Tortured & Enslaved: Enter the World's Biggest Prison


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Abby Martin has a new show on teleSUR, called The Empire Files. In the episode "Tortured & Enslaved: Enter the World's Biggest Prison" she tackles the prison system. No matter how many times I see the truth about these 'prisons' I'm always shocked and disguted a little bit more.

This episode is an unbelievably heartbreaking story of how many objectively innocent individuals are incarcerated, tortured, and sexually abused, simply because they were the wrong race, poor, mentally ill, and/or addicted to drugs. Obviously there is no justice here - the prisons are for social control and slave labor. So while snakes in suits get away with stealing trillions of dollars from the public, committing crimes against millions of people, a schizophrenic is locked away and abused for decades in the 'justice system'.

The Empire holds by far the most prisoners than any other country on earth, in both absolute numbers and per capita. Abby Martin explores the dark reality of America's prisons: their conditions, who is warehoused in them, and the roots of mass incarceration.

Featuring interviews with Eddie Conway, former political prisoner unjustly incarcerated for 44 years, and Eugene Puryear, author of "Shackled and Chained, Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America."

An excellent expose. These inmates are literally being fed upon by the capitalist system. Truly barbaric and inhumane. :(

Thanks for posting, Hesper.
Just saw this on SOTT: said:
David Stojcevski, a 32-year-old resident of Roseville, Michigan, was arrested for failing to pay a $772 fine stemming from careless driving. A court ordered him to spend a month in the Macomb County jail.

Over the next 17 days of his incarceration in a brightly lit cell—where he was denied clothing—he lost 50 pounds, suffered convulsions, and eventually began to hallucinate. He died in agony, from a combination of obvious, untreated drug withdrawal and galling neglect.

Making matters worse (if anything could be worse than that), the entirety of his demise was captured on jail surveillance footage. Indeed, Stojcevski was under self-harm watch—stemming for a profound misdiagnosis of his condition, which was drug addiction, not mental instability—and jail officials were supposed to be watching him constantly. Either their vigilance was inadequate, or they watched and simply didn't care.

How disgusting, to leave a man dying, naked and alone, for 17 days. His fate, and the fate of his family, is barely a blip on the headlines that's drowned by the next day's flood of atrocities.
Adobe said:
thank you for posting Hesper, it is a sobering documentary.

I agree. I've watched quite a few prison documentaries and the conditions in jails and prisons are unreal. It seems like everything that can possibly be done to strip people of their sense of humanity and normalcy is enacted. I applaud people who go to prison and are able to emerge better than when they went in, finding a new purpose in life.
I became acquainted with six people who were sentenced to prison (not as a group - each was a different situation). From their accounts and from my visiting and correspondence with them, I can attest to this documentary's accuracy. Thanks for posting.
Odyssey said:
Adobe said:
thank you for posting Hesper, it is a sobering documentary.

I agree. I've watched quite a few prison documentaries and the conditions in jails and prisons are unreal. It seems like everything that can possibly be done to strip people of their sense of humanity and normalcy is enacted. I applaud people who go to prison and are able to emerge better than when they went in, finding a new purpose in life.

So true. I also applaud those people who help ex-convicts transition back into the community. I couldn't imagine going through an experience like that, especially with some sort of a mental illness or addiction, only to try making it on my own, with next to nothing at all, in such an unforgiving society.
Menrva said:
An excellent expose. These inmates are literally being fed upon by the capitalist system. Truly barbaric and inhumane. :(

Thanks for posting, Hesper.

I would also like to express Thank-you for posting this Documentary, Hesper. Barbaric and humane seems to run from the top of the U.S. Government and down to the local levels. It has lost it's "moral compass" of what humanity is all about - in it's simplest forms.

I have often wondered, if psychopaths have some type of built-in-instinct, that automatically makes them attack and maim those who have a higher frequency, Like they can't handle the "upper vibrational - hum" that surrounds a normal souled human being, much like opposite poles repelling each other? It seems, they isolate themselves in little clusters, place themselves on high pedestals and work their way into a dominate position, so they can exercise power over other's, creating a divide that gives them space "away" from us, while controlling us from a distance with their rules and regulations. They have their private Clubs, build massive Mansions and gated communities - to keep us separated. It's like, they have divided the Earth into exclusive areas for their own use and keep moving us into condensed areas, not only for control but to keep us away from them? If you really think of it, the prison system, in many ways, is just another way of confining and condensing more of the population in a given area? This "climate change and carbon foot print" nonsense gives the impression, that souled humans (by their very presents) are an alien form on this Planet and need to be exterminated for the 1% real Alien's - to live happy ever after? (They need to go back to their spaceships and find another Planet to play on?) By our nature, human's weren't meant to live in confinement or isolated to the natural environment.

Presently, for what is happening inside the U.S., to it's citizen's and environment, we maybe close to "breaking point" in demanding changes and it's going to get ugly.

Along with the Documentary above, this detailed investigation might be of interest?

REVEALED: The boom and bust of the CIA’s secret torture sites
Millions of people talk about how horrible the justice system is. No one does anything about it.
Psychopaths would more likely align themselves with those who have a higher frequency. If I'm not mistaken they prefer to go for damaged goods. They want someone who allows/tolerates the abuse. No self-respecting person allows abuse for very long.
Odyssey said:
Adobe said:
thank you for posting Hesper, it is a sobering documentary.

I agree. I've watched quite a few prison documentaries and the conditions in jails and prisons are unreal. It seems like everything that can possibly be done to strip people of their sense of humanity and normalcy is enacted. I applaud people who go to prison and are able to emerge better than when they went in, finding a new purpose in life.

This reminds me something I read recently in a book about a totally different subject (Thierry Janssen, La maladie a-t-elle un sens ? [Has Disease a Meaning ?]) and which at a moment talks about Viktor Frankl (, a neuropsychiatrist who survived Auschwitz. For him, the most important thing is the meaning one can give to life. And for him, there's 3 ways to give meaning to existence, 3 big reasons to keep to live : accomplish a work or a good action, know and love something or someone, accept an inevitable suffering.
I'm not gonna lie. I only got through the first half of the video. Too sad for me to continue. Thanks for posting the world (especially Americans need to see this.).
I know a few folks locked up. I had to cut the video short. When I have a little more nerve I'll watch the rest.
Captainmurphy said:
I'm not gonna lie. I only got through the first half of the video. Too sad for me to continue. Thanks for posting the world (especially Americans need to see this.).
I know a few folks locked up. I had to cut the video short. When I have a little more nerve I'll watch the rest.

Just curious if you had a chance to watch the video, and what you thought about it. It's definitely not easy to see look at how psychopathic this world is, especially knowing how many people actually like the world the way it is.

Saw this article up on SOTT: said:
Despite the negative publicity covered extensively in recent years of police brutality and use of excessive force on unarmed US citizens, until now police raping US citizens has largely remained under the media's radar. Reasons? A "patchwork" of laws, "piecemeal" reporting and victims too traumatized and fearful to register complaints and charges. Plus one third of the cases where 1000 cops lost their jobs involved assault victims 17 years old or younger. Most of the victims of police misconduct are poor, often have drug problems or have had some prior run-ins with the law. Thus, predatory cops who rape consciously select their victims amongst those who are most unlikely and least powerful to try and ever hold them accountable.

Just unbelievable, and how many authoritarians believe that, just because police have 'authority' that they can do whatever they want? No wonder police departments have a bad reputation for sexual assault and domestic violence victims. Disgusting.
Hesper said:
Saw this article up on SOTT: said:
Despite the negative publicity covered extensively in recent years of police brutality and use of excessive force on unarmed US citizens, until now police raping US citizens has largely remained under the media's radar. Reasons? A "patchwork" of laws, "piecemeal" reporting and victims too traumatized and fearful to register complaints and charges. Plus one third of the cases where 1000 cops lost their jobs involved assault victims 17 years old or younger. Most of the victims of police misconduct are poor, often have drug problems or have had some prior run-ins with the law. Thus, predatory cops who rape consciously select their victims amongst those who are most unlikely and least powerful to try and ever hold them accountable.

Just unbelievable, and how many authoritarians believe that, just because police have 'authority' that they can do whatever they want? No wonder police departments have a bad reputation for sexual assault and domestic violence victims. Disgusting.

Disgusting but not shocking. This information was bound to come out sooner or later. Police brutality is not just confined to beating people up. It comes in all sorts of terrible flavors. Some cops can be really sick.
Hesper said:
Captainmurphy said:
I'm not gonna lie. I only got through the first half of the video. Too sad for me to continue. Thanks for posting the world (especially Americans need to see this.).
I know a few folks locked up. I had to cut the video short. When I have a little more nerve I'll watch the rest.

Just curious if you had a chance to watch the video, and what you thought about it. It's definitely not easy to see look at how psychopathic this world is, especially knowing how many people actually like the world the way it is.

Saw this article up on SOTT: said:
Despite the negative publicity covered extensively in recent years of police brutality and use of excessive force on unarmed US citizens, until now police raping US citizens has largely remained under the media's radar. Reasons? A "patchwork" of laws, "piecemeal" reporting and victims too traumatized and fearful to register complaints and charges. Plus one third of the cases where 1000 cops lost their jobs involved assault victims 17 years old or younger. Most of the victims of police misconduct are poor, often have drug problems or have had some prior run-ins with the law. Thus, predatory cops who rape consciously select their victims amongst those who are most unlikely and least powerful to try and ever hold them accountable.

Just unbelievable, and how many authoritarians believe that, just because police have 'authority' that they can do whatever they want? No wonder police departments have a bad reputation for sexual assault and domestic violence victims. Disgusting.
Yes I did end up watching the rest. Very informative but also very disturbing.

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