"The Ultimate Fractal Video Project" (website)


Jedi Master
Link: http://www.fractal-animation.net/ufvp.html

I found this site a while back, theres some videos on there which could be of interest to people on this forum. I'll let the website explain what its all about:

I suggest that people watch one of those fractal movies and then look at the photos provided in this other post:


And see what you can see...
Mandelbrot ZooM to E+89 is cool :) staggering detail. I got the 200mb version, why not ;)

Zoobiedoo, I think you may be suggesting that the universe is all one huge fractal? Such as you see the mandelbrot "shape" in a few places in the vid mentioned above, and in the link you provided you can also see similarities at different levels (the brain and universe images).
actually its not the deepest zoomin ever. lol

this fractopolis.com site has a DVD which boasts fractal zoomin videos over 10^300th power zoomin magnification and it plays on your television or PC. some of the movies are 3 gigabytes each.


not to mention quality free flash zoomin movies
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