The secret country again wages war on its own people


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Another well thought and written article about the plight of the Aboriginal people in Australia by John Pilger - and the Western Australian state's renewed attempts of maginalising them (yet again....) - really depressing, and more chaos now manifesting around the world...sigh ! :(

Not sure if its already been covered by Sott, and i attach the link from RT below:

A paragraph from the op-edge:

Having reported on Aboriginal communities since the 1960s, I have watched a seasonal routine whereby the Australian elite interrupts its "normal" mistreatment and neglect of the people of the First Nations, and attacks them outright. This happens when an election approaches, or a prime minister's ratings are low. Kicking the blackfella is deemed popular, although grabbing minerals-rich land by stealth serves a more prosaic purpose. Driving people into the fringe slums of "economic hub towns" satisfies the social engineering urges of racists.
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