The UN want to track us.


Padawan Learner
This bit "World Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations" Global government.
"All new cars in Europe will be required to have an 'Event Data Recorder' (EDR) as a standard feature from July 2024, and Australia could follow, thanks to the rule under the United Nations' World Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations – of which Australia is a signatory."

At least by looking at the UN agreement from 2020 (PDF available), the EDR is much like an aircraft's' black box - recording all sorts of data, mostly related to crashes ('events').

There does not appear to be any ability for this device to track vehicles in real time (just leave it to your phone to do that…). The data is simply physically transferred from the EDR in the event of an accident. How private that data remains is of interest though…

Of course, I am not saying there are not attempts to track everyone, all the time - just not convinced this is one of them. Looks more like a way to gather crash data and sort out insurance claims and criminal culpability than anything overly nefarious (yet… Certainly worth keeping an eye on given all the proposed changes to our future ability to travel around).
At least by looking at the UN agreement from 2020 (PDF available), the EDR is much like an aircraft's' black box - recording all sorts of data, mostly related to crashes ('events').

There does not appear to be any ability for this device to track vehicles in real time (just leave it to your phone to do that…). The data is simply physically transferred from the EDR in the event of an accident. How private that data remains is of interest though…

Of course, I am not saying there are not attempts to track everyone, all the time - just not convinced this is one of them. Looks more like a way to gather crash data and sort out insurance claims and criminal culpability than anything overly nefarious (yet… Certainly worth keeping an eye on given all the proposed changes to our future ability to travel around).
The biggest problem is that its a global entity. Not the state government coming up with design rules where cars are used though political debate and feedback from the people . A black box would get people imprisoned for very minor things like being 2km over the speed limit when hitting someone texting while driving on the wrong side of the road. A plane is different, isn't in traffic or on roads with wildlife where a car is so it would need a camera and most stuff is stored to the cloud now so its probably stored to cloud.
The biggest problem is that its a global entity. Not the state government coming up with design rules where cars are used though political debate and feedback from the people
Absolutely true - another example of global governance (well, Western governance) along with many other 'global' rules coming in to place.

These EDR's though, do not use cloud storage - the details in the PDF explicitly state data is stored on the device and can even end up being overwritten if it exceeds the storage space. Not to say they couldn't in future of course…

A black box would get people imprisoned for very minor things like being 2km over the speed limit when hitting someone texting while driving on the wrong side of the road.
It may, but the data on the EDR would presumably be used as evidence during the investigation of an accident at a local level under local laws.

Again, maybe something to keep an eye on, but I think there are far easier ways for the PTB to keep track of us all. Most new vehicles have a navigation system of some sort these days, or people are using Google maps etc., think we are pretty safely tracked already.
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