The Suppressive Personality and Psychopathy


L Ron Hubbard, himself a brilliant and thoroughly creepy individual, coined the term Suppressive Personality as a designation for that personality type who is most likely to create chaos and confusion in our life. His concept is interesting because I think it covers not just what we call Psychopaths, and Sociopaths, but Narcissists and Borderlines, and ordinary folks having a bad day and taking it out on us.
Sometimes I think we convolute matters by asking ourselves, "Is this person really a Psychopath or am I just over reacting?" Of course we could be over reacting. Or not.
But the real issue is that we interact with people who demean us, confuse us, manipulate us. It is interesting to know why they do this, what precise category of the DSM 4 they fall into,
but immediately it is most important to see clearly that they are having a negative impact on us, in spite of their (occasional) apparent charm and helpfulness.
This check list is a series of questions one can ask oneself to help clarify who the Suppressives in our current lives might be.
It is probably a list we should use on ourselves every few months.

SP Rundown:
1. Is there anyone in your life who makes you feel uneasy?
2. Is there anyone in your life whom you're relieved to have go away?
3. Is there anyone in your life who dwells on negativity?
4. Is there anyone in your life who regularly makes you feel awkward, foolish, or stupid?
5. Is there anyone in your life who causes or creates uncertainty for you?
6. Is there anyone in your life who discourages or inhibits you?
7. Is there anyone in your life who imposes affection on you?
8. Is there anyone in your life who likes to antagonize you?
9. Is there anyone in your life who forces things on you?
10. Is there anyone in your life who regularly breaks agreements with you?
11. Is there anyone in your life who has harmed you by helping you?
12. Is there anyone in your life who seeks to harm you?
13. Is there anyone in your life who has let you cannot or should become what you want to become,
(have what you want to have, do what you want to do)?
14. Is there anyone in your life who seems to always misunderstand you?
15. Is there anyone in your life who regularly makes you feel guilty?
Obviously, no one question's answer is definitive. But if the same name comes up as an answer six times, or more, we ought to wonder what we're dealing with.
A principle of the Suppressive Personality is what I call "Presumption of Intimacy". They presume to be your friend long before they've established a friendship. They presume you should share yourself with them, and then damn you for your smallness when you don't.
I would be interested to hear if this list is helpful to people. I received it from a therapist I knew back in the 1970's.
His first action with a new client was to use this list of questions on them. Once a few SPs had been identified he would help his clients deal with them intelligently. His theory was that a person will not get benefits from psychotherapy if they are intimately involved with SPs. For the reason that such types will actively seek to undo the gains made in therapy.
Thank you for posting, to my eyes it seems useful. If people answer these questions they will at the very least get some thought processes started regarding the excistence of manipulative/narcissistic/psychopathic human beings.
Hi denekin - also thanks for posting!
It is helpful to see all these possibilities at once!
I think the questions arise sooner or later when you are working with a client but it is good to keep them in mind!
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