The Force is Strong With This One
cut the center with Jesus in the middle vertically...
intellect on your right- emotional center on your left...
Jesus- both higher intellectual and emotional centers OF A HU-MAN...
MARY- to his right is the Sacred Silence bridge for a man.. she is the bridge to the higher emotional center/soul body.
The story of Jesus is really the story of attempts by the Elite of the age to Ascend in matter- but they cant.. they cannot feel empathy due to the geniological decisions made in Antiquity to break from the Sacred Silence tradition (heart connection to the Earth) and choose intellect over Earth-connection giving up the emotions over ego, thus thus destroying the bridge not only to their higher emotional center, but cutting off the natural evolution to the higher intellect as well in the process.. and dividing themselves everywhere they went to blanket the control.
Babylon was the first city this age to wage war on tribes, and the progression of this around the globe has not stopped, nor has the motive or the time frame planned to accomplish. For the plan to succeed, the bridge to the Sacred Silence needs to be destroyed, so the indigenous have payed the price and this is the only desire of the 'Reptiles' And by this I dont mean to discredit any beautiful animals created by the natural system.. by this I mean the animals that by self choice, have only their bodily desires in mind- using the so called 'reptile brain' (as we use daily and is also know by the medical community under the same name- reptile brain. Inherent in base emotions and base instinctual motor functions.)
The Last Supper then is the last chance they had to give it a shot at the last natural cycle of evolutionary pressures.. feel free to hazard a date here.. remembering that natural pressures also create opposites in equal quantities..
The other side to the painting as mentioned at the beginning is that it tells the tale of any man that tries to accomplish true work on self...
The ultimate goal is to bring all of your centers into 1. This, as Laura has mentioned or at least hinted at in S.History entails the giving up of the physical body and birthing your True Spiritual 'I'.., with option to stay!
What we clearly see in the Last Supper is the struggle between a man and himself, having understood what it takes to accomplish self work, having come so far, achieving a soul body through his lower emotional center- by WILL- and giving up rebirth in the flesh as he did not have the emotional capacity to complete the base materialism and EGO/thoughts conflict with Sacred Silence... Peter v Mary
Also please take reference to the rendering of both walls in regard to light and dark- on the intellectual side the wall is more illuminated and baron that resemble the hot winds reflecting off the surface of a desert. The On the emotional side, or feminine (your left), you will notice that the walls are darkened and mysterious in the painting itself, yet look how the walls of the space the painting is hung to finish the story of emotional/creative aspects and intellectual/will related aspects.
Keeping in mind that the emotional/right brain is symbolically represented by the moon/water/lake/river/earth/BLUE and leather, and the intellect is symbolized in rock/stone/fire/air/mountain/RED and castle. Now take a look at the background of Virgin of the Rocks!!! These are representative of the 2 genealogies of the past and always have for the Elite. Having given up the heart connection evolving with higher intellect first, they then HAD to conquer the indigenous to breed the connection back into their family via unnatural means-inbreeding.
If that is not enough you only need to look at the color symbology to tie it up ion the Last Supper... The red masculine mars is worn as a sign of intellect, the blue, a sight of the feminine creative and 'true' life-giving forces. Note Jesus is 1st of the higher intellect and then of the higher emotional- Red closest to his skin with blue drape... Mary is the opposite wearing blue underneath a red drape. the other are all variations of the two colors or of the one aspect, or neutral!
As far as the current state of things.. get to work!
intellect on your right- emotional center on your left...
Jesus- both higher intellectual and emotional centers OF A HU-MAN...
MARY- to his right is the Sacred Silence bridge for a man.. she is the bridge to the higher emotional center/soul body.
The story of Jesus is really the story of attempts by the Elite of the age to Ascend in matter- but they cant.. they cannot feel empathy due to the geniological decisions made in Antiquity to break from the Sacred Silence tradition (heart connection to the Earth) and choose intellect over Earth-connection giving up the emotions over ego, thus thus destroying the bridge not only to their higher emotional center, but cutting off the natural evolution to the higher intellect as well in the process.. and dividing themselves everywhere they went to blanket the control.
Babylon was the first city this age to wage war on tribes, and the progression of this around the globe has not stopped, nor has the motive or the time frame planned to accomplish. For the plan to succeed, the bridge to the Sacred Silence needs to be destroyed, so the indigenous have payed the price and this is the only desire of the 'Reptiles' And by this I dont mean to discredit any beautiful animals created by the natural system.. by this I mean the animals that by self choice, have only their bodily desires in mind- using the so called 'reptile brain' (as we use daily and is also know by the medical community under the same name- reptile brain. Inherent in base emotions and base instinctual motor functions.)
The Last Supper then is the last chance they had to give it a shot at the last natural cycle of evolutionary pressures.. feel free to hazard a date here.. remembering that natural pressures also create opposites in equal quantities..
The other side to the painting as mentioned at the beginning is that it tells the tale of any man that tries to accomplish true work on self...
The ultimate goal is to bring all of your centers into 1. This, as Laura has mentioned or at least hinted at in S.History entails the giving up of the physical body and birthing your True Spiritual 'I'.., with option to stay!
What we clearly see in the Last Supper is the struggle between a man and himself, having understood what it takes to accomplish self work, having come so far, achieving a soul body through his lower emotional center- by WILL- and giving up rebirth in the flesh as he did not have the emotional capacity to complete the base materialism and EGO/thoughts conflict with Sacred Silence... Peter v Mary
Also please take reference to the rendering of both walls in regard to light and dark- on the intellectual side the wall is more illuminated and baron that resemble the hot winds reflecting off the surface of a desert. The On the emotional side, or feminine (your left), you will notice that the walls are darkened and mysterious in the painting itself, yet look how the walls of the space the painting is hung to finish the story of emotional/creative aspects and intellectual/will related aspects.
Keeping in mind that the emotional/right brain is symbolically represented by the moon/water/lake/river/earth/BLUE and leather, and the intellect is symbolized in rock/stone/fire/air/mountain/RED and castle. Now take a look at the background of Virgin of the Rocks!!! These are representative of the 2 genealogies of the past and always have for the Elite. Having given up the heart connection evolving with higher intellect first, they then HAD to conquer the indigenous to breed the connection back into their family via unnatural means-inbreeding.
If that is not enough you only need to look at the color symbology to tie it up ion the Last Supper... The red masculine mars is worn as a sign of intellect, the blue, a sight of the feminine creative and 'true' life-giving forces. Note Jesus is 1st of the higher intellect and then of the higher emotional- Red closest to his skin with blue drape... Mary is the opposite wearing blue underneath a red drape. the other are all variations of the two colors or of the one aspect, or neutral!
As far as the current state of things.. get to work!