I thought this article from yesterday would be worth getting up on Sott, as it shows signs of the Syrian foreign manufactured opposition falling apart. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/231718.html
The comment from one of the defectors "There is no council, it's an illusion." is telling.
Three prominent members of main Syrian opposition group have broken away, accusing the group of serving the interests of foreign countries.
According to a Syrian National Council (SNC) official, Haitham al-Maleh, Kamal al-Labwani and rights activist Catherine al-Telli left the main opposition bloc due to their "disagreements" with the SNC.
Al-Labwani, however, said that they resigned because they did not want to be "accomplices to the massacre of the Syrian people.'' He also accused head of SNC Burhan Ghalioun of running the organization autocratically.
The SNC is "linked to foreign agendas which aim to prolong the battle while waiting ... for the country to be dragged into a civil war," said al-Labwani, adding that "There is no council, it's an illusion."
He also said that many more will quit the council in the coming days.
Al-Maleh said he was quitting over lack of cooperation in the council and al-Telli cited the SNC's "inefficiency" on "certain personalities and political trends" as the reason for her resignation.
"There is no transparency and there is no respect for other opinions. They aren't given the work the attention that it needs to fulfill the ambitions of the Syrian people," al-Maleh said.
Meanwhile UN-Arab League's envoy Kofi Annan has said he received a response from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to his proposals aimed at ending months of unrest in the Arab nation. Damascus had previously said no political solution would be found while terrorist groups remained active in the country.
The comment from one of the defectors "There is no council, it's an illusion." is telling.