"Time in Space May Alter Astronauts’ Genes"

A very good catch transientP,

From the article:
Spending long periods at low gravity may alter genes, suggests a new experiment involving a magnet-powered trick used on Earth to simulate weightlessness in space.


Humans won’t necessarily respond like fruit flies, but the system is considered an useful model for probing the effects of permanent free-fall on biology. However, it’s also possible that the gene disruption was caused by magnetism, not low gravity.

Some of the genetic changes may be due to the high magnetic field strength, but seeing as a lot of genetic changes have been demonstrated in bacterial cultures on the ISS, the gravity explanation is at least, a big part of the causative factor, especially in instances of actual weightless environments.

Thought this was interesting:
As a rule, flies raised in low gravity developed slowly and had difficulty reproducing. When the researchers examined the flies’ genetic expression, they discovered significant increases and decreases in the activities of some 500 genes. Many regulated immune response, temperature and even stress response.

Magnetic fields can cause things like proteins in the cell to align with the field lines, so these fields could be triggering responses we don’t yet understand,”
Especially in the context of the fluctuating magnetosphere of the earth.

“Everything works differently in space, including genetics,”

It has been demonstrated definitely in bacteria, that changes in gravity greatly change the epigenome. Know in an animal model in virtual weightlessness, epigenetic changes have also been shown to occur, i don't think it much of a logical leap to say that, such changes will also occur in humans & other forms of life, though the extent & degree of the changes is unknown, at least to me.

So know we have credible evidence that gravity to a great degree, and magnetism (probably even electricity) affect gene expression. (the C's are awesome) What would changes in these factors do to life on earth? Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Great find transientP, EXCELSIOR!!!
Gotta see the paper before making any statements... but surely is interesting.
I want to see exactly what genes were altered, and to what degree, if its significant... etc.



this is one of those things they discover which also seems to make sense, i mean, a change in gravitational forces should affect EVERYTHING. especially systems (i.e. the human body) which are habituated to certain levels of force.

this makes one wonder in what way we could possibly "open up" if gravity does.
Heimdallr said:
Apologies, I don't understand the context of this comment. Can either of you elaborate?
Hi Heimdallr,

It's kind of like a "onward & forward, to greater things" word. Here is what wikipedia has to say about it.
Excelsior is a Latin and archaic English word meaning "ever higher".

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excelsior

It kind of funny now that i think about it, because to get to space one must go ever higher. :lol: Gotta love puns. Hope i helped in some way.

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