The Wave 2012?

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To add to the frenzy, it just so happens that the years building up to 2012 mark an unusual astronomical alignment, one so rare it occurs only in 30 out of every 26,000 years. During this period, the Sun will make its annual crossing of the galactic equator-the plane that bisects the Milky Way as it appears in the sky-on the same day as the winter solstice. So what does all this mean? A small group of doomsayers believe a life-ending cataclysm is on the horizon. Patrick Geryl, a Belgian researcher, says he believes the alignment will trigger a reversal in the magnetic fields of the Sun, causing it to get 10 or 20 times hotter, which will reverse the Earth's rotation on its axis and flood its inhabitants (mainstream astronomers don't agree).

h(double t)p://
This is just one of many cycles which seem to be comeing full circle in the present and next few years.

For example the 26,000 year (m/l) cycle of maximum arc (obliquity cycle ) relative to Orion- completed midnight + 1 minute, January 1, 2000 . This is of interest as the beginning of the millennium also marked the highest point in the sky for the constellation Orion. The transit of Orion is a 26,000 year cycle and this was the completion of a total cycle as well as the completion of the half-cycle of 13,000 years. Of note because the last maximal point (to the horizon) of 13,000 years ago marked the time that was so devestating to earth, climatically (ice ages, floods et al) indicating at least one link to massive earth-changess/stressors.

Also, the Solar system aligns with spiral arm of MilkyWay galaxy - 50,000 year cycle due to rotation through the Local Interstellar Cloud which I belive completes December 2012. Further 2012 marks 35,000 years since our solar system was within the Orion complex (a relative designation).

Another is the 250,000,000 years it takes the Sun to orbit once around the Galactic center - in this case we align the center of the sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy by way of the oblique, primary spiral arm on 12.22.2012. this is of interest as of interest as this coincides with the December 2012 Mayan Long Count ending/beginning. Due to the movement of the solar system in its 250,000,000 year orbit around the galactic center, the solar system, and thus the sun, is now completing a 50,000 year sub-cycle, and is approaching an area in space just chock-full of potential for cometary mass intrusion into the solar system. Several astrophysicists/stellar evolutionists note that at a predictable point near the apex of each of the spiral arms of the galaxy are areas where comets and asteroids tend to cluster.

Another completion of the 28,500 year precessional cycle of earth's wobble is another cycle completion.

Age of Aquarius either already started, or begins Dec. 2012 depending on reference point. But basically this is one complete 'stepping' through all the 12 signs of the western zodiac. Of note, as it is co-incident to so many other cycles completing at this time. And also of note due to it being related to the apparent 14,000 (m/l) year cycle for major ice ages. Though, note that there are other cycles impacting ice ages/flooding here on earth including a gravitational impacting one due to the once every 90,000 year orbital eccentricity cycle.

In 2012 we also see the end of the Kali Yuga, a 353,000 year cycle

Another is the competion of the 41,000 year 'nodding' cycle. The tilt of the earth's axis does not remain exactly the same but gradually varies within very narrow limits owing to gravitational perturbations caused by the moon and planets (especially Jupiter, Mars, and Venus). It has been established by observation that the tilt is steadily decreasing by around 0.47 arc-seconds a year (about a hundredth of a degree per century). On 1 January 1950 the obliquity was 23°26'45", and on 1 January 2000 it was 23°26'21". On the basis of calculations of gravitational perturbations, scientists theorize that the tilt oscillates between about 21.6° and 24.6° over a period of about 41,000 years. The slight variation in the tilt of the earth's axis means that the curve described by the earth's north pole around the north ecliptic pole is not a perfect circle. This cycle also has shown co-relations to both ice ages and periods of global heat pattern alteration. Note that the last completion of this cycle co-incided with a large increase in CO2 globally resulting in a 'global heat flush' and rapid plant mutation/species creep.

While still an uncertian cycle (some periods show it is absent), the magnetic period of 4000 years is currently active. Over the last 4000 years the earth's magnetic field strength has declined 99.999%. Previous periods when this has occurred have been followed by a magnetic reversal, and the return of the magnetic field to its 'usual' strength levels designated as N-sub-1. Currently, there are indications in both the wandering of the North Pole, and the appearance of several new south poles (in South Africa), that a pole reversal may be approaching. Note that some climatologists consider the magnetic field strength a key factor in global weather patterns (as it controls the amount/type of energy accepted from the sun). This is further strengthend by the sun reversing/flipping its magnetic poles in 2000 (over the course of only 4 months). Usually, the evidence seems to indicated, that solar magnetic reversals are linked directly to magnetic periods on the planets. These in turn have been shown in historical human records to affect weather patterns.

There are a geat wealth of cycles due for completion in our lifetimes, its when I see this I really do feel glad to be here in this lifetime (though, not for a moment forgetting the cruelty in this STS feeding ground we inhabit) for a purpose and seeing the completion of all these cycles and to experience it all.

I didn't want to create a new topic for probably nothing so I put my question in this thread.

Voilà : I am actually reading (trying to) Fulcanelli's "Mystère des cathédrales", the first Chapter though.

And I came up to this sentence :

... Et quelle messe ! Composée par l’initié Pierre de Corbeil,
archevêque de Sens, selon le rituel païen, et où les
ouailles de l’an 1220 poussaient le cri de joie des
bacchanales : Evohé ! Evohé ! — Et les escholiers en
délire de répondre :
Hæc est clara dies clararum dierum !
Hæc est festa dies festarum festa dierum !

Ce jour est célèbre parmi les jours célèbres !
Ce jour est jour de fête parmi les jours de fête !

Which I translate approximatively into english as (please if I did a mistake tell me) :

... And what a mess! Composed by the initiate Pierre de Corbeil,
Archbishop of Sens, according to the pagan ritual, and where
fidels/sheep of the year 1220 grew the cry of delight
of the bacchanals: EVOH! EVOH! - And the delirious pupils to answer :

Haec is clara clararum dierum dies!
Haec is festa dies festarum dierum festa!

(Today is famous among the famous days!
Today is day of celebration of the holidays!)

It is surprising to see this date "1220" to say the least.
- Any thoughts about it?
- What could we think about this?
mkrnhr said:
... it is surprising to see this date "1220" to say the least.
Any thoughts about it? What could we think about this?

It would help if you could elaborate on why YOU think the date is significant... because I don't see what you're getting at....

A fuller (and more accurately translated) excerpt of the reference appears below, so that others can read it in context. It looks pretty straightforward to me. Fulcanelli is pointing out that the Gothic Cathedral "should not be regarded as a work dedicated solely to the glory of Christianity", that it is imbued with classical and "pagan" ideas as well; in fact, in medieval times it was often used for pagan-based rituals, often without the realization of the "ignorant clergy". He goes on to relate an actual historical event, and amusing irony: Peter of Corbeil (the Archbishop of Sen, famous for having banned the reading of Aristotle's works, because they were "pagan") composed a Mass that was performed in the Cathedral in 1220, a Mass that, unbeknownst to him was actually "modelled on a pagan rite"; included words that were originally part of a Bachannalian ritual; and was attended by a congregation who were on the same day celebrating the decidedly "pagan" Feast of Fools.

I don't think there's any "hidden" meaning there relating to 2012... again, maybe you could elaborate on why you think there might be...?

Le Mystère des Cathédrales said:
During the great medieval period [the Cathedral] was the scene of other ceremonies, very popular with the masses. There was the Feast of Fool - or of the Wise - processional hermetic fair, which used to set out from the church with its pope, its dignitaries, its enthusiasts and its crowds, the common people of the Middle Ages, noisy, frolicsome, jocular, bursting with vitality, enthusiasm and spirit, and spread through the town…. What a comedy it all was, with an ignorant clergy thus subjected to the authority of the disguised Science and crushed under the weight of undeniable superiority. Ah! The Feast of Fools, with its triumphal chariot of Bacchus, drawn by a male and a female centaur, naked as the god himself, and accompanied by the great Pan; an obscene carnival taking possession of a sacred building; nymphs and naiads emerging from the bath, gods of Olympus minus their clouds and minus their clothes; Juno, Diana, Venus and Latona converging on a cathedral to hear Mass. And what a Mass! It was composed by the initiate Pierre de Corbeil, Archbishop of Sens, and modelled on a pagan rite. Here a congregation of the year 1220 uttered the bacchanal cry of joy: Evoe! Evoe!-and scholars in ecstasy replied:

Haec est clara dies clararum clara dierum! Haec est festa dies festarum festa dierum!
(This day is the celebrated day of celebrated days! This day is the feast day of feast days!)

Source of translation:
Thank you PepperFritz for the historical context. One needs indeed external information to keep things into context.

Fulcanelli text is very hard to understand (a lot of allusions and "double talk"), but in this first chapter, he speaks about The Cathedral as the siege of human thoughts, emotions and transformation as i understand it. He seems (according to what I humbly tend to understand) to represent the Cathedral as the inner world of the person (microcosm?), being also represented by the universe (the city and life around the cathedral). Cathedrals are the main focus of his book but he uses them as a book (a book inside a book so to say) that reaches the skies (like babel) as he says. He is very rude with religious dogma as if he wants to say that in order to start the work one has to be free inside of restrictive thoughts, and this freedom is a freedom of thought (a freedom inside/ in the cathedral) like these children who play in the cathedral and go outside (escaping the cave?).

For the except in question, I was surprised to see a date, a precise date, whereas before and after he speaks about events and myths in indefinite time, or so it seems to me. He doesn't translate all Latin or Greek expressions in his book as if the reader is supposed to search by itself. But here he gives the plain translation as if it is important to know what these people say. And the expression of the fools (the scholars and clerics) is about a great day, as if they didn't understand what it was about, mocked by the initiate bishop and the "pagans". As if they are trapped in time while the initiate are in the mythical time (represented by Greek gods and goddesses). I don't know, I feel it like a separation of cyclical time for some and linear time for the others (EVOE sounds like the inverse of YEHOWA to me). I realise that there are a lot of assumptions, that's why I need some feedback. The date 1220 is certainly not the year 2012 per se, but it could also point to what this date represents in our collective consciousness/ our cathedrals (i.e. a great change of who knows what!).

Anyway, these are some of personal thoughts, maybe I will write more notes and i would be very pleased to discuss them with members having more experience and more knowledge.
mkrnhr said:
...the expression of the fools (the scholars and clerics) is about a great day, as if they didn't understand what it was about, mocked by the initiate bishop and the "pagans". As if they are trapped in time while the initiate are in the mythical time (represented by Greek gods and goddesses). I don't know, I feel it like a separation of cyclical time for some and linear time for the others (EVOE sounds like the inverse of YEHOWA to me)....

You are misreading the text, because you are missing the historical context:

(1) Fulcanelli refers to the Clerics (church priests) as "ignorant" (not "fools") for two reasons: (1) In that period of history, the average priest was uneducated, most could barely read; and (2) even those with some education had been forbidden by their Church leaders to read classical greek and latin texts -- which Fulcanelli considers "higher" learning, but the Church (and especially Pierre de Corbeil) consider "low" and "pagan".

(2) When Fulcanelli say that "scholars in ecstasy replied" with the Bacchanalian cry, he is making the point that the scholars are NOT ignorant (like the priests), because they have studied the classical greek and latin texts and therefore recognize the rite that is being celebrated.

(3) When he calls Pierre de Corbeil an "initiate", he is being sarcastic. A educated man of his time with respect for classical learning would have nothing but contempt for Corbeil, as an ignorant cleric who had issued a ban on the works of Aristotle.

(4) The "Fools" are those celebrating the pagan festival, the Feast of Fools, also known as the Feast of the Wise. The "Wise Fool" is a medieval archetype, representing those who stand in opposition to the "learned knowledge" of the day (i.e. Church teachings, which excluded ancient, classical, pagan knowledge). Fulcanelli is pointing out that although they seem "Fools" to the clerics and the Church, they are in fact "Wise" because they respect and recognize older "pagan" traditions and knowledge.

(5) "EVOE" is not some cryptic word invented by Fulcanelli. It is the classical homage/invocation to the god Bacchus.

mkrnhr said: he gives the plain translation as if it is important to know what these people say. And the expression of the fools (the scholars and clerics) is about a great day, as if they didn't understand what it was about, mocked by the initiate bishop and the "pagans".

You've got it all mixed up. It is the Fools and the Scholars who are celebrating the "great day", and it is the archbishop and clerics who do not have a clue. And the latin phrases are not something invented by Fulcanelli, they are the actual words used in the ancient Bacchanalian rite, something his contemporary readers would recognize. And, again, he is making the point that the Fools and the Scholars recognize that ancient knowledge, while the Church and the clerics (and Corbeil as head of the clerics) remain ignorant of it.

Hope that clarifies things. I really do not think that Fulcanelli is being "cryptic" in this section. It appears very early in the first chapter, and I think he is simply "setting the stage"....
You are right PepperFritz, I mixed it terribly! What a shame! In my wording "fools" referred to the clerics while in the text it was referred to the wise. In the culture of my childwood, we refer to wise-fools as "derwishs", I must know that!

I will try to expose my hypotheses without word salada this time.

The passage about the Feast of the Fool starts effectively by Fool = Wise.
Then we have the Clergy = Ignorant : "[a] Hilarious satire of an ignorant clergy, [who is] under the authority of a disguised Science, crushed under the weight of a an unanswerable superiority." (translation is mine with the square brackets ([...]) to complete the literal translation)
Here, I think he is talking about "exoteric" science and blind faith. In other words, the "Clergy" is not ignorant because of no knowledge, but because of false knowledge. This point could seen again in the Feast of the Donkey.

Then he describes the "obscene carnival taking possession" of the place ("nefs ogivales" is a Gothic Cathedral architectural element and in ancient (medieval) french has also a meaning of ship - just a remark, since in another paragraph he explains that "Gothic Art" has to be linked to Argos in Cabala).

These nude and happy persons enter the Cathedral to hear the Mass (The selection of the Greek gods and goddess seems to have a sexual etiquette). The mass is composed by the Archbishop. Here the text becomes complicated.
The expression for "initiated" Pierre de Corbeil is clearly sarcastic. The irony, also, is that the mass this bishop composes is pagan (think of all the catholic rituals). And "in" this mass, "les ouailles" (in ancient French means "sheep" (from Latin "Ovis") but used today to name people listening to the priest) cried/invoked "EVOE" of Bachus Feasts. Here I should note that this connection with Bachus is interresting because I read once (maybe in this forum or in Cassiopaea website i don't remember - sorry) that Greeks identified YHWH to Dionysus/Bachus. And "les escholiers" (which in old french seems to mean student/pupil rather than scholar) answer : "Hæc est clara dies..."

Pierre de Corbeil existed, and he has been the Archbishop of Sens from 1199 to 1221. The Feast of the Fool also existed, and not only in 1220 as we can imagine. The historical context is real, even if Fulcanelli says in his other book "Les demeures philosophales" that we could not believe the medieval history. Anyway.

My point is that Fulcanelli's "Mystery of The Cathedrals" is not a history book or an architecture book. He uses history and architecture to speak about something else. I don't say that I understand what is that something else, I am still very far away from it. But we can sense that there is something else between the lines. This Chapter of the book is a series of stories, some archetypal, and some historic like this one. This stories are not the purpose of the text but the vehicle for the message.

I don't know why he chooses to name this archbishop. When we read the next paragraph about cabala, and then about "talking and shiny stones" we can wonder if "Pierre (Stone in French) de Corbeil, archevêque de Sens" hasn't been chosen to carry another meaning. Just a question. And maybe it rises a question about the choice of that date also.

Another historical "satire" is the Feast of the Donkey (another sex symbol), whose name is "maître Aliboron". Here also we can see an allusion to false knowledge, since "Aliboron" is the Latin name for "Al-Biruni" who was "physicist, anthropologist, comparative sociologist, astronomer, chemist, a critic of alchemy and astrology, encyclopedist, historian, geographer, traveller, geodesist, geologist, mathematician, pharmacist, psychologist, Islamic philosopher, theologian, scholar and teacher" (in brief, materialistic science/exoteric).

I agree with the fact that the first two parts of the first chapter can be free of esoterism and that it starts with the third part :
part 2 finishes by
We estimate therefore ourselves satisfied and largely paid of
our effort, if we didn't succeed awake reader's curiosity, retain the attention of the shrewd observer and show to the occult amateurs that it is not impossible to find the meaning of arcane hidden under the petrified bark of the prodigious grimoire.
and then part 3 starts by
Before that, we must say a word of the term gothic...
However, it seems that the first parts 1 and 2 put the scene for what will follow. The inner world full of contradiction, of false knowledge, of hidden knowledge, of emotions, of pain, of sexual impulse, before starting the work.

That's what I tend actually to understand. I am really sorry for the big length of the text. I hope I made it clearer this time.
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