This night my cleaning robot turned on by itself


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I known, it can be looked of a random event of no importance but I'm wondering if it can be an indicator of some perturbation of some sort. This is why I write it down here. It was around 5am.

The robot can be started by a remote control but it's an infrared system so it seems unlikely it started through this mean. An the robot is in the kitchen with door closed.

So guess its internal circuits got an electrical perturbation. It's probably a local perturbation but perhaps it's due to something more global. The Sun or something like that and I have a good detector of some sort LOL :halo:

We will see if it happen again.
About a year ago I was awakened in the middle of the night by a strange sound. (I live alone).....I got out of bed and walked down the hallway toward the sound only to discover that my washing machine had turned itself on and the wash tub was filling up with water for a wash with no clothes in it.....I am still freaking out to this day about THAT one.
If your electromagnetic field (your natural one) is different (more powerful) it can emit some burst that interacts with electrical appliances.

I also do not rule out that if there are implants in the body (you know) they have that random effect as well.

It could be just an incident with the appliance, but it happens to me quite often.

I am no longer surprised when a street lamp goes off as I walk by.

I would not worry too much.
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