According to The Weather Network news tree cover loss is at an all time high. Despite the effort of tree planting in other countries the global loss is increasing with man made forest fires and toxic emissions due to oil/gas and logging operations. It was inevitable that we would see these trends hike up the chart since the days of activists chaining themselves to trees. If the pattern continues we're gonna see a lot more damage in the name of human profit.
Researchers are quick to point out that at least some of the tree loss is "temporary" -- but it will take some time for forests to replenish.
Between 2011 and 2013, 43,000 square kilometres of northern boreal forest were destroyed in Russia. Canada saw a loss of 24,500 square kilometres during the same time frame.
Both regions have experienced an unusually high rate of forest fires in recent years, exacerbated by dry conditions.
Oil, gas and logging operations have also played a role.