Jedi Master
I've been stumbling a few times in abduction research on stories about tornadoes linked to ETs.
Once, - I forgot the source, maybe Linda Moulton Howe - it was an abduction beginning with a mini-tornado, or dust devil. Than, the abductee had a missing time.
Tornadoes have also been linked to mutilations :
It's not new, and there are abductees who have a phobia of tornadoes.
In the books of Castaneda, there are similar stories :
In Olga Karitidi's first book, you have this story :
Once, - I forgot the source, maybe Linda Moulton Howe - it was an abduction beginning with a mini-tornado, or dust devil. Than, the abductee had a missing time.
Tornadoes have also been linked to mutilations :
Argentina: Tornadoes and Cattle Mutilations in Argentina
By Silvia Pérez Simondini, Vision OVNI
[Paranormal research outside the U.S. tends to be physically harder due to the lack of easy access to rural areas. This November 2007 report from Silvia Perez Simondini bears witness to the hardships involved with confirming claims of a possible cattle mutilation]
A tornado occurred in the city of Rosario on October 25, 2007. It toppled the television towers belonging to Channels 3 and 5 and the CTI tower as well.
That same night, an incident took place in Victoria which stunned rural residents, who had never witnessed an incident similar to what happened on that occasion.
There is a small body of water called Las Coveras which emerges from the larger Laguna del Pescado. 15 dead cows were found in its waters, some 150 meters away from the shore. The animals had been pasturing in an adjacent field, so it was believed that the storm had lifted them into the air and then dropped their carcasses into the lagoon. The cattleman who informed us of this case, and who has asked to remain anonymous, could not bring himself to believe that this could have been the work of the high winds, as the herd of animals included a bull weighing in excess of 600 kilograms.
The cattleman’s son gave us some slightly confusing clues from which conjectures cannot be drawn, but which led us to look into the subject. He told us that the animal nearest the shore had a circular incision in its back. The rear of the herd had been pointing to the North, which led us to believe that if this event had been the result of the tornado activity, the animals would have been scattered everywhere at random. But since there is no evidence to support this claim, we delved deeper into our investigation.
We visited the area with Pablo Puchet, a member of our team, carrying with us the necessary elements with which to carry out research. Another friend, Javier Rojas, kindly lead us to the site, some 15 km distant from Victoria.
We then had to cross a cornfield, dodging and jumping over barbed wire, to be able to reach the cattleman’s location. We found him with his farmhands engaged in the task of castrating horses – a task I had never seen before and which frankly did not amuse me. We presented ourselves and the men began to tell us their stories
These accounts, told by each of the farmers, are quite possibly the most rewarding aspect of the research, [as they have witnessed odd phenomena] in the wilderness for years. In some cases, they have felt true terror. As time went by, the invited us to share a delicious roast with them. I asked them if it was possible to reach the site where the events took place, and the reply floored me: it was only possible to get there on horseback, and was many leagues distant from this location.
As we had already collected the interviews, we set off on the return journey, with the difference that now we didn’t have a guide to lead us back to the road, some 6 km distant, and to negotiate the barbed wire and the cornfields. This would have not been so onerous if it hadn’t started to rain, but the prevailing heat allowed us to shoulder the burden with dignity.
Upon returning to Victoria, I got in touch with someone who could take me to the site, but by river. That’s when I discovered that when the water level dropped, not even a boat can come close to the spot. The task has been less than fruitful, but it is imperative to find out the location of the carcasses, if only to verify the incisions and the position they were found in. We will have to brace ourselves and do what we must.
This, for the moment, is the report of the events. I hope to be able to see for myself the report given by the cattleman, who asked me again not to disclose his name. This is a request that we always respect from rural people to insure that they continue to place their trust in us, and inform us of any developments.
(Translation (c) 2007 S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez)
It's not new, and there are abductees who have a phobia of tornadoes.
In the books of Castaneda, there are similar stories :
"To know that, you have to learn much more. We are again at the beginning, almost as on the first day you
came over and asked me to tell you about Mescalito, and I could not because you would not have understood.
That other side is the world of diableros. I think it would be best to tell you my own feelings in the same way my
benefactor told me his. He was a diablero and a warrior; his life was inclined towards the force and the violence
of the world. But I am neither of them. That is my nature. You have seen my world from the start. As to showing
you the world of my benefactor, I can only put you at the door, and you will have to decide for yourself; you will
have to learn about it by your effort alone. I must admit now that I made a mistake. It is much better, I see now,
to start the way I did, myself. Then it is easier to realize how simple and yet how profound the difference is. A
diablero is a diablero, and a warrior is a warrior. Or a man can be both. There are enough people who are both.
But a man who only traverses the paths of life is everything. Today I am neither a warrior nor a diablero. For me
there is only the traveling on the paths that have a heart, on any path that may have a heart. There I travel, and
the only worthwhile challenge for me is to traverse its full length. And there I travel - looking, looking,
He paused. His face revealed a peculiar mood; he seemed to be unusually serious. I did not know what to ask
or to say. He proceeded:
"The particular thing to learn is how to get to the crack between the worlds and how to enter the other world.
There is a crack between the two worlds, the world of the diableros and the world of living men. There is a place
where the two worlds overlap. The crack is there. It opens and closes like a door in the wind. To get there a man
must exercise his will. He must, I should say, develop an indomitable desire for it, a single-minded dedication.
But he must do it without the help of any power or any man. The man by himself must ponder and wish up to a
moment in which his body is ready to undergo the journey. That moment is announced by prolonged shaking of
the limbs and violent vomiting. The man usually cannot sleep or eat, and wanes away. When the convulsions do
not stop the man is ready to go, and the crack between the worlds appears right in front of his eyes, like a
monumental door, a crack that goes up and down. When the crack opens the man has to slide through it. It is
hard to see on the other side of the boundary. It is windy, like a sandstorm. The wind whirls around. The man
then must walk in any direction. It will be a short or a long journey, depending on his willpower. A strong-willed
man journeys shortly. An undecided, weak man journeys long and precariously. After this journey the man
arrives at a sort of plateau. It is possible to distinguish some of its features clearly. It is a plane above the ground.
It is possible to recognize it by the wind, which there becomes even more violent, whipping, roaring all around.
On top of that plateau is the entrance to that other world. And there stands a skin that separates the two worlds;
dead men go through it without a noise, but we have to break it with an outcry. The wind gathers strength, the
same unruly wind that blows on the plateau. When the wind has gathered enough force, the man has to yell and
the wind will push him through. Here his will has to be inflexible, too, so that he can fight the wind. All he needs
is a gentle shove; he does not need to be blown to the ends of the other world. Once on the other side, the man
will have to wander around.
I went back
and forth from the tonal to the nagual eleven times. Every time, however, I was received by
Porfirio who instructed me further. Every time my strength waned I restored it in the nagual until
a time when I restored it so much that I found myself back on this earth."
"Dona Soledad told me that Eligio didn't have to jump into the abyss," I said.
"He jumped with Benigno," Nestor said. "Ask him, he'll tell you in his favorite voice."
I turned to Benigno and asked him about his jump.
"You bet we jumped together!" he replied in a blasting voice. "But I never talk about it."
"What did Soledad say Eligio did?" Nestor asked.
I told them that dona Soledad had said that Eligio was twirled by a wind and left the world
while he was working in an open field.
"She's thoroughly confused," Nestor said. "Eligio was twirled by the allies. But he didn't want
any of them, so they let him go. That has nothing to do with the jump. La Gorda said that you had
a bout with allies last night; I don't know what you did, but if you had wanted to catch them or
entice them to stay with you, you had to spin with them. Sometimes they come of their own
accord to the sorcerer and spin him. Eligio was the best warrior there was so the allies came to
him of their own accord. If any of us want the allies, we would have to beg them for years, and
even if we did, I doubt that the allies would consider helping us.
In Olga Karitidi's first book, you have this story :
The rain finally stopped and the clouds cleared quickly away, blown by strong winds from the east
There was silence and an almost full darkness outside my window Through the open balcony door, the
fresh breeze carried a pleasant smell of wet leaves and moist asphalt into my apartment from the
night street
I turned off the light and walked onto the balcony for a last look at the evening sky The entire city lay
before me, reminding me of a giant passenger ship with lights glowing brightly from the portholes in
its sides Yet in reality this seemingly vast, luminescent city was only a little earth splinter, its lights
insignificant beneath the thousands of brilliant stars that twinkled above it in the clear, peaceful night
Suddenly, as I stood at the railing of my narrow balcony breathing the soft, fragrant air, one of the
stars began to grow bigger and brighter than the others Then the sky seemed to be torn apart,
swirling violently as if the funnel of a huge tornado were rushing closer and closer, filling my vision
I feel an enormous unknown -power approaching, and I know I am being called once again to another
place, another time It is too late to escape or even to he afraid, although 1 am so accustomed to the
"unusual" by now that I might not feel fear even if there were time for it.
Within a blink of my eyes, the entire scene changes. Where a moment before there was only the clear
night sky, now bright sunlight fills my vision. I am floating high above the ground in a place I have
never seen before. My mind works differently now, as if I were a new person, with no memory of the
past. I am not afraid, just aware and responsive. I know I was brought here for a purpose. I trust this
knowledge and wait.
As I float closer to the ground, I can see a grassy plain below me. The grass is spring green, tall, and
full of newborn life, waving in the breeze. I can smell its fragrance, and this purely physical sensation
helps me let go of other thoughts and centers me here.
Suddenly, loud drumming from my right commands my attention. My sense of smell has already
pulled me into this new place, and now my sense of hearing deepens my connection with it. My body
moves easily in the air, and I turn to the right toward the drumbeat. The scene that unfolds is one I
could never have imagined.
Ten men, twenty-five to forty years old, their hair tied back in long ponytails, are dancing below me in
a circle. Their clothes look strange to me, with muted, soft, earth tones decorated with patterns of
geometric designs like nothing I have ever seen before. The drumming is constant, and while the
men's movements are graceful, there is an unmistakable urgency in their dance. As I float closer to
get a better look, I become aware of a woman lying in the middle of the circle. The men move and
turn around her in their dance, a look of great intensity on their faces. There are no sounds except the
insistent drumbeats.
At first I don't understand why the men look so unusual to me, but as I notice more and more details,
I realize their faces show an awareness and connection with their ceremony that the people of our
modern world have lost. I realize that they are ancient beings and that I arw experiencing something that happened many thousands of years ago (.....)
My work finished, I am raised by' an unseen energy' and float above the scene once again. I fly higher
and higher. Just as everything below dissolves into distance, I see again the eyes of the old woman.
She is still looking at me, still smoking her pipe, totally aware of my presence and who I am. I see
gratitude in her face. In the moment of change where everything dissolves, I recognize the old woman
as Umai, my old friend and teacher, in yet another manifestation.
Then I am again standing on my balcony, the night sky still brilliant before me. The transition between
my journey and return to "reality," if indeed either is more real than the other, is quick and complete.
Although I am a woman who lives in the modern twentieth-century world, by now I have learned to
accept these experiences that were once so foreign to me.
Suddenly, I hear inside my head the words, "These people lived in a very distant past. In their rituals
and ceremonies, performed many thousands of years ago, they knew precisely how to penetrate the
barriers of space and time. They could reach the energy of people living in the future, and they knew
how to integrate that energy into their ceremonies."