Traducción, Por favor


Dagobah Resident
Hola. Suelo utilizar un traductor para publicar post,pero según que cosas escribo pueden malinterpretarse cuado son traducidas, y este post quisiera que se entendiera perfectamente. ¿Alguien podría traducir este texto para poder pubicarlo y compartirlo? Muchas Gracias

este es el texto

No diré nada nuevo, pero sí puedo decir lo que siento y veo en mí y en las personas que me rodean, que, por subjetivo que sea, es un paso necesario para llegar a la objetividad.

Podemos leer y leer y leer, podemos saber la teoría de esto o lo otro, podemos parafrasear a aquel o aquella ... hacerlo está muy bien, hasta cierto punto. ¿Dónde está el límite entre el pensar por uno mismo y ser pensado por otros? Absorbo una información, y luego discierno sobre ella. ¿En base a qué? A los patrones adquiridos anteriormente, a la experiencia vivida, etc. ¿Cómo sé que estoy en lo cierto, si es que existe tal certeza buscada?

Somos autómatas. Adquirimos unas habilidades físicas y mentales que nos configuran y el resultado es lo que somos. Además el humano reacciona y vive condicionado por el exterior, es decir, que según los impulsos externos actúa de una manera u otra. Por decirlo de una manera, no es “dueño” de sí mismo, no tiene auténtico control sobre la situación, simplemente reacciona ante lo externo según lo aprendido por la experiencia, lo inculcado por la familia, la sociedad, los profesores y todo aquello que configura nuestra vida directa o indirectamente.

Trabajo que considero importante: El darme cuenta de los programas que me configuran, sabiendo en todo momento qué me ocurre y por qué razón me ocurre. Es decir, no saber cómo soy, si no saber por qué soy como soy. Y con un trabajo constante voy desestructurando programas que no me pertenecían realmente, que eran patrones de otros. Claro que, realmente, ¿quién me dice que el hacer esto no es un programa más? La lectura y las técnicas que conozco para trabajar son una herramienta necesaria para ello, y hago lo posible para no ser pensado por otros aunque lo que adquiera sea de gran valía: en todo caso yo tengo la última palabra.

Puedo seguir mis intuiciones creyendo que eso es lo correcto. ¿Y si ésas intuiciones son también programas? He de reconocer que en ocasiones doy vueltas a este tema, aunque sé que no es la solución acertada para continuar; por ello no freno en mi empeño de continuar mi camino, y aun con dudas, sigo. Evito los intelectualismos, ya que he podido comprobar que las personas excesivamente intelectuales son como ordenadores con una serie de programas instalados (valga la redundancia) que parafrasean y “creen” que opinan por su cuenta, cosa que no es cierta en la mayoría de los casos. Además es evidente que el lenguaje no es precisamente la mejor vía para transmitir ciertos conocimientos y se queda obsoleto en muchas ocasiones. Diciendo esto me refiero a que se puede tener mucha teoría, pero si no se llega a la práctica, al sentir, toda teoría y conocimiento es inútil, sirve tan sólo para hablar de algo que no se ha vivido y que posiblemente no pertenece a quien lo cuenta.

Por otro lado, también se ha de ser consciente cuando se “siente”; también hay que discernir sobre ello, y para conseguirlo es necesario estar informado.

Entonces: No me creo nada al 100%, e intento mantenerme equilibrado en las cuestiones que he tratado más arriba; camino para alcanzar un objetivo que ahora desconozco, y es muy divertido!!!
Hi Eongar,

Please use an automatic translator first (for example, google translator). Then go through the translation and edit the text so it will flow better and be more accurate. Then someone can have a look at it and make necessary corrections. Post your message also in Spanish so people can compare it.

In that way you make an effort for learning purposes without leaving all the responsibility to the translators who are already multitasking with many projects.

So first, try to do it yourself. I'm sure Spanish members will be happy to help you, making corrections.
Esta es la traducción al inglés del texto. ¿Es correcto? ¿dice lo mismo queen castellano? Muchas graciasy perdón por las molestias.

I will not say anything new, but I can say what I feel and see me and the people around me, which by subjective it is, is a necessary step to reach objectivity.

We can read and read and read, you know the theory of something or other, we can paraphrase the man or woman ... it is fine to some extent. Where is the boundary between the thinking for oneself and be thought by others? I absorb information and discern about it then. "Based on what? A previously obtained patterns, to lived experience, and so on. How do I know I am right, if there is such a certainty sought?

We are robots. Acquiring physical skills and mental shape us and the result is what we are. Besides the human subject reacts and lives on the outside, ie by external impulses acting in one way or another. To put it in a way, is not "owner" of himself, has no real control over the situation, simply reacts to the outside as learned by experience, as inculcated by the family, society, teachers and all that shapes our lives directly or indirectly.

Working as important: the program realize that I configured, knowing at any moment what happens to me and why I think. That is, not knowing how I am, if not know why I am who I am. And with a constant work going unstructured programs that do not belong to me really, who were employers of others. Of course, really, who tells me that doing this is not another program? Reading and the techniques I know to work are a necessary tool for this, and do his best not to be thought by others even as purchased is of great value: in any case I have the last word.

I still believe that my intuition is right. What if those intuitions are also programs? I must admit that sometimes I turn to this issue, although I know that is not the right way to go, why not stop in my determination to continue my journey, and even with doubts, I am. I avoid the intellectuals, as I have seen that people are overly intellectual and computers with a number of programs installed (forgive the redundancy) who paraphrased and "believe" are saying on their own, which is not true in most cases. Furthermore it is clear that language is not exactly the best way to convey some knowledge and becomes obsolete on many occasions. Saying this I mean that you can have a lot of theory, but if he comes to practice, to feel, all theories and knowledge is useless, serves only to talk about something that has not experienced and may not belong to those who relates.

On the other hand, also needs to be aware when they "feel" we must also discern it, and to do needs to be informed.

Then: I do not think anything at 100% and try to stay balanced on the issues I have discussed above; way to achieve a goal that now know, and it is fun!
Ok, I'm not good with syntaxis nor any language for that matter, but I'm sure the translators will step in if I didn't conveyed what you meant. Make sure to read your translation and mine to see the differences:

I will not say anything new, but I can say what I feel and see in myself and in the people around me, which as subjective as it is, it is still a necessary step to reach objectivity.

We can read and read and read, we can know the theory of something or other, we can paraphrase someone... it is fine to do it to some extent. Where is the boundary between thinking for oneself and been thought by others? I absorb information and then I discern it. Based on what? In previously obtained patterns, in lived experience, and so on. How do I know if I am right, if there is such sought certainty?

We are robots. We acquire physical and mental skills which shape us and the result is what we are. Besides, human beings react and live conditioned by external factors, ie by external impulses he acts in one way or another. To put it in a way, he is not "owner" of himself, he has no real control over the situation, he simply reacts to external factors as learned by experience, as inculcated by the family, society, teachers and all that shapes our lives directly or indirectly.

Work that I consider important: to realize about the programs which configure me, knowing at any moment what happens to me and why. That is, not knowing how I am, but knowing why I am as I am. And with constant work, I deprogram myself from that which really doesn't belong to me, but which belonged to others. But who tells me that doing this is yet not another program? Reading and the techniques that I know to work with are necessary tools for this, and I do my best in order to not to be thought by others even if what I acquire is of great value: in any case I have the last word.

I can follow my intuition thinking that it is right. What if those intuitions are also programs? I must admit that sometimes I come back to this issue, although I know that is not the right way to go. That is why I don't stop in my determination to continue my journey, and even with doubts, I keep going. I avoid intellectualisms, as I have seen that people who are overly intellectual are like computers with a number of programs installed (forgive the redundancy) who paraphrase and "believe" that their opinions are their own, which is not true in most cases. Furthermore it is clear that language is not exactly the best way to convey some knowledge and it becomes obsolete on many occasions. With this I mean that you can have a lot of theory, but if you don't put it into practice, nor feel it, then all theories and knowledge are useless, it serves only to talk about something that has not been experienced and may not belong to the one who is talking about it.

On the other hand, we must also be aware when we "feel", and we must also discern about what we feel. For this, we need to be informed.

Then: I do not believe anything at 100% and I try to stay balanced on the issues I have discussed above; a way to achieve a goal that I still don't know, and it is fun!

Muchas veces me he preguntado lo mismo y creo que es parte del “juego” esa confusión que se puede generar. Independiente de las causas de esas confusiones, quizá lo bueno es que con esto “obligadamente” se ponen a prueba los “reales” motivos que nos mueven y que bien puede ser “inversionismo” (Ego, STS, programas) o el “camino del Corazón” (STO) planteado por don Juan Matus y los Cs… y volvemos al mismo punto en cuanto a que la clave radica en observarse a uno mismo segundo a segundo, ser muy autocritico y sumamente observador de las reacciones emocionales como rabias, celos, ternuras, amores, miedos, rechazos, odios, gustos, etc., en la propia mente que es en donde esta la lucha más grande y que es personal… hasta el miedo te puede impulsar a salir del “gallinero”, pero como dice don Juan “ten miedo pero no te aterres”. Todo esto en base a la Fé y al afecto… creo que siempre hay alguien a nuestro alrededor a quien amamos y que merece nuestro máximo esfuerzo en este sentido… en mi caso confieso que a veces el cansancio, la monotonía y la desperanza tienden muchas veces a atraparme y a dejarme sin salida, pero el intento constante en base al afecto es la clave y por supuesto la Fé y confianza de que todo un buen día cambiará…



I have often wondered the same thing and I think that is part of the "game" the confusion that can arise. Independent of the causes of these confusions, perhaps the good thing is that this "forced" will test the "real" motives that drive us and that may well be an "investor" (Ego, STS, programs) or the "way of heart "(STO) raised by Don Juan Matus and Cs ... and return to the same point in that the key is to observe oneself every second, be very self-critical and highly observer of emotional reactions as anger, jealousy, tenderness, love, fear, rejection, hatred, tastes, etc.., in your own mind that this is where the biggest fight and that is personal ... even you can drive fear to out of the "henhouse"... Don Juan says; "be afraid but do not panic." All this on the basis is Faith and affection ... I think someone is always around us whom we love and deserve our best effort in this direction ... in my case I confess that sometimes fatigue, monotony and hopelessness are frequently designed to trap me and ends, but the constant attempt on the basis of affection is the key and of course Faith and trust that one day everything will change ..
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