The Secret War behind our backs and under our feet!


The Force is Strong With This One
Hello everyone, I need badly a second, third and fourth opinion reference "Phil Schneider's" comment that there exist "7ft tall Grays" three miles under the earth whom the military departments of all three Super powers have been aware of for a long time.  This stretches the believability of the naivete of the worlds people notwithstanding the consistence current lies being feed to us by NASA about their true activities.  Schneider's comments reference other activities of kidnapping American citizens and forcing them into slavery, mining underground on the moon, travel to mars, a military secret weapon which can shoot a alien ship down around Jupiter are also in question.

There was a discussion about Phil Schneider in QFS some years ago with the following results:

QFS member said:
Keep in mind that Phil Schneider was the Wilsonville (Oregon) man who
started circulating the story on the web (and around conspiracy circles)
that Gunderson, Inc. (a Portland, Oregon-based manufacturer of railroad cars and
one of my ex-employers) had a massive government order to build boxcars complete
with manacles for transporting recalcitrant citizens or aliens or someone. His
death was reported as suicide (he had a history of problems in this area).
Regardless of how he died, his story about Gunderson was pure bullsh*t, so I
would be leery of believing anything else he said as well (once known to lie
...). Now, there's always the possibility that he was led astray by someone who
purposefully wanted him to spread an untrue story (maybe to keep people from
believing something else he was saying that WAS true and could hurt certain
factions?). Who knows?

I wrote the following:

Laura in email to QFS said:
{...} Now, for a long time I have thought that Morris Jessup was murdered to silence him. His death gave life to the ideas of the Philly Ex AS IT IS PROMULGATED.

Now, at the time all this {dicussion} began to take shape, I was reading Alexandra Bruce's book about the "Philadelphia Experiment Murder," as well as Brad Steiger's book on the Phil Exp. This guy who wrote the intro to Alexandra's book, Peter Moon, (who, by the way, is a terrible writer, so don't judge her work by his intro.), wrote about comparing Jessup's death to the death of Phil Schneider.

The thing is, when I read this really overdone emphasis that Jessup's death was the PROOF of the PX, something struck me forcibly about that. In fact, he pretty much said that the whole legend was born with the death of Jessup.

Okay, I have always held it as a sort of proof myself. But again, something hit me about it, and the way he described his own part in the story, his bringing Nichols, Bielek, et al to the mythos... and then, along comes Phil Schneider.

And, of course, Schneider's death is FURTHER proof of the Phil Exp as explicated by Bielek, Nichols, et al.

The whole thesis of Alexandra's book is based on the idea that Phil was murdered to shut him up about the P Exp. and that this was the second "overt" murder of that type.

I agree with her that it is pretty clear he was murdered to shut him up. But, by the time I was through this experience, I had a different explanation as you will see.

Now, supposedly, this Phil Schneider had "13 attempts on his life" and they got him on the 14th. One of these included sawing three quarters of the way through the lugnuts on his car wheel.

I read it to my daughter, and we looked at each other and she said "that's the kind of thing you do to your ex boyfriend."

And that's my point.

I expect some of ya'll have seen the Arnold movie "The Eraser," and how effectively they can "erase" someone's life. Also, remember the movies "Enemy of the State" and "Arlington Road."

Well, apparently, even though Phil Schneider was purportedly irritating the most well-financed, deepest and darkest, most secret of Black Ops folks on the planet, they couldn't do much better than 13 attempts, including the old lug nut trick.

Those boys must be losing their touch! Either that, or we have absolutely NOTHING to worry about. Heck, Arnold is a better spook than they are. He has all kinds of toys and resources!

Well, the whole thing that Moon is pushing is that the Phil. Exp business has been not only "validated" and "proven" and all that because first, M.K. Jessup died after all the Carlos Allende crap came out - (never mind that Carlos, himself, died of old age in a nursing home) ... and now with Schneider and his death the "legend" has received a transfusion.

Doesn't that strike ya'll as very strange????

So, I'm there switching back and forth between Bruce's book and Steiger's book, and it was while I was reading this interview with Al Bielek and Brad Steiger, I came across a couple of sentences that were contradictory to the old interview that I had photocopied in my files. So, I went to pull it out and compare it to see what ole Al is up to.

And that's when I discovered the "switcheroo."

There is the file folder on my desk, there is the photocopied, stapled article... but it is NOT the one I put in there. The one that was there had underlinings and remarks penciled in the margins... I had circled and drawn arrows to several things...

The one that is NOW in my file folder has no marks on it, and what's more, it is different. The points I had circled and written comments about, which were points that I was sure Bielek could be "nailed" on, are not part of this article.

So, well... what can I say? Either I'm nuts and I didn't do what I clearly remember doing (and I even showed it to someone at the time and there was a long discussion about it!) or something happened that is Highly Strange!

And that leads me to this:

There is REALLY strange stuff going on. For the past couple of days I have felt like somebody ought to be playing the Twilight Zone music in the background...

First of all, I have some friends and we have talked about some of our family histories. We have shared memories - standard stuff. Well, maybe not so standard since all of us seem to have had VERY unusual experiences all our lives that DO tend to suggest some kind of "interference" which we have all managed to (more or less) overcome.

So, I have these memories... and I decided that I wanted to ask my mother some questions about them that were a bit more penetrating. So, we sit down (Ark and I) and I start... all of a sudden, the WHOLE story is different. I can't explain it to you because it would take too long, but these were things that she had clearly said had happened, had said it to me and my brother, and now I am asking questions and she is denying she ever said any of it!

For about half an hour I was feeling absolutely CRAZY. Did I IMAGINE all of it? If I did, was I insane?

So, after she goes home, I call my brother (in the presence of my husband) and say: "You remember when Mom was talking about this stuff? Now, I don't want to prompt you, but tell me what you remember she said."

So, he told me basically the same thing I remembered, and that made me feel a little better.

Okay, I didn't say anything about this, but a few days later one of my friends mentions that she had called her father to ask him sort of similar questions about HER memories as a child (we are all into this getting our memories clear thing). Well, lo and behold, he did the same number on HER! So, she wrote to me, feeling a little crazy and I told her what had just happened to me.

So, the next thing happens: a third friend is talking to her grandmother along the same lines and guess what? Same thing. Nope, that never happened - what are you thinking? (or smoking!)

What can we do? Ten years ago I would have just shoved the whole thing under the rug and shrugged my shoulders and assumed that, somehow, even if it bugged the heck out of me, I must be mistaken. Can't deny the evidence, can I? I mean, so what if I remembered writing all over the article and showing my notes to a few people while discussing it - so what? It's not there. And the one that is there doesn't even say what the other one did.

And, of course, if my mother tells me that I was just a child and I couldn't possibly be able to remember things.. and no, she didn't say that when I was older, she said this... Well, I could just shrug my shoulders and figure that I was getting an early onset of Alzheimer's or something.

We could all think we are going wacko, too.

But we aren't.

Because, the fact is that these memories I wanted to discuss with my mother have very much to do with the subject.

I recently had some hypnosis done by a professional and accessing of some of the most bizarre stuff you can imagine that relates directly to the issue of the REAL story behind the P X and 'Tauk things. And it ain't what Bielek, Schneider, et al are telling...

Meanwhile, the two friends mentioned above are also connected to this network in some way, and we have been discussing these things for some time. So, to have all three of us experience the same "switcheroo" where suddenly, all the reality was being shifted really caught my eye.

And part of this switch included the bringing up of the subject on QFS in a most unusual way. Warning bells began to clang, and we tightened up our awareness around here, for sure!

Well, next thing, I get to this chapter in the book about Wilhelm Reich, and by jingo, I think we have a hot one.

Reich, as opposed to Bielek and Schneider and Jessup, was an internationally famous scientist, professor of Psychology, worked with Freud, published tons of papers in mainstream professional journals. His work was supported and validated by a veritable who's who of other scientists, including Einstein. He had major cachet.

And then, suddenly, he was smeared in an article, ridiculed, and then trapped with a preposterous FDA injunction which he deliberately violated because he knew what was up. But, I don't think he realized how far they would go at first. He was prosecuted so viciously that it baffles the mind - imprisoned and died in prison. But, by the time he realized how far they were going to go - he KNEW what was coming - he set up his resistance so that his issues would be part of the court record.

Now, the point is: this is what they CAN do to high profile folks who discover something really useful... Yes, they COULD have just offed him, but they had to humiliate and depreciate and marginalize him first because he had followers: thus the prosecution.

And when he died they ordered all his books and papers to be burned!!!

Okay, this guy was onto something.

But remember, a low profile guy like Phil Schneider, they supposedly had to make 13 attempts, including sawing through the lug nuts on his wheel... ??!! All the while Phil is whining and crying "they are after me." And Jessup, who was "onto something" also didn't suffer being vilified and marginalized in this way... he was martyred in a public park at 11 o'clock in the morning! They sure wanted to draw attention to that!

Among the things I read about Reich:

"The Oranur Experiment led Reich to the discovery of certain noxious "DOR" clouds (clouds containing Deadly ORgone energy) which he believed to be responsible for widespread planetary drought and desert development. Reich also concluded that UFOs were responsible for the "cosmic offal" contained in the typically black and nauseating DOR clouds, and that, in addition to planetary drought, DOR was causing worldwide disease epidemics."

Kinda makes you think about chemtrails and weather manipulation in a new way, doesn't it? And this was LONG before the current hoopla about them! Not only that, but Reich was so discredited and persecuted and ridiculed that you hardly hear about these ideas he wrote above. Yet, those folks out there shouting to high heaven about HAARP and weather control, and chemtrails and disease, etc... just merrily go on their way, doing lectures, books, seminars, etc...

Reich wrote about aliens:

"The AAF Ruppelt report on UFOs clearly reveals the helplessness of mechanistic methods in coming to grips with the problems posed by the spacemen. The cosmic orgone energy which these living beings are using in their technology is beyond the grasp of mechanistic science, since cosmic laws of functioning are not mechanical but what I term "functional." Even the mathematical theory necessary to formulate these problems and make them technologically usable cannot use any of the old mechanistic methods of thought to cope with te functional orgonomic facts."

Steiger asks:

"Reich's position as a researcher and his reputation for scientific integrity give rise to some perplexing questions. Why did a man of Reich's stature refuse to comply with the FDA injunction? Why did Reich repeatedly refuse FDA agents any access to his files and records? Why did Reich risk everything to get all the evidence into the court record where it is available to all as part of the "public domanin?"

"He believed that the UFOs are utilizing cosmic orgone energy to propel their craft... he wrote:

"It is not rational to assume that wars are always fought only the way we know them... We must permit ourselves to think of war as a silent, unnoticed, slow- working but deliberate destruction of life on a planet, a satellite, or even a star. We must be ready to change every single view we have held if it contradicts new facts and new experiences.

"War may be going on right now with no one being aware of it, with men dying, with trees bending like rubber hoses, green pastures turning into dust bowls, and with academic and civil institutions explaining it all away as with "just this" or "just that." In short, it may turn out correct what one would otherwise feel inclined to ascribe to a schizophrenic mind - namely, that instead of shooting at the victims of war with bullents, one could very well sap life energy out of the war victims with machines which operate according to the orgonomic potential of the Cosmic Energy."

"Reich believed that our planet is in deep trouble. It was this that drove him to fight to protect his discoveries and to get his ideas into trial records at the very end... he said:

"We are facing an emergency, facing it not only as the species mankind; the principle of Life Itself on Earth is challenged. We can no longer permit ourselves to be as petty as to continue our little men's quibbling over nothing, as if nothing at all has happened. We are in a process of deep and crucial change of our total existence, biological, physical, emotional and cosmic ...If we, here on Earth, are undergoing a threat to our existence by way of Desert Development, it is imperative to concentrate on the measures to be taken, if any are available, to meet the menace intelligently."

This last sentence is what struck me forcibly. WHAT did Reich learn or know that was a threat to 4 D STS?

I found out: exactly two months after he published an article where he noted that using one of his "cloud busting" orgon accumulators "destabilized" a UFO, he was on the hot seat.

Now, is that interesting, or what??? Especially when we hear the C's telling us that much 4D activity is "disguised as weather."

And Reich had discovered something that WORKED???? Not only in an external way, but possibly internally as well????

The conclusion I came to was, yes, "they" did "make Jessup dead," whether they influenced him to die by his own hand or some one else did it - but NOT to shut him up, but to make us think that this whole Phil. Exp and Montauk business is AS IT IS PROMULGATED is the real deal and all we have to worry about. The ideas being shouted to high heaven are what everyone is buying because, of course, Jessup was killed because he "knew too much."

I started to think outside of the box: Well, maybe this view of Jessup's death is NOT the case. Maybe he was killed to make us think he "knew too much." Maybe he was killed to give credence to the whole Allende letters deal? And, of course, maybe he was ALSO killed because some of his info WAS going in the right direction, but the Allende letters managed to make us focus on certain things in his books and not others. He had to go, so they decided to kill two birds with one stone (sorry for the pun) and get rid of him and make a martyr of him for the WRONG REASON.

Meanwhile, Phil Schneider was spinning out of control. His mind-programming was running amok. That is clear from Alexandra's chronicle. She explains it as the likely evidence of having his brain screwed with as in mind control. Well, sure. Probably so. But the problem was, he was contradicting himself all over the place and THIS was why he had to go - he was discrediting the whole schtick about the Phil Ex, 'Tauk, and the whole nine yards because his disinfo was falling apart. So, to take advantage of this situation, (and remember, we aren't dealing with the same kinds of amateurs who offed Karen Silkwood), Schneider had to go with a long period of announcements from him about how many threats had been made on his life... 13, in fact, and they got him on the 14th one. This way none of us will "miss" the fact that he was a martyr.

How handy. Not only do they tell us what they are gonna tell us, they tell us, and then they tell us what they told us. Standard technique.

Well, not only did they get rid of a malfuctioning disinformation unit, they put the whole thing to good use... we now have a new martyr, and we have Al Bielek doing damage control.

And of course, Al has his own explanation for why he isn't dead... they can't kill him because he is like a sort of "frequency maintainer" and if they kill him and his "brother," we are all in the soup. Riiiiight!!!

Never mind the fact of how easy it is to discredit, marginalize, imprison and isolate anybody who is a REAL threat to revealing truth, like Reich.

How hard is it to set the guy up with some drugs, some child porno, some seriously embarrassing or discrediting situation, and then just haul him in and, if you can't kill him, just keep him in a cell?

Clearly they are not selecting that option because Al, Preston, and for awhile, Phil, were doing their job very well!

To compare Jessup's death and Schneider's death to the end of Reich is an interesting exercise. We can also think about the deaths and marginalization of some others who were really "onto something" in the same context.

So, going back to the movies mentioned, remember "Arlington Road." Jessup and Schneider merely carried the bomb into the building... with a little help from Bielek, Nichols, Allende, and now Glen Pruitt...

I shared my thoughts with Alexandra who responded:

Alexandra Bruce said:
What most people fail to understand is that the PX/Montauk legends are
fragmented testimonies coming from fragmented people. No one will EVER
begin to understand PX/Montauk until they understand MK-Ultra and
disinformational programming. The abovementioned proponents make no
bones about the fact that they've been brainwashed. People need to cut
them some slack and get a better grip on the territory that they're
dealing with, rather than getting hung up on who's "right" and who's a

Of COURSE they're disinformants!!!

However, I clearly get that there are several nuggets of truth in their
testimonies and that the task at hand for the investigator is to master
the skill of discernment.

After years of investigating the Montauk legend, I am more and more
convinced that it is a cover story for many different projects that were
carried out at many locations, most of them not at Camp Hero, at all but
rather in bases throughout the Southwestern US. I would almost go as
far as to say that Montauk is a misnomer when applied to this stuff.

Yet the quasi-disinformational nomenclature of the "Montauk Project" and
"Montauk Boys", etc. has come to me to express the entire range of
activity involving the interface between "alien" intelligence (for want
of a better term) and the most extremely secretive, high security
factions of the military (which I see as an international group). In
this sense, the term "Montaukian" works for me and it has stuck.

Whether we are ever able to truly plumb the depths of that domain and to
fully discover what has occurred remains to be seen but I am very
grateful for the opportunity to hone my cognitive skills that the
pursuit has given me.

Hi Laura! These are some very interesting excerpts from Reich's work. Are they from one of his books or contained in other people's books about him?
He really seemed to be on to something. I never got to read his work. Any suggestions in regards to Reich's books? I didn't see any of them mentioned in the QFS book list.
Bernhard said:
Hi Laura! These are some very interesting excerpts from Reich's work. Are they from one of his books or contained in other people's books about him?

As I mentioned above, I was reading two books about the Philly Exp, one by Alexandra Bruce and the other by Brad Steiger. The quotes about Reich were from the Steiger book.

He really seemed to be on to something. I never got to read his work. Any suggestions in regards to Reich's books? I didn't see any of them mentioned in the QFS book list.

It's interesting but not crucial material. I've quoted Reich in the Adventures With Cassiopaea series. You can search amazon or the web if you are interested in more.
Laura said:
Bernhard said:
Hi Laura! These are some very interesting excerpts from Reich's work. Are they from one of his books or contained in other people's books about him?

As I mentioned above, I was reading two books about the Philly Exp, one by Alexandra Bruce and the other by Brad Steiger. The quotes about Reich were from the Steiger book.

He really seemed to be on to something. I never got to read his work. Any suggestions in regards to Reich's books? I didn't see any of them mentioned in the QFS book list.

It's interesting but not crucial material. I've quoted Reich in the Adventures With Cassiopaea series. You can search amazon or the web if you are interested in more.

Thank you. I heard of Reich before and was always wondering why he was so controversial in his time. I'll see what I can find to put on my reading list.
Thank you Mrs. Jadczyk for your expert perceptions and understanding! It is a great task to master discernment and as you said, unknown tibits of information do leak out, not to mention the various methods of extinction use by these MIB's. The details surrounding the strange deaths of UFOlogist as well as the deaths of a host of researchers in the past like Wilhelm Reich, adds emphasis to a reality with which many of the more aware UFOIogists are now quite familiar: not only is UFO research potentially dangerous, but the life span of the average serious investigator falls far short of the national average.

Thanks Laura;

That filled in some missing pieces for me re. your experience.
If I had to guess what was upsetting to 'some' re. Wilhelm Reich,
you can start with his "The Function of The Orgasm" and he just
becomes increasingly unpopular with each new step down the 'road
less traveled.' IMHO.

The simple notions he puts forth re. orgasmic potency, the release
that invertebrates express, and how this basic biological function
connects with the pool of tension [controlling tension vis-a-vis
neurotic behavior] in modern life is a topic completely worthy of
detailed exploration before we even get to his Orgone stuff. But
that's me. This part of Reich, and he does shine a brief light at the
similarity of these notions vs the idea of chakras, is a part that easily
forgotten in the light of the Orgone Controversy.

Why practice at achieving maximum orgastic potency for you and
your mate? For your health. :P

Oh, as for Schnieder, I could find three videos. Are there more?

Reich's speculations on the "function of the orgasm" are interesting, and I DO think he was onto something, but I also think that he was slightly off-track. There IS a "soul merging" and soul connection or communication process that is connected in an almost indirect way to physical lovemaking, but the physical lovemaking can be superfluous in many instances. If there is that deep soul connection, physical love is just icing on the cake, not the cake itself. But then, some people really do like the empty calories of the icing...
Nice. I found it interesting that in spite of much prattle everywhere regarding royalty's
and religion's attacks on sexuality; suppression, circumcision, taboo, etc. and the
myriad conspiracies spilt forth, Reich only touches upon the phenomenon once, and
he suggests that he does not easily see (as a biologist,etc.) what the biological
purpose of such attacks is.

Laura said:
Reich's speculations on the "function of the orgasm" are interesting, and I DO think he was onto something, but I also think that he was slightly off-track. There IS a "soul merging" and soul connection or communication process that is connected in an almost indirect way to physical lovemaking, but the physical lovemaking can be superfluous in many instances. If there is that deep soul connection, physical love is just icing on the cake, not the cake itself. But then, some people really do like the empty calories of the icing...

I haven't read "function of the orgasm" yet, but have ordered it since I'm interested in Reich's work.
However, when searching about him on the web, I came across a summary of his work.
He seemed to have stated that Love (hence "deep soul connection"?) between two people is necessary in order to experience the true orgiastic state beyond the mere physical lovemaking (limited genital orgasm).

from _

ORGIASTIC POTENCY: Ability to surrender to the flow without any inhibition. Complete surrender to the sexual act. "This is always lacking in neurotic individuals." Few people mature with complete orgiastic potency. Full orgasm can only happen in 4 ways, held Reich:

1. If people love each other and can express this love.
2. When both people are free of armor, then involuntary muscular movements occur before climax
3. Breathing should be deep, full, pleasurable
4. Shortly before orgasm both sexes should experience deep, delicious current-like sensations running up and down bodies. Armoriing cuts this off. Otherwise, climax in loins only. Not throughout body.

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