in prison, that figure is 15%, according to Hare’s book.
Psychopathy is largely restricted to those who kill, or at least that association is built, said to occur in 1% of society.