Not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this since most threads seem to discuss dreams so apologies if it's in the wrong place, apologies. Call it a reflection.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago at the height of the Brazil custody case with Sean Goldman and his father, David Goldman, I couldn't help but compare this case to the strikingly similar case of Elian Gonzalez affair back in 2000, except it was in reverse. Instead of trying to reunite a son with, in that case, a Cuban father, this case involved uniting the son with an American father. Both cases involved the Supreme Court of the country (though the US refused to here an appeal that effectively demanded his return to his father, whereas the Brazilian court overturned the lower court's ruling denying his return). Though the details differed there was enough similarities that made me think back to the earlier case.
I was telling my wife this, who of course, looked at me skeptically, but I said if there's anything to time loops such as discussed here and Terrance McKenna's reference to the ever tightening spiral of time as we approach 2012 (or the Wave in this case) then we should expect a repeat of history following the events of 2000, namely a 9/11 type event. For reference I told my wife since it should occur sooner than a year after the affair, expect it within a month or so. Well sure enough hardly a week went by and the underwear bomber episode unfolds. The similarities of that event (the breakdown of security, the likely cooperation of insiders, etc.) were striking.
Now, if this theory holds we should see an immediate attack on an Afghanistan-type country (Yemen) followed by a speedier version of the events leading up to an Iraq type invasion with all the lies, propaganda, etc. Iran comes to mind, but it may not necessarily be it.
Another observation is that this latest "terror" attack was quite feeble compared to 9/11 and it may reflect to loss of control by the PTB. So if the theory holds true than a Yemen attack may be just as feeble or ineffective and the Iraq-type attack may not happen, though the attempts will be obvious.
Has anyone else noted any of these type of marker events or am I reading way too much into them?
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago at the height of the Brazil custody case with Sean Goldman and his father, David Goldman, I couldn't help but compare this case to the strikingly similar case of Elian Gonzalez affair back in 2000, except it was in reverse. Instead of trying to reunite a son with, in that case, a Cuban father, this case involved uniting the son with an American father. Both cases involved the Supreme Court of the country (though the US refused to here an appeal that effectively demanded his return to his father, whereas the Brazilian court overturned the lower court's ruling denying his return). Though the details differed there was enough similarities that made me think back to the earlier case.
I was telling my wife this, who of course, looked at me skeptically, but I said if there's anything to time loops such as discussed here and Terrance McKenna's reference to the ever tightening spiral of time as we approach 2012 (or the Wave in this case) then we should expect a repeat of history following the events of 2000, namely a 9/11 type event. For reference I told my wife since it should occur sooner than a year after the affair, expect it within a month or so. Well sure enough hardly a week went by and the underwear bomber episode unfolds. The similarities of that event (the breakdown of security, the likely cooperation of insiders, etc.) were striking.
Now, if this theory holds we should see an immediate attack on an Afghanistan-type country (Yemen) followed by a speedier version of the events leading up to an Iraq type invasion with all the lies, propaganda, etc. Iran comes to mind, but it may not necessarily be it.
Another observation is that this latest "terror" attack was quite feeble compared to 9/11 and it may reflect to loss of control by the PTB. So if the theory holds true than a Yemen attack may be just as feeble or ineffective and the Iraq-type attack may not happen, though the attempts will be obvious.
Has anyone else noted any of these type of marker events or am I reading way too much into them?