"Throw the Jews Down the Well"



I was directed to this forum while doing research. This research had brought me to the editorial posted here:

Comedian Cohen's "Throw the Jew Down the Well" bit, pitched to an unsuspecting durnken audience of bottom-feeding Americans elicited comments from Joe Quinn that are styled as EDITORIAL.

An editorial is distinguished from an opinion piece in that the editorial expresses views held by the publisher or publishers of the information source.

Quinn's comments turn on a solipistic fallacy commonly used by those whose aim is to distort the truth.

Joe's regurgitation of anti-Zionist pablum is no doubt eagerly absorbed by many who have a pavlovian reaction to anything Zionist.

Never mind that these comments are fallacious, they are in defiance of the clearly stated Forum rules against defamation of others.

How is it that distorted misrepresentations of the facts by Joe Quinn should be given with the authority of the publishers of Signs of the Times?

Would the publishers allow me to write such an editorial denouncing the imperalistic Islamic movement? Would they allow me to publish a video that was intended to be satirical of Islam?

Somewhere along the way those of you who subscribe to anti-Zionist ideologies have lost your bearings. You're not dealing with facts, but with ideas that exist in the realm of Laputa.

Unlike the Islamic nuts whom most of you defend, Zionists are not likely to kill you because you make fun of us or because you criticize us. This is one of the many big differences between Zionist ideas and those of Islam, Christianity, or Socialism-variants (the real Imperialistic "religions").

If you choose to aid Islam, then so be it. May they erect a mosque near you swiftly and soon. May you be honored by having their narrow view of the world forced upon you.

This narrow view is coming soon to a neighborhood near you, so get ready. By the time you realize that the water's a'boilin' you won't have the strength to jump out.
"Somewhere along the way those of you who subscribe to anti-Zionist ideologies have lost your bearings. You're not dealing with facts, but with ideas that exist in the realm of Laputa."

Have you read the Controversy of Zion ? Can you give us an example of where the lie within this book lays?
Any example of anything will do.

The next bit actually shows your racist thoughts.

"If you choose to aid Islam, then so be it. May they erect a mosque near you swiftly and soon. May you be honored by having their narrow view of the world forced upon you."

Nobody here supports Islam or any of the religions existing on this planet,if you had even read any of the naterial on the site instead of having an obvious agenda and to talk twaddle you would know that...
what a day
ChienFume said:
Unlike the Islamic nuts whom most of you defend, Zionists are not likely to kill you because you make fun of us or because you criticize us. This is one of the many big differences between Zionist ideas and those of Islam, Christianity, or Socialism-variants (the real Imperialistic "religions").

If you choose to aid Islam, then so be it. May they erect a mosque near you swiftly and soon. May you be honored by having their narrow view of the world forced upon you.
Your right zionists aren't likely to kill us for making fun of them, they are likely to kill us if we are deemed a different race to them, such as the Lebanese or Palestinians. They are killed when relaxing on beaches by naval bombardment on the orders of zionists, in the largest enforced prison on earth. Why? Because the nice friendly/fuzzy zionists your talking about ordered it so. Oh and those same Zionists you mention have twisted and tampered with our use of language so that we may not even question anything Jewish or in the Torah without being labelled an anti-semite and sent to prison, so your statement doesn't bear much truth that zionists dont mind being criticised. They hate it and have made it an offence to do so in most western countries. I don't see anyone going to jail for questioning the Islamic, Christian or variants of other religions.

Your little rant here expresses a pretty racist opinion against Islamic people, and to be wuite honest I find your post quite repugnant because of this. Also if you wouldn't mind answering a question or to I have, what are the lies or distored truth's as you see them? It helps to point these kinda things out instead of just having a rant about them without showing the reason why you have formed the opinion you have.

I find Joe's opinions insightful, well presented and without bias (other than the same bias any souled individual would have in empathising with another human). I do not see the same in your post here as your racist remark regarding Islam and your defending of the Zionist's indefensible position tells me that you DO have a bias and a reason for attacking Joe.

Im now wondering, who directed you to this site, and exactly what kind of research you are doing?

Oh your avatar pic is nice, reminds me of the attack dogs that were set upon Lisa recently, is this the reason you were directed to this site, to attack Joe?
ChienFume said:
Somewhere along the way those of you who subscribe to anti-Zionist ideologies have lost your bearings. You're not dealing with facts, but with ideas that exist in the realm of Laputa.

Unlike the Islamic nuts whom most of you defend, Zionists are not likely to kill you because you make fun of us or because you criticize us. This is one of the many big differences between Zionist ideas and those of Islam, Christianity, or Socialism-variants (the real Imperialistic "religions").

If you choose to aid Islam, then so be it. May they erect a mosque near you swiftly and soon. May you be honored by having their narrow view of the world forced upon you.

This narrow view is coming soon to a neighborhood near you, so get ready. By the time you realize that the water's a'boilin' you won't have the strength to jump out.
your racist views betray you, and have NO place within a forum that discusses and values ALL human life and conscience.
Have you NO feeling or interest or conscience towards humanity at large?
Do you have any comprehension at all of the lengths to which Zionism is used by certain factions to create suffering and destruction for all humanity INCLUDING the jews?
The basic lie is exposed in the title of this book that you seem to have substituted for factual analysis of the political-social reality in Israel and for the factors that led to the formation of what is known today as Zionism.

Anyone can select and narrow the data so as to arrive at a simulation of reasoning and facts. You've selected the facts you want, and arrived at the conclusion you want.

You're just like any neo-con or xian fundy or islamic hizbulldada fantic.

There is no reason that we should not live in Israel. Except for the irrational hatred of Jews.

This irrational hatred of Jews isn't a figment of my (or any other Jew's )imagination but is one of the most documented recurring events in world history, second only to the general irrationality of humanity that, unfortunately, is being kept very much alive on this very Forum.

Except for the irrational hatred of Jews (which you perhaps share) there is no valid reason to exclude us from living in Saudia Arabia. Jews are forbidden by law from living there.

We are forbidden by law from living in most (but not all) Muslims countries. And in one of the Muslim countries where we can live, we're not allowed much in the way of rights.

So what has happened here is that rabid Rabbit, unable to address the issues, nor see the clear violation of Forum rules, trapidly gives us all a textbook example of the pavlovian conditioning against Zionism and vomits up the biggest lie of all...that Zionist equals racist.

There is only ONE humanity, this is a fact. But your hatred of us isn't the path to world peace. Your views are equal to the views of Islam, and those views exclude everyone who doesn't agree with them.

Just like an Islamic fanatic, you're against everything except your own ideas...and this is living in pointland.

Dream your dreams in your dreamland, Adon Rabbit, HaMelech v'Eretz Point.

Eventually, Karma's gonna get you...gonna knock you down from that ivory tower. Go ahead and laugh and scoff while you can. So long as you do, you're exactly what you claim to be against.

God is eternal
Is in all of us
Is in everything
Is ONE, without second.

This pretty much sums up the idea of Judaism. Everything else is commentary, which Hillel suggested we spend our time studying.

To those of you who still have a slight connection to your 3,400+ year-old heritage:
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!

ChienFume said:
Unlike the Islamic nuts whom most of you defend, Zionists are not likely to kill you because you make fun of us or because you criticize us. This is one of the many big differences between Zionist ideas and those of Islam, Christianity, or Socialism-variants (the real Imperialistic "religions").
And what are these Zionist ideas you speak of, if i may ask? You write us and i understand you are a Zionist.

But then again your site has a picture with the phrase Attack on Israel over the map of Israel. I've been watching the news and i haven't heard of anyone attacking Israel. It's Israel attacking Gaza, West Bank daily, and Lebanon on and off for years now. And it's you now attacking Joe's article. Pretty Zionistic. Your reaction is Pavlovian and your understanding of "reality" is far from reality.
You speak of nothing i asked for facts not your racist opinion
There is no difference in the views expressed thus far and those that can be found on David Duke or Hizbulla websites.

You all have swallowed so many lies and distortions and Zionism and seem to believe yourselves to be existing in celestial realms so far above the rest of us that it's impossible to imagine any genuine discussions.

You break all your Forum rules when it comes to making comments about Zionists. Not so surprising, actually, now that I see what this place really is.

But please do keep your hateful Snidely Whiplash comments coming since they are beyond value to researchers in this field.

A Torah-observant Jew, Zionist, Freemason living in Israel.
Zionism is an ideology not a religion,and as an ideology it is all about destruction,murdering,.You have offered nothing but abuse,this is all you have given.It is not a jewish problem anyone can be a part of it if one is a selfish feeder an instigator of lies and so forth.You are here to make a fool of yourself something which you can truthfully put on your cv
ChienFume said:
Anyone can select and narrow the data so as to arrive at a simulation of reasoning and facts. You've selected the facts you want, and arrived at the conclusion you want.
you seem to be managing quite nicely :mad:

ChienFume said:
You're just like any neo-con or xian fundy or islamic hizbulldada fantic.

There is no reason that we should not live in Israel. Except for the irrational hatred of Jews.
i don't hate jews. what are you talking about? you made that up :mad:

ChienFume said:
This irrational hatred of Jews isn't a figment of my (or any other Jew's )imagination but is one of the most documented recurring events in world history, second only to the general irrationality of humanity that, unfortunately, is being kept very much alive on this very Forum.
look, will you just stop throwing complete lies around.

ChienFume said:
Except for the irrational hatred of Jews (which you perhaps share) there is no valid reason to exclude us from living in Saudia Arabia. Jews are forbidden by law from living there.
take that up with the Saudis

ChienFume said:
So what has happened here is that rabid Rabbit, unable to address the issues, nor see the clear violation of Forum rules, trapidly gives us all a textbook example of the pavlovian conditioning against Zionism and vomits up the biggest lie of all...that Zionist equals racist.

There is only ONE humanity, this is a fact. But your hatred of us isn't the path to world peace. Your views are equal to the views of Islam, and those views exclude everyone who doesn't agree with them.
what is all this 'your hatred of us' rubbish?! you are clearly projecting your own views, and that is not appropriate behaviour.

ChienFume said:
Just like an Islamic fanatic, you're against everything except your own ideas...and this is living in pointland.
again. projecting. stop it

ChienFume said:
Dream your dreams in your dreamland, Adon Rabbit, HaMelech v'Eretz Point.
now moved on to personal attacks. again, inappropriate behaviour..

ChienFume said:
Eventually, Karma's gonna get you...gonna knock you down from that ivory tower. Go ahead and laugh and scoff while you can. So long as you do, you're exactly what you claim to be against.
who's laughing and scoffing? just where do you get all this from?
This is the second bizzare poster. Interestingly enough today is a full moon.
Yes, sleepyvinny is right. There is no hatred of Jews here.

There IS criticism of Zionism, but it is a devious tactic to conflate criticism of Zionism to hatred of Jews. An old trick but still disgusting.
The one standing on a soapbox tends to be an extrovert,
inflating one's own ego, shutting out everything, and gains
nothing of lasting value.

It is an excellent example of how Governments and other groups remain uneffectual in real understanding and compromise.

With the exception of:
sleepyvinny said:
ChienFume said:
Anyone can select and narrow the data so as to arrive at a simulation of reasoning and facts. You've selected the facts you want, and arrived at the conclusion you want.
you seem to be managing quite nicely :mad:

ChienFume said:
You're just like any neo-con or xian fundy or islamic hizbulldada fantic.

There is no reason that we should not live in Israel. Except for the irrational hatred of Jews.
i don't hate jews. what are you talking about? you made that up :mad:

ChienFume said:
This irrational hatred of Jews isn't a figment of my (or any other Jew's )imagination but is one of the most documented recurring events in world history, second only to the general irrationality of humanity that, unfortunately, is being kept very much alive on this very Forum.
look, will you just stop throwing complete lies around.

ChienFume said:
Except for the irrational hatred of Jews (which you perhaps share) there is no valid reason to exclude us from living in Saudia Arabia. Jews are forbidden by law from living there.
take that up with the Saudis

ChienFume said:
So what has happened here is that rabid Rabbit, unable to address the issues, nor see the clear violation of Forum rules, trapidly gives us all a textbook example of the pavlovian conditioning against Zionism and vomits up the biggest lie of all...that Zionist equals racist.

There is only ONE humanity, this is a fact. But your hatred of us isn't the path to world peace. Your views are equal to the views of Islam, and those views exclude everyone who doesn't agree with them.
what is all this 'your hatred of us' rubbish?! you are clearly projecting your own views, and that is not appropriate behaviour.

ChienFume said:
Just like an Islamic fanatic, you're against everything except your own ideas...and this is living in pointland.
again. projecting. stop it

ChienFume said:
Dream your dreams in your dreamland, Adon Rabbit, HaMelech v'Eretz Point.
now moved on to personal attacks. again, inappropriate behaviour..

ChienFume said:
Eventually, Karma's gonna get you...gonna knock you down from that ivory tower. Go ahead and laugh and scoff while you can. So long as you do, you're exactly what you claim to be against.
who's laughing and scoffing? just where do you get all this from?
most of the aforementioned thread reverts
to ad hominum banter-all due respect to both sides of the 'discussion'.

My only point is that the if folks above don't seem to be able to refrain from attacking each other in an emotional charged way, how can you expect anyone else to do it?

Kudos to sleepyvinney for at least making a point by point structure of the discussion.

Instead of attacking, understanding your 'opponent' is the way the 'Big Boys and Girls' play.

How else could they manipulate same?

I'm not 'supporting' the Israili individual, but in attacking this person how could you possibly
argue the POV of this forum? or hope to make any salient point He starts out stating his biases right away. Then the good folks here do exactly the same. Within 2 minutes of this all
hope for intelligent empathizing is gone.

I know you're smarter than that in the art of the text rhetorical argument. Come on folks. <grin>
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