Topper - "Biting The Brainwave Burglars"


The Force is Strong With This One
I was looking around for additional Michael Topper work on the internet and found this article:

The article describes three methods for dealing with "the shadow government's ability to know where you are, listen to your thoughts and interfere with your thought patterns and with your pain centers."

These methods are:

1) Whole-Charger Breathing (described also in this forum post:
2) Visualizing the Banishing Star Pentagram
3) Hounds of Heaven

I've search the Cassiopeae forum and found nothing on items 2) and 3). Can anyone shed some light on the usefulness of these two? Concerns/dangers?

If you are still interested I have the information you are looking for.

Items 2) and 3) are visualisation exercises.
Charliez said:
If you are still interested I have the information you are looking for.

Items 2) and 3) are visualisation exercises.

Since this is your second post on this forum it will be nice if you introduce yourself and write some more detail how you find the forum in the newbie section.It's like a common rule for all new forum members.:)
Charliez said:
If you are still interested I have the information you are looking for.

Items 2) and 3) are visualisation exercises.

I would be interested in the above as well, once you have posted you introduction Charliez. Michael Topper has written some very interesting stuff, of note this article that Laura had written some time back here.

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