Time article - America From the Road


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Time Magazine is, of course, a major gatekeeper and complicit with the PTB and all things disinfo. So, I found this article in a recent issue very interesting:

America From the Road: Encountering Anguish and Anxiety Across America
by Joe Klein

The writer traveled the country attending various rallies and political meetings, mostly of conservatives. Basically, he reveals that people know the US is no longer great, what the were taught as kids about USA #1 was bunk, they've been sold down the river by both the political "left" and "right," the MSM isn't presenting the people's real concerns, gov't is broken beyond repair, values that had stood for generations are fast-eroding or gone, there's a whole new attitude towards finance and financial obligations (poll shows 1/3 of Americans now think it's OK to walk away from a mortgage), they are totally confused about the constant state of war since 9/11, they seem to know that China is in the global financial driver's seat, etc.

It's a kind of desperation (even revolutionary kind of feelings) I don't think I've seen so candidly presented in a mainstream mag. So, I wonder what exposing this kind of thing is preparing the US for. The cover theme of the issue was one of their fear-mongering specials, this time, "extreme militias in America."
One reader's response:

What is destroying this country? I do not know why Americans hate each other so much, as they have a common philosophy and that is GREED and a common God, and that is MONEY.

Americans only want what will benefit them individually and screw what happens to the rest.

Americans only truly worship one God and it is green.

Greed, avarice and the love of money is what has destroyed this country.

There is no such a thing as being a patriot when you hate everyone else in your own country that is not of your same race, ethnicity, religion or social class.

The American Empire is dead, it was destroyed from within and without a single shot being fired - yet...
from the news of USA printed i Scandinavia, one gets the impression that the goverment desperately is trying to postpone an inevitable collapse in the economy - lots of european investors are saying they see no future for american economy.
what happens when a people, used to viewing themselves at world leaders in economy and ethics and everything else, over 10 years time find themselves with an economy in collapse, the world no longer looking up to them, 20 % unemployment and little hope for the future getting better. seems similar to germany after WWI - the sheeple ripe and ready for someone charismatic to come along and tell them where to funnel their anger.
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