Re: Thunderstorm explanation in Dutch - can someone translate?
The intense electrical weather of Saturday 10/09 /'11
The flood of 1953 is well documented and was a combination of:
1. the moon phase,
2. a very peculiar planetary conjunction,
3. the nearest location of the Earth to the Sun (inner side of the ellipse)
4. a former hurricane depression from the USA,
5. that suddenly sucked up the cloud of a just exploding volcano in Iceland
6. with neglected dikes.
Planes do not fall down sooner than the sixth error or there were already made at least 5 irreversible defects or errors and that was the case here – then for the flood, they sought a scapegoat in the form of: "Oh it happens 1x in 1000 years, then 1x in 150 years and now... 1x in seven years. That is quite high and now we know about earthquakes too.
But the electrical spring tide also exists, and how! This past Saturday we experienced it even ourselves: when you walked outside you would get a splitting headache – and as soon as you got inside, your headache was immediately gone!
Saturday afternoon there were no cows to be seen in the pasture and horses just started going away, whether there was a rider sitting on them or not, they didn’t care.
Kudos to The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) that uses the so-called voltmeters nowadays, and was able to detect the so-called “Canal Rats”* early and then gave off the Code Orange: this is just one stage prior to the Code Red of destruction! And that is pretty correct: according to the ZLM insurance, this was the biggest hail damage from the whole history of insurance, where all the cars in Terneuzen (city in the Netherlands) were turned into pancake plates.
In one respect, the instant storm of 10/09 can be called unique: there was no damp and clammy weather: it was pure non-electric, it was like a protons-weather.
Yet, in this particular area of the new non-electric meteorology, we have to add some remarks, since the KNMI, for a long time, doesn’t consist of meterologists anymore, but currently 55% consists of... stargazers, yup! (source: prof. Verbunt)
The New Moon catches fish
Who wants to catch lots of fish must be somewhere where fish act pretty crazy and totally mad! This may be a result of rising marsh gas, so during a low-pressure area, of electric fields of which the hammerhead shark in particular, with its battery of pico-voltmeters, is an expert at, or this may be a result of approaching storms and further of solar particles.
To begin with the latter: the best time to catch crazy fish is then 3-1 days before the black moon, and then 1-3 days after the black moon.
These aren’t simply fishing tales, but a true profession’s secret that was unraveled by the Utrecht University in September 1963, because the dark moon then shifts before the earth, like a gravitational lens or like a screen powered by solar charged particles. But not only the gravity, but also the difference in electric voltage between the earth and the moon is several million volts. That's because storms on the moon look a little bit different: a discharge of highly radioactive rocks that sometimes span the crescent as brief flashes of light.
Approaching thunderstorm slurps electrons
Up to 100 km ahead of an approaching thunderstorm, the storm engulfs all the free electrons of all semiconductor materials such as sand, brick, concrete, chlorine and water, and then collects these on railings, trees, gutters and chimneys.
Man first notices this in pools, because all the chlorine in it would suddenly disappear. But also the milk in refrigerators becomes suddenly sour, on potatoes a certain phytophthora plague (a fungus which is always basic) breaks out, but also hospitals are suddenly bombarded with asthma patients who seem to be in extreme respiratory distress.
The oxygen suddenly doesn’t “catch” anymore, but also chronic patients such as diabetics find that their medication suddenly is not doing what it should do. It’s because most drugs work according to the basic formula:
pH = (-log) H +, in which H + is the number of hydrogen ions in the solution, and in this case, these have now become protons, without an associating electron, resulting in a toxic drug accumulation in the body.
This can be an explanation for not only the potato fields, where suddenly all the acid levels are changing significantly, but also that your digestion has come to a standstill, many medications suddenly don’t work anymore and cows and horses start showing strange behavior:
after all, the rehashing of their food "has failed", literally. Especially horses exhibit strange behavior, because they walk on "insulated socks" and rub their backsides against bridge railings “to get some electrons from it”, to help against the headache and then often enough an unnecessary worm treatment is prescribed.
Riots’ expertise of the police
Just before the Full Moon, which falls by chance on the weekends, all furloughs of the police are withdrawn and there are always 3 times more police surveillance vehicles on the road than normal. A policeman once demonstrated this on a Discovery-documentary by pointing his wooden bat to the nearly full face of the moon to indicate that there is work to be done: the bat on it!
But also the days before and just after the New Moon are notorious because of the increased accident rates. There is so much documentation available through insurance companies that the effect of moon phases absolutely can not be denied.
Already in 1960, prof.dr.Leonard Ravitz at Duke University USA published a study that showed a direct nexus between human behavior and the phase of the moon. Indeed, the study suggests that the ancient belief that there is a link between full moon and madness is true.
Ravitz, of course, was careful and did his research before making such claims in the scientific field, because he knew that without any evidence he could be fired immediately. Therefore, he measured the tiny electrical impulses, that are being given off by every human being, in patients – both in staff, in volunteers as well as in disturbed people. He discovered that not only did these electrical impulses change frequently, but they also coincided with the phases of the moon.
The most salient change occurred in the just arriving Full Moon, but he noticed something: the more disturbed the patient was - the greater this change (in electrical impulses) during the rising Full Moon! Thus, there was a relationship - but in disturbed people much, much more intense!
Accidents expertise of the police
Can the positions of the sun, moon and the planets really influence human behavior? Or was it the liquor?
Here is where professor dr.Kühn came in and got to work and he managed to bring the times of increased numbers of traffic accidents in connection with the moon phase - but also saw that the increased numbers of total accidents was not associated with the amount of rainfall! But this number of accidents was however associated with the wetness of the road, which was +17%.
But when man compares these curves with cyclic moon phases, this wet pavement factor decreases, to just +9%, and increases, even up to 37% and thus, this could no longer be laughed off.
In 1961, Kühn remarked further on this and said that this was the most time-consuming research he had ever done, in which he had to be in as many as 50 EU cities for the 750.000 recorded traffic accidents – but it was convincing indeed!
The beverage expertise of the police
Not only does the police test their own pepper-spray on each other, but, as a policeman, you also have to know a thing or two about liquor and drugs.
So far everything is quite reproducible - but that will not work if an imminent sudden thunder rips off all the free electrons of the bodies of people: in that case, people will act a little weird as well, like beasts.
Therefore, in this case, because of the "electrical weather", the alleged beverage standerds aren’t correct anymore and during such hours, man should actually ban the allowed amount of liquor intake, because during such times, it will suddenly become 10 times more toxic than normal... and its ‘effect’ definitely won’t be missed at parties etc... that many alcohols are strongly alkaline is something that not everyone knows.
As such, the Utrecht Faculty of Pharmacy has, at the beginning of the 80s, done research into suicide among students and in this research the researchers came across huge shortages in acetic acid content (as in: pH = 7 ½ or higher).
All hands on deck: now including the Dutch Föhn Wind
But what happens when two peculiar weather phenomena occur simultaneously, thus that by reflection of the radioactive full moon a lot more solar particles hit through everyone's head + while all the electrons in your head are ripped off by an approaching thunderstorm with 5 lightnings per second?
Solar Particles – in the science known as “Cosmic Rays”, though most of it comes from the Sun + Moon – namely, have virtually no electrons: they consist mostly of proton pairs, neutrons, neutrinos, and even negative antiprotons.
Past Saturday afternoon, many people could have still experienced this headache-effect outside, because nobody could have gone outside that Saturday afternoon without a cap on: you had to go inside and cycling without a helmet wouldn’t work at all.
Well, last Saturday, the police witnessed the weekend pub visitors who didn’t have any headgear: this experience could have been defined, according to the area of riots’ expertise, as: “SPRINGTIDE”, with capital letters indeed. And at the same time, with all kinds of measures, the many lost and drunk people were sought, and unfortunately, many people were found dead as well, dead by suicide, on the Sunday that followed.
The fire department started getting their hands full with an unusual amount of incredible rainfall that was much greater than what people simply could have attributed to a cloudburst: clouds surely stop with raining once they’re empty – but this was not the case with this huge thunderstorm. Where did all the water of this rain come from? Any ideas? As if the whole Rhine together with the Meuse was drained and then poured on us.
Yes we do know that raindrops form around dust particles/cores – but whether the electrically charged solar particles are sometimes the cores of massive hailstones is something that there is, as of yet, no credible published study of.
But unusual? Oh no.
250 years ago, the Zurich's police found that eight hours before the föhn wind starts, a marked increase in marital quarrels and strange, especially strong aggressive inoperative traffic disturbances will be observed, and in anticipation, they send out instantly 6x more police cars on the road with their flashing lights on and even with plates included, with the word “FÖHN” on it.
This is how they warn motorists to not make any fights during such moments... simply because one doesn’t have a healthy working mind during a föhn wind!
In Swiss, this even applied indoors and even at places where there virtually wasn’t any air circulation present.
Heavy headaches, non-working medicine, heart attacks, severe asthma attacks and a fast emerging spike in suicides and the Swiss authorities suddenly have their hands full on electrical weather, but actually an electron deficit.
Texas: a prediction
The question whether current extreme weather is due to a climate change, as one ethnologist claims, and especially the flood of 1953, must therefore be answered negatively after proper investigation of the former variables.
Extreme lightning behavior is largely a matter of air pollution (univ.Louisiana, 2 studies) and thus, it can already be predicted: that the state of Texas, now currently plagued by extreme fires, soon will experience extreme electric tornadoes, but they always were they already, because of their outdoor mining pollution and their forbidden flaring of their oil installations.
In the past few weeks, THE NETHERLANDS also has experienced several, and the most ignited fires and therefore had to endure a factor of 50x to frequent numbers of lightning (explanation by Univ. Louisiana), but that is also in comparison with extreme weather in earlier times quite normal, because since the invention of the Dutch tile, our weather pattern did become considerably calmer! The current weatherpattern thus does not show anything unusual that we didn’t know already, and damage that is caused by fire, lightning and hail can now be ranked, by reinsurers, under the same cause, namely the match.
*Canal rats: storms that are called canal rats, because they move along the course of the canal. Also defined as: storm depression(s) that form over the Atlantic, just before the entrance of the Canal.