Tomb of ancient kings


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This is a dream which I had in the morning of 22 March, which is the exact time of those horrible Brussels bombings. I don’t know if this dream is connected to that, or it was simply the effect of iodine and coincided with that event. But anyway, here is the dream:

"I was in a post-apocalyptic setting, walking around with a group of people. And the members of that group were constantly fighting between each other, so the character which represented me (I was observing this dream from the third view perspective) had to divide them when needed and keep the group in order.

And one night we stopped to sleep and my character decided to sleep in the middle to make sure that nobody attack nobody. But then one member of the group saw an arrow in the ground and attacked another member, accusing him that he draw that arrow which has pointing to him. So I had to get up to divide them but then I realized that this member didn’t draw this arrow and that the arrow was actually pointing to the local cemetery which was covered by leaves from trees.

But then, when I approached the cemetery, I discovered something even more interesting. Near cemetery, under a hill, was a crematorium, where people were burned after some great plague.

For some reason, my members of the group decided to open that crematorium. I was against it, because I feared the release of some virus, but they wouldn’t listen to me.

So they opened it, and to my surprise, there was no deadly virus coming outside, but there was something else hidden inside. And that was the tomb of some ancient rulers/kings who also died during the plague.

Then my crazy group members wanted to open that tomb, which was very artistically decorated, it had like a green bronze cover that looked kinda like a shell. But the moment they started opening it I woke up."

And I had no idea what was that dream about, but it did had a very interesting flavor, and it didn’t feel at all like my normal dreams.

But I hesitated to write about it because I had no idea what it was about.

My mother also had some interesting dream that morning, not so much esoterical, but it was about our neighbor restructuring our basement, so we both had a dream about underground environments. Perhaps we were telepathically messaging each other, or perhaps we were picking the same signal. Or maybe it was just another coincidence.

But the reason why I am writing this is because this morning I woke up and somehow got an idea for a possible explanation.

I spent two days thinking about this dream, and I just could find any meaning to it. But I was sure that it was somehow special, because it just felt special. I could be wrong, of course.

So the least evening, before I went to sleep I was thinking about it a lot and couldn’t come to any conclusion, and went to sleep. But this morning an idea came to my head, without thinking about it at all.

And the idea was that perhaps those people in my group was a representation of different aspects of myself and that the guy in the middle was just some main/controlling aspect of myself/my group in the dream. And perhaps that was the reason why I wasn’t seeing through his eyes in this dream, because all these people were actually me.

And that those buried kings were my higher chakras or my higher self that ‘died’ when I lost access to it. And the crematorium meant, perhaps, the burning of the connections to my higher chakras, as in burning of the neural pathways in my brain, or something like that.

It could be wishful thinking, but who knows, maybe iodine is really doing something in my body. I’ll continue with the protocol and wait and see.
I was thinking a little bit more about the symbolism of crematorium, and this morning another explanation came to my head:

[quote author=11-26-94]
Q: (L) Do any of these emotions that we have talked about that were generated by DNA breakdown, were any of these related to what Carl Sagan discusses when he talks about the "Reptilian Brain"?

A: In a roundabout way.

Q: (L) Okay, at the time this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration?

A: It was added to all simultaneously.

Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it?

A: DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.

Q: (L) Well, the question I do have is, how many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually? How did they effect this change on all of them?

A: Light wave alteration.

Q: (L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) What was the origin of the light waves?

A: Our center. Our realm. STO. The Reptilian beings used sophisticated technology to interrupt light frequency waves.[/quote]

And the C's said that iodine can also make changes in our DNA:

[quote author=January 23rd 2016]Q: (Joe) Can I ask what was the cause of my "Saturday Night Fever"? [laughter]

A: DNA modification!

Q: (Joe) By iodine?

A: Yes. Indirectly.


(Data) I have another question about Joe's new strands. Joe asked if he got the effects just from the iodine, and the answer was indirectly. What was the other factor that triggered this?

A: Endocrine activation and chakra movement.

Q: (Pierre) It's interesting that they bring these two things together. It's usually considered as separate. But before in a previous session they said those organs that are glands are actually portals to higher densities. So the endocrine...

(Joe) They're all so-called chakra points.

(L) Mercury collects in the pineal and pituitary too...

(Joe) Everywhere.

(L) Yeah, and that's kind of your direct line.[/quote]

So, after burning off of our DNA, we lost our connection with our higher chakras/centers, and they became buried/dead to us until we find the way to restore our connection to them through our pineal and pituitary glands. After which our king and queen will come back to life and our inner kingdom, which is now wasteland, will be restored.

Well, that's my best explanation of that dream so far. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I like it. :)
I think I did it again. :)

Yesterday I was trying to figure out what was the meaning of an arrow, because it seemed to me to also be an important symbol in that dream, because it showed the direction where the tomb was. And I couldn’t figure out what would be the meaning of it, so I also tried to use the same ’technique’ by thinking about it before I go to sleep and see what happens. And the same thing happened – the moment I woke up a thought came to my head. And the thought was that was that the arrow represented a ’sex’ symbol.

Now, ’sex’ can represent several things in esoterical things, but in this case I think that the closest meaning could be the connection between endocrine glands and chakras, as in connection between ’male’ and ’female’ end. Just like when we connect our USB cable to USB port on our computers. In fact, symbol for USB is an arrow!

So, all in all, this was an interesting experience for me. :)

But this wasn’t the first time that I used this technique, although the last time I wasn’t using it consciously, it just happened. And it happened the last year while I was working on my subtitle project. Many times I would spend the whole day working on some problem and I just couldn’t find the solution. And then I would finally give up and go to sleep. But then the moment I would wake up the solution would come to my head! And almost every time it worked. Sometimes I had to modify my approach, but the obstacle was solved every time.

I didn’t think about it much at that time, but now I’m thinking that that was more than just luck and fresh brain after sleep. Perhaps I was activating some inner intelligence in that way. Just like now with this dream analysis, because I certainly wasn’t getting to the explanations by my regular thinking process. Explanations just came to me.

Of course, I could be wrong about this, but the explanations do seem plausible to me.

Another interesting synchronicity that happened was that a couple of days ago my mother asked me about the meaning of the word ’agnostic’. I explained it to her and ask her why is she asking me that, and she said that that morning she woke up and that word just popped to her mind, without obvious reason. I asked her if was she reading something about that, and she said yes, she was reading a book about a guy who was born in Iran and how he was describing the religion in that country and how he had to escape because he wasn’t a ’true believer’. And she was reading this book before sleep.

Well, I guess this never happened before to her since she was so surprised about it. I certainly had such happenings before, but those were also just some random words or thoughts. But this was only the second time that such thing became useful for me.

And now I wonder about the meaning of her dream about the rearrangement of our basement. Perhaps the meaning was that her subconsciousness was somehow getting rearranged because my subconscious is getting rearranged. This wasn’t the first time that I noted that changes in me were reflected in her weird dreams. Well, I guess I shouldn’t be too much surprised about it because we are genetically linked and all.

Well, those are just some additional thoughts of mine.
Yesterday I saw a documentary about ancient Egypt. And in that movie it was described how the dead pharaohs were been buried with an object that represented phallus because their myth told that Osiris was buried with phallus so that he can mate with the Isis, who was on the sky, and create Horus.

Osiris is the mythological father of the god Horus, whose conception is described in the Osiris myth, a central myth in ancient Egyptian belief. The myth described Osiris as having been killed by his brother Set, who wanted Osiris' throne. Isis joined the fragmented pieces of Osiris, but the only body part missing was the phallus. Isis fashioned a golden phallus, and briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. As such, since Horus was born after Osiris' resurrection, Horus became thought of as a representation of new beginnings and the vanquisher of the evil Set.

This reminded me of my interpretation of my dream that I described in this topic. I didn't know about this part of the myth before. And there is also that part about fragmented pieces of Osiris, and my dream with several different characters which I believe represented many I's of myself.

Anyway, I just found that to be interesting.
Persej said:
Yesterday I saw a documentary about ancient Egypt. And in that movie it was described how the dead pharaohs were been buried with an object that represented phallus because their myth told that Osiris was buried with phallus so that he can mate with the Isis, who was on the sky, and create Horus.

Osiris is the mythological father of the god Horus, whose conception is described in the Osiris myth, a central myth in ancient Egyptian belief. The myth described Osiris as having been killed by his brother Set, who wanted Osiris' throne. Isis joined the fragmented pieces of Osiris, but the only body part missing was the phallus. Isis fashioned a golden phallus, and briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. As such, since Horus was born after Osiris' resurrection, Horus became thought of as a representation of new beginnings and the vanquisher of the evil Set.

This reminded me of my interpretation of my dream that I described in this topic. I didn't know about this part of the myth before. And there is also that part about fragmented pieces of Osiris, and my dream with several different characters which I believe represented many I's of myself.

Anyway, I just found that to be interesting.
In your dream you speak also of shell, and the most famous shell is the shell of St. Jacques. This shell containing the pearl, porcelain is made. One has to Marco Polo this appellation. For him, the raw material of this unique pottery was a shell, the kind of Cyprae, he called porcellenosa because the shape of the shell shape reminded him of the vulva of the sow. I also read that it was perhaps the painters of the "Renaissance", which would have given this name for the same reasons. Also, is perhaps for this reason that Botticelli painted "The Birth of Venus" in a shell. If we follow your reasoning of the phallus of Osiris, there would vulva Isis..Dans of your dream you begin to describe a post-apocalyptic setting. It would thus create a new world, and it paserait the masculine / feminine. :rolleyes: To be continued in the next episode..
Hey, look at what I found!

It's the arrow that points at shell! Just like in my dream! :D

The scallop shell is one of the most iconic symbols of the Camino de Santiago and today it is used, along with the yellow arrow, to guide pilgrims heading to Santiago de Compostela along its many different routes. (...)

The scallop shell is said to be a metaphor, its lines representing the different routes pilgrims travel from all over the world, all walking trails leading to one point: the tomb of Saint James in Santiago de Compostela. (...)

But don’t let this fact confuse you, take the scallop shell as a symbol of the Camino, reassuring you you are on the right path! The scallops are most of the time placed next to a yellow arrow so always follow the arrows (no confusion here!), as they are the most accurate ‘road signs’ to follow.

So we have an arrow, a shell and a tomb. All the elements from my dream. :)

Laura also wrote about Camino de Santiago Compostela here:

Shell as a symbol for vulva? Interesting, never thought about that. Thank you Kisito.

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