Thank you Loreta for this discovery, and thank you all for the reference to the photographer work! incredible and emotional ... they are powerfull storytelling pieces .. you see... stories, the whole world we live in is a story on a way, and here and now on earth we have a little piece of translated story of the universe, and we are like actors, or better to say, protagonists of that stories :) ... our life on earth is like a chapter from the book of life ... there was a C's session with Columbus, that kind of talks about "storytelling" nature of our world:…/
April 29, 1995
A: “Because we don’t know.” Now, why don’t we know?
Q: (L) Because we haven’t been there.
A: Had Columbus been outside of Italy and Spain?
Q: (L) Well, of course Columbus had an idea that there was something but he hadn’t been there, no. But he went and checked it out.
A: Did he have just an idea?
Q: (L) Well, pretty much, I guess.
A: Hmmm. That’s not the way we remember it. The way we remember it is that he had instinct and imagination and when he married his instinct with imagination, it became reality. And, when it became reality, he had created a reality which he was fully confident would be manifest in the physical third density reality. It wasn’t that he was confident. He knew it to be so. He didn’t stop himself by adding prejudice to the equation, which is what you are doing when you say: “Well, we don’t know what happens because we have never been there!” Think logically, please. We have told you so many times that everything is a Grand Cycle. If it’s a Grand Cycle, we have told you about circles within circles. We have told you about cycles. We have told you about short wave cycles and long wave cycles. Now, after all this information that you have asked of us, which we have more than happily given to you, would you expect that a straight line would just go out forever and ever and ever as a straight line? How could it possibly do that? What happens, if you take, on your third density earth, and you draw a straight line to the East or to the West or to the North or to the South…?
Q: (J) It comes all the way back to itself.
but that is the beuthy I like, this endless thread of the life storyline, I love to knit the story with others, looking for the facts and objective realities that are opening a new level, more deep and more forward ... you know ...
loreta said:
This picture is from a European East photographer that took pictures of people living in psychiatric clinics in the 90's.
I can recognize here the other "storyline" - the stereotype of Eastern Europe to be kind of oppressive with horos of "working camps" that actually were like the worst psyhiatrics clinics like Gulag or Naked Island ... where people will be taken in and stuffed with narcotics of all kind to the level of complete lose of personality and humanity and soul .. Polish documentaries made some fascinating recordings of that horrors ... to me the reference to that tels, how in America is powerfull the fear of horos of eastern europe camps where political dissidents were imprisoned ...
thank you one more time for this discovery ... amazing eye opening art!