The war on natural medicine - the beginning of the end


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

From the above, I zeroed in on the following sentences:
This effort at integration took a major step forward during the 1992 presidential campaign. Apparently, Ross Perot, a third-party candidate for president of the United States, asked Hans Nieper, a German physician, for some ideas on how to reform the American Health Care System. Dr. Nieper had gained considerable notoriety for his treatment of cancer and MS with totally natural substances.
Since both MS (multiple sclerosis) and GBS (Guillain-Barre Syndrome) result in damage to the myelin sheaths of nerves, I decided to find out more about Hans Nieper & his work involving MS. Revelations abound (plus shades of Dr. Jack Kruse) - excerpts from these two articles:

Calcium AEP: Membrane Integrity Factor Aids Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Asthma and Osteoporosis


Calcium AEP: Membrane Integrity Factor Aids Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Asthma and Osteoporosis

In 1941, a unique form of calcium, Calcium 2-amino ethyl phosphoric acid (Ca-AEP or Ca-2AEP) was discovered by the eminent biochemist Erwin Chargaff. Chargaff found that Ca-AEP was a vital component in the structure of cell membranes. The significance of Chargaff’s work was largely ignored for the next two decades, but studies over the last 30 years have shown that Ca-AEP plays a vital role in maintaining cell membrane integrity and improving cellular functions. It has also been shown to be effective in supporting a host of conditions, including multiple sclerosis, diabetes, asthma and immune disorders.

Ca-AEP is one of a number of colamine phosphates – vitamin-like metabolites and cell membrane integrity factors, that are required for cellular membrane functions. Among these functions, Ca-AEP is known to acts as:

1) Cell Sealer and Protector

Cells allow entry of vital nutrients through pores spread across the cellular membrane. Two types of pores predominate: free lipid pores and peptide-lined transport pores. Lipidic pores can permit the unwanted penetration into cells by harmful agents. Ca-AEP decreases water solubility and seals the lipid cellular membrane pores, decreasing the permeability of the outer cell membrane by foreign substances. This action protects cells from invasion by toxins, bacteria, viruses, antibodies and other harmful agents.

2) Electrolyte and Nutrient Carrier

Ca-AEP facilitates the cellular exchange of inorganic electrolytes in cells and aids the absorption of nutrient substances such as fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, hormones and steroids through the ‘active transport pores’ of cell membranes.

3) Maintains Cell Electrical Charge

Ca-AEP maintains and repairs cellular neurotransmission, vital for the electrobiological connection of cells. Ca-AEP helps the cells to retain the electrical charges of calcium, potassium and magnesium ions residing on the membrane surface where they serve to increase the conductivity of nerve tissue. It does this by causing calcium and other minerals to bind to cellular membranes where they serve as electrical condensers, essential for cellular regulation.

This condenser function of the cell membrane plays an active role in disease prevention. If there is an insufficient amount of colamine phosphate salts, the cell’s electrical charge and condenser function will be abnormal. A significant loss of the electrical charge of the cell membrane may be catastrophic – especially for the circulatory system, immune system and neuromuscular system.

Diseases Involving Disturbance of Cell Membranes

Some illnesses are initiated when the body is unable to synthesize and incorporate into cell membranes adequate amounts of colamine phosphates such as Ca-AEP. Conversely, restoring levels of Ca-AEP to proper levels has been shown to improve membrane integrity and produce actions that are both therapeutic and preventive in nature. Among the diseases initiated or influenced by disturbances in cellular membranes are:
  • Multiple Sclerosis and sclerotic disorders, including Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and progressive systemic sclerosis
  • Inflammatory disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis
  • Diabetes, both Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) and Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)
  • Diabetic complications, including diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy
  • Osteoporosis
  • Lung diseases, including asthma, emphysema and other conditions characterized by poor gaseous exchange in the alveoli
  • Immune disorders such as sarcoidosis.
Multiple Sclerosis

The first trial applications of Ca-AEP were for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). In 1967 the German Health Authority approved the use of Ca-AEP for MS.
It is the speed and efficiency with which electrical impulses are conducted that permits smooth, rapid and coordinated movements to be performed with little conscious effort. In MS, the loss of the myelin sheath (demyelination) leads to a disruption in the ability of the nerves to conduct electrical impulses. It is believed that the loss of the ability of nerves to transmit impulses rapidly to and from the brain is what produces the various symptoms of MS.
An analysis of more than 2,000 patients who were treated with colamine salts in Germany over the course of 24 years revealed greater efficacy from Ca-AEP treatments than other known treatments. In 1986, Dr. George Morrissette conducted a retrospective poll of patients in the USA who originally had begun Ca-AEP treatment in Germany for MS. 82% of the almost 300 patients that entered the study showed a positive benefit from Ca-AEP therapy. And when treatment began in the early stages of MS, positive results rose to 92%.

Additional Benefits

According to the work of Dr. Hans Nieper, MS should not be viewed as just a neurological disorder. MS is a generalized disease of the cellular membrane system that affects the nerves, bones, kidneys, lungs, red blood cells, blood vessels and many other organs and sites.

Long-term observation of Ca-AEP’s effects on more than 2,000 MS patients revealed a host of additional benefits. MS patients receiving Ca-AEP showed less signs of aging in their outward appearance, increased tissue elasticity and skeletal firmness and a marked absence of osteoporosis. Second to the destruction of the myelin sheath of the nerve fibers, MS patients are especially at risk of kidney infection due to insufficient membrane polarization at the cellular level.

While formerly one-third of all MS patients died due to lost nerve functions, one-third from increased tendency to bone fractures, and the last one-third from kidney failure, only two patients out of 2,200 treated with Ca-AEP suffered from these problems. Unusual bone fractures and problems with kidney functions were not observed at all.

The supplementation of Ca-AEP repairs cell membrane function and maintains it at optimal levels. It raises the depressed energy in the membrane system of the nerves’ myelin sheath of MS patients by several-fold, restoring proper synaptic function in the affected organs.

MS patients receiving Ca-AEP treatments have experienced facial and upper extremity mobility, body heat generation, greater relief from exhaustion and decreased spasticity.

Osteoporosis and Bone Fractures

Every year over 1.3 million elderly Americans suffer from spontaneous bone fractures due to osteoporosis and decalcification of the bones.
Osteoporosis is not a true biochemical disease, but is being considered by some to be an electromagnetic illness. The accumulation of crystallized bone salts requires the steady pulsation of electric or electromagnetic potential at the surface of the cell membrane of bone tissues. These pulses create a “piezoelectric” pressure which, when applied to the salt crystals, builds up apatite (calcium phosphate minerals) which in turn hardens and strengthens the bone. Ca-AEP is indispensible in supporting the function of the cell membranes that form bone.

After 30 years of Ca-AEP and Calcium Orotate therapies with over 3,500 patients with multiple sclerosis, the risk of bone fractures was drastically reduced. Furthermore, surgeons in six surgical centers located in USA and Europe reported finding extremely solid bone when implanting new joints in patients who were taking Ca-AEP combined with calcium and magnesium orotate for at least four years prior to their surgeries.
The article continues re respiratory disorders, diabetes, GI & kidney disorders, RA and anti-inflammatory effects:
The anti-inflammatory effects of Ca-AEP are a result of complex calcium being introduced into the cell membrane, aiding its ability to prevent pro-inflammatory materials from entering cells."

"The role of Ca-AEP has been studied for more than 30 years. This vitamin-like factor, like carnitine and coenzyme Q10, appears to be very important for optimum health. The illnesses discussed above, may be initiated by inadequate amounts of colamine phosphates and respond favorably to Ca-AEP supplement therapy.

This article refers to calcium ethylamino-phosphate, registered trademark Calcium-EAP®. This was patented by Dr. Hans Alfred Nieper and Franz Koehler. Presently it is still being made and sold by the original manufacturer, see However, the FDA has banned this product from entering the US. In response to this, US and some other manufacturers produce and sell it now as calcium AEP or 2-aminoethanol phosphate. Both names are correct.

The health of our cells depends to a large degree on their ability to keep toxic material out. This includes toxic or unbiological chemicals, endotoxins produced by microbes inside the body and also harmful concentrations of otherwise useful biological chemicals. Such toxic matter tends to weaken and disrupt the energy production within cells and is a major factor in disease processes such as cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Toxic chemicals, together with useful ones, can enter inside the cells only through special pores in the cell wall. In healthy cells the entrance points of these pores are protected by special gatekeeper chemicals, mainly the calcium salt of ethylamino-phosphate or aminoethanol phosphate, also called colamine phosphate or short EAP/AEP. EAP is heavily concentrated at these entrance points and is attached to the cell wall where it keeps the calcium in a fixed position.

In addition to keeping unwanted chemicals from entering, EAP is also effective in transporting essential minerals through the cell wall and into the cell. In addition, it helps to maintain and restore a normal electric cell potential between both sides of the membrane. Because of its vital functions in maintaining the health of cell membranes, EAP has been called the 'membrane integrity factor' or vitamin Mi. With increasing age and disease-related health deterioration we do not seem to be able to produce enough EAP to protect our cells. This leaves them open to attack by undesirable chemicals and toxins and can cause or contribute to a wide range of diseases.

EAP salts were developed in the 1960's in Germany by Dr. Hans Nieper and produced by a small chemical company, Dr. F. Koehler Chemie. Initially calcium EAP was mainly used in the successful treatment of multiple sclerosis. Also damaging aftereffects of viral infections (e.g. chronic fatigue) could be greatly reduced. Other diseases that responded well were allergies, asthma, blood pressure and circulation problems, capillary bleeding, cancer, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, lateral sclerosis (A.L.S.), leukodystrophy and osteoporosis.

Varicose veins stopped deteriorating and aging skin was improved. Dr. Nieper actually mentions that patients on long-term EAP therapy hardly age, neither outwardly nor by some inner criteria. A mixed formulation of calcium, magnesium and potassium EAP is calming and harmonising for the nerves and, with this, suitable for neurological conditions, including hyperactivity and anxiety disorders.

After evaluating the treatment of several thousand multiple sclerosis patients over many years Dr. Nieper found that hardly anyone of these patients had developed cancer. Also in a 6-year study of 8 patients with repeated surgery for colon cancer there were no further recurrences with calcium EAP therapy.

A report from the John Hopkins University states that by using agents that elevate the intracellular calcium level, even fast growing metastatic cancer cells could be made to undergo programmed cell death. Other carriers, besides EAP, that are able to carry calcium into cells are calcium aspartate and calcium orotate.

Following the cell membrane model of the Swiss scientist Buchi, colamine phosphate is integrated into the cell membrane in a way that it is localized on the outside on the external cell membrane, mainly at the entrance spots into the so-called free lipid pore. From communications by Dr. Pressman, New York, we know today that colamine phosphates are part of neurotransmitters, that is substances necessary for conducting an electric signal to biological structures. In addition, the substance is obviously necessary to retain electric charges, especially of calcium, on the membrane surface.

The resulting change is extremely significant because, in this way, the cell membranes can function like an electric condenser, except that the areas containing the charge do not consist of metal as they do in technology but of biologically retained (bound) calcium linings. Colamine phosphate salts, and calcium salt, in particular, are therefore indispensable in supporting the condenser function of the cell membrane.

Application in Multiple Sclerosis

By 1967, the following results were obtained after administering over 50,000 daily doses. The disorders of patients with multiple sclerosis improved considerably. Calcium-EAP was given both intravenously (usually 400 mg three times a week) and in tablet form (approx, 1.5 g. per day). In the case of multiple sclerosis, cell membrane damage exists throughout the body, showing especially in myelin, a multiple condenser winding around the central nerve fiber. Multiple sclerosis is not a neurological disease, but a generalized disease of the cell's membrane system. It also affects the bone matrix system, the kidneys, the membranes of the pulmonary alveoli, the urinary tract system, the inner linings of little vessels, the membranes of red blood cells as well as many other sites.

Furthermore, it was evident that the consequences of viral infections could be drastically reduced by this therapy, as demonstrated in 1969 by a control group (personnel of two department stores). Likewise, toxic effects on the cell membrane, could be reduced by this treatment. Considerable improvement was noted in patients suffering from chronic kidney illnesses. Rheumatoid disease, i.e. Boeck's Sarcoidosis, and other hard-to-cure disorders such as tuberous sclerosis and leukodystrophy also improved significantly.

A mixture of calcium EAP, magnesium-EAP and potassium-EAP excelled in calming and harmonizing the nerves of excited patients, especially children. This compound is effective on the diseases mentioned just as pure calcium-EAP is.
Please read all the amazing successes detailed in this article regarding MS, asthma, diabetes, and cancer. One last quoted excerpt:
Electromagnetic Forces

The length of the entire human blood vessel and capillary system has been estimated to be between 40,000 and 50,000 kilometers. You will wonder how a small human heart can pump the blood through such an immensely long and intertwined arterial system with relatively little power. The answer is demonstrated by a magnetic train that is suspended and moved by an electromagnetic cushion, practically without friction. This is exactly how it works with the red blood cells.

Only the fact that all blood particles move on an electromagnetic cushion makes this low power drive system possible. The electrostatic or magnetic gap depends on the condenser structure of the cell membranes.

Everyone will recognize that a loss of the electrostatic quality of the cell membranes must be catastrophic for the circulatory system. Increased resistance, high blood pressure, more clotting, deposits on the vessels, varicose veins, etc. will result as well as life-threatening thrombosis.

During the last 24 years, we have observed that for patients taking calcium and magnesium-EAP, the development of thrombosis, circulation problems, high blood pressure and the progression of varicose veins is almost entirely eliminated.

This is surely related to the fact that by administering EAP salts, the condenser functions of the cell membrane systems are repaired and maintained at an optimal level. This is true even for older patients. Naturally, this is accompanied by genuine youthfulness of the biological frame and certainly a substantially increased life span. Calcium and magnesium EAP is also remarkably effective against damage from sunburn. Fortunately, cell aging caused by exposure to strong light and UV radiation is prevented, or at least contained, by this therapy.
Some very amazing facts related in these two articles!
I wasn't quite sure where to put this article on new research into MS treatment (which they couldn't get funding for). Forgive me if it's in the wrong spot.
Ruth: thank you, this article gives a tip for MS disease: detox of aluminium by silicon mineral water:

The researchers stated:

“We designed a small clinical trial to further test our observation that individuals with MS have a high body burden of aluminium and we included in the trial a prospective therapeutic element. We had previously shown that regular drinking of a silicon-rich mineral water was an effective and non-invasive therapy for the removal of aluminium from the body.”

Neetle also is very rich in silicium, and a good metal detox, and you can have it for free in nature ;-)

JEEP: thank you very much for this knowledge about cobalamine phosphates, I didn't knew that!
Reading "phosphate" reminds me of a thread from Laura:,43133.msg687515.html#msg687515

Maybe removing heavy metals from cell membranes (detox protocols) + supplementing with Ca-AEP (it contains phosphorus) + photobiomodulation is a clue for a better body functionning ?
Also the piezoelectric properties of membrane calcium is interesting; a better transmission/reception of informations ?
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